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Baris 20:
* [[Ronan Fanning]], ''Independent Ireland''. Helicon, Dublin, 1983.
* Bob Rowthorn and Naomi Wayne, ''Northern Ireland: The Political Economy of Conflict''. Polity Press, Cambridge,
* 1988. ISBN 0745605354
* Daltún Ó Ceallaigh, ''Labour, Nationalism and Irish Freedom''. Léirmheas, Dublin, 1991. ISBN 0951877704
* Vincent J. Delacy Ryan, ''Ireland Restored: the New Self-determination''. Freedom House, New York, 1991. ISBN 0932088597
Baris 28 ⟶ 26:
* Patrick J. Roche and Brian Barton, ''The Northern Ireland Question: Nationalism, Unionism and Partition'' Ashgate, Aldershot, 1999. ISBN 1840144904
* Catherine O'Donnell, ''Fianna Fail, Irish Republicanism and the Northern Ireland Troubles, 1968-2005''.
* Irish Academic Press, Dublin, 2007. ISBN 9780716528593
* Richard Humphreys, ''Countdown to Unity: Debating Irish Reunification''. Irish Academic Press, Dublin, 2008. ISBN 9780716533474
[[Kategori:Politik Republik Irlandia]]