Amerisium dioksida: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Ahmad Alkimya (bicara | kontrib)
←Membuat halaman berisi '{{Chembox | Verifiedfields = changed | Watchedfields = changed | verifiedrevid = 404138578 | ImageFile = | ImageFile_Ref = {{Chemboximage|correct|yes}} | ImageSize = 244 | ImageName = Amerisium dioksida | IUPACName = Amerisium(IV) oksida | SystematicName = |Section1={{Chembox Identifiers | CASNo_Ref = {{cascite|correct|??}} | CASNo = 12005-67-3 | PubChem = 57461988 | EC_number = 234-471-0 | MeSHName = | SMILES = [O--].[O--].[Am+4] | StdInChI = 1S/Am.2O/q+4;2*-...'
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Ahmad Alkimya (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 33:
| LattConst_a = 537.6 pm<ref name="cry">{{cite journal |author1=Christine Guéneau |author2=Alain Chartier |author3=Paul Fossati |author4=Laurent Van Brutzel |author5=Philippe Martin |title=Thermodynamic and Thermophysical Properties of the Actinide Oxides |journal=Comprehensive Nuclear Materials 2nd Ed. |date=2020 |volume=7 |pages=111-154 |doi=10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.11786-2 |language=en}}</ref>}}
'''Amerisium dioksida''' (AmO<sub>2</sub>) adalah senyawa hitam<ref name = G&E>{{cite book | last1 = Greenwood | first1 = Norman N. | last2 = Earnshaw | first2 = Alan | title = Chemistry of the Elements | edition = 2nd | year = 1997 | publisher = [[Pergamon Press]] | isbn = 978-0750633659 | page = 1267 | name-list-style = amp | ol = OL689297M | oclc = 1005231772 | lccn = 97036336 }}</ref> dari [[amerisium]]. Dalam keadaan padat AmO<sub>2</sub> mengadopsi struktur fluorit, CaF<sub>2</sub>.<ref>{{Cite book | last1 = Wells | first1 = Alexander Frank | title = Structural inorganic chemistry | year = 1984 | publisher = [[Clarendon Press]] | location = Oxford | isbn = 978-0-19-855370-0}}</ref> Ini digunakan sebagai sumber partikel alfa .