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Baris 319:
Some [[environmentalist]]s claim that the domestication of cats is harmful to the environment, and that excessive cat populations result in the overhunting of many small animals and birds in both urban and rural areas, possibly disrupting the food chain and limiting local species' populations. Throughout the centuries, as humans took advantage of the domestic cat's hunting skills, few had regard for their habitat and care, and far fewer thought to practice good [[animal husbandry]]. This created many pockets of excessive populations and local imbalances; however, with intervention and management, most especially spay and neuter programs, the disruptions and chaos in both the feline's life cycle as well as its prey can easily be avoided, and the positive effects these small and vital predators have in the appropriate environments can be observed and appreciated.-->
== Kucing dan
[[Berkas:European Male Cat.JPG|jmpl|[[European Shorthair|Kucing Eropa]] yang sedang bermain.]]
{{mainarticle|Kucing dan manusia}}
Kucing merupakan [[hewan peliharaan]] yang umum di [[Eropa]] dan [[Amerika Utara]], dan bahkan populasi kucing di seluruh dunia melebihi 500 juta ekor.
Menurut ''[[Humane Society]]'' dari [[Amerika Serikat]], selain kucing menjadi [[hewan peliharaan]], kucing juga digunakan untuk perdagangan bulu internasional,<ref>{{cite web|url= http://www.hsus.org/web-files/PDF/What-is-that-they-re-wearing_FurBooklet.pdf|archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20061201153853/http://www.hsus.org/web-files/PDF/What-is-that-they-re-wearing_FurBooklet.pdf |archivedate= |title=What Is That They're Wearing? |publisher=Humane Society of the United States |accessdate=15 Juni 2014}}</ref> untuk membuat sebuah [[mantel]], [[sarung tangan]], [[topi]], [[sepatu]], [[selimut]] dan [[boneka]] [[mainan]]. Kucing yang diperlukan untuk membuat sebuah mantel dari bulu kucing ada sekitar 24 ekor kucing.<ref>{{Cite news|url= http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6165786.stm|title=EU proposes cat and dog fur ban|publisher=BBC News|accessdate=15 Juni 2014|date=}}</ref> Hal ini sekarang telah dilarang di beberapa negara, termasuk [[Amerika Serikat]], [[Australia]], dan [[Uni Eropa]].<ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.hsus.org/about_us/humane_society_international_hsi/hsi_europe/dog_cat_fur/ |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20090217153420/http://www.hsus.org/about_us/humane_society_international_hsi/hsi_europe/dog_cat_fur/ |archivedate=17 Februari 2009 |title=EU Announces Strict Ban on Dog and Cat Fur Imports and Exports |date=27 Juni 2007 |publisher=Humane Society International |first=Carly |last=Ikuma |work=HSUS.org |accessdate=15 Juni 2014}}</ref> Namun, beberapa bulu kucing masih dibuat menjadi selimut di negara [[Swiss]] sebagai [[obat tradisional]] yang dipercaya dapat membantu mengobati [[reumatik]].<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/switzerland-finds-a-way-to-skin-a-cat-for-the-fur-trade-and-high-fashion-815426.html|title=Switzerland Finds a Way to Skin a Cat for the Fur Trade and High Fashion|work=The Independent|location=London, England|accessdate=15 Juni 2014|first=Tony|last=Paterson|date=|archive-date=2020-11-09|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201109040103/http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/switzerland-finds-a-way-to-skin-a-cat-for-the-fur-trade-and-high-fashion-815426.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
=== Sensus
Menurut ''International Federation for Animal Health Europe'' (IFAH), populasi kucing domestik
Beberapa upaya untuk membangun program sensus kucing telah dibuat selama bertahun-tahun, baik melalui asosiasi atau organisasi nasional dan internasional (seperti ''[[Canadian Federation of Humane Societies]]''<ref name="Canadian">{{cite news|url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/story/2012/07/17/nb-cat-census-1000.html|title=Humane society launches national cat census|accessdate=15 Juni 2014|work=CBC News}}</ref>).
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