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Baris 28:
Politik di Fiji biasanya terjadi dalam kerangka republik demokrasi perwakilan parlemen di mana Perdana Menteri Fiji adalah kepala pemerintahan dan Presiden adalah Kepala Negara, dan sistem multi-partai. Kekuasaan eksekutif dijalankan oleh pemerintah, kekuasaan legislatif berada di tangan pemerintah dan Parlemen Fiji, dan peradilan tidak tergantung pada eksekutif dan legislatif.
Pemilihan umum yang berlangsung pada 17 September 2014, Partai FijiFirst Bainimarama menang dengan 59,2% suara, dan pemilihan tersebut dianggap kredibel oleh sekelompok pengamat internasional dari Australia, India, dan Indonesia.<ref name="">{{cite news|last1= Perry |first1= Nick |last2= Pita |first2= Ligaiula |title= Int'l monitors endorse Fiji election as credible |url= |access-date= 25 September 2014 |agency= Associated Press |date= 29 September 2014 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date= 21 September 2014 |df= dmy }}</ref>
Dalam pemilu 2018 FijiFirst menang dengan 50,02 persen dari total suara yang diberikan. Itu memegang mayoritas langsung di parlemen, memenangkan 27 dari 51 kursi. Partai Sosial Demokrat Liberal (SODELPA) berada di urutan kedua dengan 39,85 persen suara.<ref>{{cite web |title=Setting the scene: Fiji's next general elections - Griffith Asia Insights |url= |}}</ref>
=== Kekuasaan eksekutif ===
Baris 72 ⟶ 76:
The population of Fiji is mostly made up of native [[Fijian people|Fijians]], a people of mixed [[Polynesia|Polynesian]] and [[Melanesia]]n ancestory (54.3%), and [[Indo-Fijians]] (38.1%), descendants of [[India|Indian]] contract labourers brought to the islands by the British in the [[19th century]]. The percentage of the population of Indian descent has declined significantly over the last two decades because of emigration. About 1.2 percent are [[Rotuman]]—natives of [[Rotuma|Rotuma Island]], whose culture has more in common with countries such as [[Tonga]] or [[Samoa]] than with the rest of Fiji. There are also small, but economically significant, groups of Europeans, Chinese, and other minorities. Relationships between ethnic Fijians and Indo-Fijians have often been strained, and the tension between the two communities has dominated politics in the islands for the past generation. The level of tension varies between different regions of the country.
== Ekonomi ==
{{utama|Ekonomi Fiji}}