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Baris 8:
==Mongolian Khagans==
*The first known use of the title was by the nomadic [[Juan Juan]] confederacy (4th-6th century AD) or the [[Xianbei]], on China's northern border.
*The [[Avars]], who may have included Juan Juan elements after the Turks crushed the Juan Juan who ruled Mongolia, also used this title. The Avars invaded Europe, and for over a century ruled the Hungarian region. Westerners Latinized the title "Khagan" into "Gaganus".
*By far the most famous incumbents were from the dynasty of the [[Mongol]] conqueror [[Genghis Khan]], who united all Mongol nomad tribes and welded them into such an efficient military machine that he outdid Alexander the Great's conquests greatly in founding the [[Mongol Empire]]. His grandson [[Kublai Khan]] founded the [[Yuan Dynasty]] in [[China]].<br\>The ruling descendents of (the senior line of the house of) Genghis Khan are often referred to as the ''Great (or Grand) Khans''. These include [[Ögedei Khan]], [[Güyük Khan]], [[Möngke Khan]] and [[Kublai Khan]].<br\>''[[The Secret History of the Mongols]]'', written for that very dynasty, clearly distinguishes ''Khaghan'' and ''Khan'': only Genghis and his descendants are called ''Khaghan'', while other rulers are referred to as ''Khan''. Over time, though, the distinction became blurred by the large number of rulers who claimed it.
*The ''gh'' sound in "Khaghan" later weakened and disappeared becoming ''Khaan'' in Modern [[Mongolian language|Mongolian]].