Pola Negri: Perbedaan antara revisi

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'''Pola Negri''' atau nama lahirnya '''Apolonia Chalupec''' ({{lahirmati||3|1|1897||1|8|1987}})<ref name="bc1">{{cite web|url=http://polanegri.pl/templates/polanegrijoomla/polagaleria/obraz0001.jpg|title=Pola Negri's birth certificate from 1978|accessdate=28 August 2016}}</ref><ref name="bc2">{{cite web|url=http://www.genealogia.okiem.pl/foto2/albums/genealogia3/chalupec_apolonia_urodzenie.jpg|title=Pola Negri's birth certificate from 1960|accessdate=28 August 2016|archive-date=2015-07-10|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150710191929/http://www.genealogia.okiem.pl/foto2/albums/genealogia3/chalupec_apolonia_urodzenie.jpg|dead-url=yes}}</ref><ref>Pola Negri's original surname was '''Chalupec''' or - according to Polish alphabet's rules - '''Chałupec'''. Some sources use polonized form '''Chałupiec''', which doesn't exist in any official documents concerning Pola Negri.</ref><ref name="poladoc">Kotowski, Mariusz. [https://web.archive.org/web/20090105172007/http://www.polishculture-nyc.org/negri/negri_more1.htm ''Pola Negri: Life is a Dream in Cinema''], Bright Shining City Productions (2006), DVD</ref><ref name="UoP">{{cite web|url=http://www.pitt.edu/~votruba/qsonhist/celebrities/negrip.html|title=Pola Negri|publisher=University of Pittsburgh|work=Slovak Studies Program|date=12 April 2013|accessdate=22 January 2015|author=Martin Votruba|quote=The exact spelling of her and her parents' names is complicated by the mandated use of Russian in government records in that part of [[History of Poland (1795–1918)|[partitioned] Poland]], when she was born. For instance, her father's last name is recorded as Халупец at the Lipno Office of Vital Records, which can be rendered in Polish as Chalupec, Chałupec, Chalupiec, or Chałupiec.}}</ref><ref>Some sources cite 31 December 1896 as Negri's date of birth but the four-day discrepancy is due to the change in styling from the Julian calendar (OS) of Imperial Russia to the Gregorian calendar (NS) in Poland, per biographer Mariusz Kotowski, who uses the 3 January 1897 date in his biography of her life. Negri herself used both dates on different documents, including United States immigration and naturalization paperwork, but liked to use the 31 December date and to state that she was born on the last day of the 19th century, which is why some documents, including Social Security, cite 31 December 189'''9''', as does her crypt (see [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=NEG&GSpartial=1&GSbyrel=all&GSst=6&GScntry=4&GSsr=401&GRid=5147& here]), indicating that Negri had made herself three Tahuns younger.</ref><ref name="femmefatale">Kotowski, Mariusz. ''Pola Negri: Hollywood's First Femme Fatale'', University Press of Kentucky (24 March 2014); {{ISBN|978-0-8131-4488-7}}</ref> adalah [[aktris]] panggung dan [[film]] berkebangsaan [[Polandia]] yang meraih ketenaran seluruh dunia semasa [[film bisu]] dan era [[Golden Age of Hollywood|keemasan]] [[Hollywood]] dan film [[Eropa]] atas perannya dalam film-film tragedi dan ''[[femme fatale]]''.
Dia merupakan bintanf film pertama Eropa yang diundang ke Hollywood dan menjadi aktris sangat populer di kancah film bisu [[Amerika Serikat]]. Karier lain yang dijalaninya antara lain bekerja sebagai aktris di pertunjukan [[teater]] dan [[vaudeville]], sebagai seorang artis rekaman, [[ballerina]], dan [[penulis]].<ref name="femmefatale"/><ref>Rust, Brian A., and Allen G. Debus. ''The complete entertainment discography, from the mid-1890s to 1942.'' Arlington House, 1973, p. 499.</ref><ref>Unknown author, liner Catatan of ''Pola Negri and Rudolph Valentino'' CD. Chansophone [Prancis], 1995, pp. 2,3.</ref>