Jamaika: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Dessyamylia94 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 6:
{{utama|Sejarah Jamaika}}
Orang asli [[Arawak]] atau [[Taino]] dari [[Amerika Selatan]] pertama kali menetap di pulau ini antara tahun [[1000]] dan [[400]] SM. Meskipun beberapa mengklaim mereka hampir punah setelah kontak dengan [[Eropa]], kelompok lain mengklaim bahwa beberapa selamat. Jamaika diklaim oleh [[Spanyol]] setelah [[Christopher Columbus]] pertama kali mendarat di sana pada tahun 1494. Columbus menggunakan pulau tersebut sebagai tanah pribadi keluarganya. Laksamana [[Protektorat|Inggris]] [[William_Penn_(admiral)|William Penn]] (ayah dari [[William Penn]] dari Pennsylvania) dan Jenderal Venables merebut pulau itu pada 1655. Selama 200 tahun pertama pemerintahan Inggris, Jamaika menjadi negara pengekspor [[gula]] terbesar di dunia dan menghasilkan lebih dari 77.000 ton gula setiap tahun antara tahun 1820 - 1824, yang dicapai melalui penggunaan impor [[perbudakan|budak]] [[Afrika]] sebagai tenaga kerja.
[[Berkas:Jm-map.png|jmpl|ka|199px|MapPeta of JamaicaJamaika]]
The original [[Arawak]] or [[Taino]] people from [[South America]], first settled on the island between [[1000]] and [[400]] BC. Although some claim they became virtually extinct following contact with [[Europeans]], another group claim that some survived.
===Masa pasca kemerdekaan===
Jamaica was claimed for [[Spain]] after [[Christopher Columbus]] first landed there in [[1494]]. Columbus used it as his family's private estate. The [[The Protectorate|British]] Admiral [[William_Penn_(admiral)|William Penn]] (father of [[William Penn]] of Pennsylvania) and General Venables seized the island in [[1655]]. During its first 200 years of British rule, Jamaica became the world's largest [[sugar]] exporting nation and produced over 77,000 tons of sugar annually between 1820 - 1824, which was achieved through the massive use of imported [[Africa]]n [[slavery|slave]] labor.
Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kuat rata-rata sekitar 6% per tahun, menandai sepuluh tahun pertama kemerdekaan di bawah pemerintahan konservatif JLP; dan dipimpin oleh Perdana Menteri Alexander Bustamante, [[Donald Sangster]] (yang meninggal karena sebab alami dalam waktu dua bulan setelah menjabat) dan [[Hugh Shearer]]. Pertumbuhan tersebut didorong oleh tingginya tingkat investasi swasta di produk [[bauksit]]/[[Aluminium oksida|alumina]], [[pariwisata]], dan industri manufaktur, kemudian pada tingkat yang lebih rendah yaitu sektor pertanian. Dalam [[pemilihan umum Jamaika 1967]], JLP menang lagi, dan memenangkan 33 dari 53 kursi, dengan PNP mengambil 20 kursi.<ref name="Dieter Nohlen 2005 p. 430">Dieter Nohlen (2005), ''Elections in the Americas: A data handbook'', Volume I, p. 430.</ref>
Dalam hal kebijakan luar negeri, Jamaika menjadi anggota [[Gerakan Non-Blok]], dan berusaha untuk mempertahankan hubungan yang kuat dengan Inggris dan Amerika Serikat, sementara mereka juga mengembangkan hubungan dengan negara-negara Komunis seperti Kuba.
By the beginning of the [[19th century]], the United Kingdom's heavy reliance on slavery resulted in blacks outnumbering whites by a ratio of almost 20 to one, leading to constant threat of revolt. Following a series of rebellions, slavery was formally abolished in [[1834]], with full [[emancipation]] from chattel slavery declared in [[1838]].
Jamaica slowly gained increasing independence from the [[United Kingdom]], and in [[1958]] Jamaica became a province in the [[Federation of the West Indies]], a federation between all the [[British West Indies]]. Jamaica attained full independence by leaving the federations in [[1962]].
However, the initial optimism following Jamaican independence for the next decade or so vanished as Jamaica lagged economically. Rising foreign debt under the government of [[Michael Manley]], who was determined to alleviate Jamaica's severe economic inequality, led to the imposition of [[IMF]] austerity measures. Deteriorating economic conditions and the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency due to Manley's international socialism and friendship with Fidel Castro, led to a desperately fought re-election campaign between Manley's [[People's National Party]] and the main opposition, the [[Jamaican Labour Party]]. Both political parties became linked with rival gangs in Kingston which were duly armed. This policy, along with the increasing emergence of Jamaica as a smuggling point for cocaine during the [[1980s]], led to recurrent violence and only served to increase the impoverishment of a large section of the Jamaican populace. The ultimate result of this cycle of violence, drugs and poverty has been the brutal gun warfare seen on Kingston's streets from the mid-[[1990s]] onwards. The Jamaican police force has also been accused of complicity in this murderous side of the island. It must be noted however that the rural sections of the island, especially in and around the resort towns of Negril, Montego Bay and Ocho Rios, remain quite safe.
Former capitals of Jamaica include [[Port Royal]], where the pirate [[Henry_Morgan|Governor Morgan]] held sway, and which was destroyed by a storm and earthquake, and [[Spanish Town]], in St. Catherine parish, the site of the old Spanish colonial capital and the English capital during the 18th and 19th century.-->
[[Berkas:Jm-map.png|jmpl|ka|199px|Map of Jamaica]]
== Geografi ==