Peningkatan keasaman air laut: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Fitur saranan suntingan: 2 pranala ditambahkan.
Baris 9:
: <big>{{CO2}} (g) + H<sub>2</sub>O (l) {{eqm}} {{CO2}} (aq) + H<sub>2</sub>O (l) {{eqm}} H<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> (aq) {{eqm}} HCO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup> (aq) + H<sup>+</sup> (aq) {{eqm}} CO<sub>3</sub><sup>2−</sup> (aq) + 2 H<sup>+</sup> (aq)</big>
[[Reaksi kimia]] lain juga terjadi sehingga kadar ion karbonat di lautan yang tersedia akan berkurang. Hal ini akan menyulitkan bagi hewan laut yang membutuhkan ion karbonat bagi pertumbuhan hidupnya seperti [[koral]] untuk proses kalsifikasi tubuhnya, dan beberapa jenis [[plankton]]. Struktur yang mengandung ion karbonat pun akan cepat rapuh karena larut oleh asam.<ref name=orr05>{{Cite journal |last=Orr |first=James C. |coauthors=''et al.'' |year=2005 |title=Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms |url= |archiveurl= |archivedate=2008-06-25 |journal=[[Nature (journal)|Nature]] |volume=437 |issue=7059 |pages=681–686 |doi=10.1038/nature04095 |pmid=16193043 |bibcode=2005Natur.437..681O |ref=harv |access-date=2013-12-01 |dead-url=no }}</ref> Peningkatan keasaman lautan akan memicu gangguan pada [[rantai makanan]] yang ada pada dan terhubung dengan lautan.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Rising Acidity Is Threatening Food Web of Oceans, Science Panel Says|author=Cornelia Dean|publisher=New York Times|date=January 30, 2009}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|author= Robert E. Service |title= Rising Acidity Brings and Ocean Of Trouble |journal=Science|pages= 146–148 |volume= 337 |date= 13 July 2012|bibcode = 2012Sci...337..146S|doi= 10.1126/science.337.6091.146|pmid= 22798578|issue= 6091|ref= harv }}</ref> Sebanyak 105 [[akademi ilmu pengetahuan]] telah mengeluarkan rekomendasi untuk mengurangi emisi karbon dioksida global sebanyak setidaknya 50% dari tingkat emisi tahun 1990.<ref name="iap statement">{{Cite web | author=IAP | title=Interacademy Panel (IAP) Member Academies Statement on Ocean Acidification | date=June 2009 | url= | ref=harv | postscript={{inconsistent citations}} | access-date=2013-12-01 | archive-date=2013-08-06 | archive-url= | dead-url=yes }}, Secretariat: TWAS (the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World), Trieste, Italy.</ref>
Peningkatan keasaman air laut telah terjadi sebelumnya dalam [[sejarah bumi]], seperti peristiwa ''[[Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum]]'' (PETM),<ref name=Zachos2005>{{cite journal | author = Zachos, J.C. | coauthors = Röhl, U.; Schellenberg, S.A.; Sluijs, A.; Hodell, D.A.; Kelly, D.C.; Thomas, E.; Nicolo, M.; Raffi, I.; Lourens, L. J.; McCarren, H.; Kroon, D. | title = Rapid acidification of the ocean during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum | year = 2005 | journal = Science | volume = 308 | pages = 1611–1615 | doi = 10.1126/science.1109004 | issue = 5728 | pmid = 15947184 | ref = harv }}</ref> yang terjadi setidaknya 56 juta tahun yang lalu dan menyebabkan pelarutan struktur karbonat hewan laut hingga membentuk sedimen di basin lautan di seluruh dunia.
Baris 174:
* [ ''The Other {{chem|CO|2}} Problem''], an EPOCA-commissioned educational animation created by students from [[Ridgeway School, Plympton|Ridgeway School]], [[Plymouth]]
* [ ''Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification''], by [[Natural Resources Defense Council]]
* [ ''A Sea Change: Imagine a world without fish''] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-06-09 }}, an award-winning documentary and related [[blog]] about ocean acidification
* [ ''Ocean Acidification in a Nutshell''] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-01-14 }}, by [[Greenpeace Aotearoa New Zealand]]
* [ Ocean Acidification: An Ecosystem Facing Dissolution] by GEOMAR I Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel