Yo (Kiril): Perbedaan antara revisi

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Bulandari27 (bicara | kontrib)
Pengucapan: Terjemah
Tag: Suntingan perangkat seluler Suntingan peramban seluler Suntingan seluler lanjutan
Bulandari27 (bicara | kontrib)
Penggunaan: Terjemah
Tag: Suntingan perangkat seluler Suntingan peramban seluler Suntingan seluler lanjutan
Baris 29:
<!--[[Berkas:Fürstin Yekaterina Dashkova-Vorontsova.jpg|thumb|Princess [[Yekaterina Dashkova]] proposed the creation of ё]]
<!--[[Berkas:Fürstin Yekaterina Dashkova-Vorontsova.jpg|thumb|PrincessPutri [[Yekaterina Dashkova]] proposed the creationmengusulkan ofpembuatan ё]]
The letter Yo or Jo is the seventh letter of the alphabet, but although it indicates a distinct sound from [[Ye (Cyrillic)|Ye]], it is often treated as the same letter for alphabetisation and sorting. In the dictionary, {{lang|ru|ёж}} (hedgehog) comes after {{lang|ru|едо́к}} (the one who eats) and before {{lang|ru|е́здить}} (to ride). It is usually printed as {{angle bracket|е}}. the bottom of the section says enough about it {{angle bracket|Ё}} represents the [[phoneme]] {{IPA|/o/}} after {{IPA|/j/}} or a soft [[consonant]] (or occasionally after {{angle bracket|ж}}, {{angle bracket|ш}}), and it should always be [[stress (linguistics)|stressed]]. It alternates with {{angle bracket|е}}, written in non-stressed positions. Unstressed {{angle bracket|ё}} appears only in rare loanwords, in compound words (in this case it may be considered to have secondary stress; most notably, {{angle bracket|ё}} occurs in words containing the parts {{lang|ru|трёх-}} 'three-' and {{lang|ru|четырёх-}} 'four-'), in derivatives of the name of the letter {{angle bracket|ё}} itself ({{lang|ru|ёфика́тор}} - [[yoficator]]), in [[loanword]]s ({{lang|ru|кёнигсбе́ргский}} - adjective from {{lang|de|[[Königsberg]]}}, {{lang|ru|сёрфинги́ст}} from {{lang|en|surfing}} - surfer, {{lang|ru|сёдзё}} - {{lang|ja|[[shōjo]]}}, {{lang|ru|гёмбёц}} - {{lang|hu|[[gömböc]]}}).
The letterHuruf Yo oratau Jo isadalah thehuruf seventhketujuh letterdalam of the alphabetabjad, buttetapi althoughmeskipun itmenunjukkan indicatesbunyi ayang distinctberbeda sound fromdari [[Ye (CyrillicKiril)|Ye]], ithuruf isini oftensering treateddiperlakukan assebagai thehuruf sameyang lettersama foruntuk alphabetisationabjadisasi anddan sortingpenyortiran. In theDalam dictionarykamus, {{lang|ru|ёж}} (hedgehoglandak) comesmuncul aftersetelah {{lang|ru|едо́к}} (theorang oneyang who eatsmakan) anddan beforesebelum {{lang|ru|е́здить}} (to ridenaik). ItBiasanya isdicetak usually printed assebagai {{angle bracket|е}}. the bottom of the sectionbagian saysbawah enoughbagian aboutcukup itmenjelaskan {{angle bracket|Ё}} represents themewakili [[phonemefonem]] {{IPA|/o/}} aftersetelah {{IPA|/j/}} or a softatau [[consonantkonsonan lembut]] (oratau occasionallyterkadang aftersetelah {{angle bracket|ж}}, {{angle bracket|ш}}), anddan itharus shouldselalu always bedengan [[stresstekanan (linguisticslinguistik)|stressedtekanan]]. ItItu alternatesbergantian withdengan {{angle bracket|е}}, writtenditulis indalam non-stressedposisi positionstanpa tekanan. Unstressed {{angle bracket|ё}} appearstanpa onlytekanan inhanya raremuncul loanwords,dalam inkata compoundpinjaman wordsyang (injarang, thisdalam casekata itmajemuk may(dalam behal consideredini todapat havedianggap secondarymemiliki stress;tekanan mostsekunder; notablyterutama, {{angle bracket|ё}} occursmuncul inpada wordskata containingyang themengandung partsbagian {{lang|ru|трёх-}} 'threetiga-' anddan {{lang|ru|четырёх-}} 'fourempat-'), inturunan derivativesdari ofnama the name of the letterhuruf {{angle bracket|ё}} itselfitu sendiri ({{lang|ru|ёфика́тор}} - [[yoficator]]), indalam [[loanwordkata pinjaman]]s ({{lang|ru|кёнигсбе́ргский}} - adjectivekata sifat fromdari {{lang|de|[[Königsberg]]}}, {{lang|ru|сёрфинги́ст}} fromdari {{lang|en|surfing}} - surferpeselancar, {{lang|ru|сёдзё}} - {{lang|ja|[[shōjo]]}}, {{lang|ru|гёмбёц}} - {{lang|hu|[[gömböc]]}}).
In modern Russian, the reflex of [[Proto-Slavic language|Common Slavonic]] {{IPA|/e/}} under stress and following a [[Palatalization (phonetics)|palatalized]] consonant but not preceding a palatalized consonant is {{IPA|/o/}}. Compare, for example, Russian {{lang|ru|моё}} ''mojo'' ("my" neuter nominative and accusative singular) and [[Polish language|Polish]]/[[Czech language|Czech]]/[[Slovak language|Slovak]]/[[Serbo-Croatian language|Serbo-Croatian]]/[[Slovenian language|Slovenian]] ''moje''. However, since the sound change took place after the introduction of writing, the letter {{angle bracket|е}} continued to be written in that position. It was not until the 18th century that efforts were made to represent the sound in writing.
Dalam bahasa Rusia modern, refleks [[Rumpun bahasa Proto-Slavia|Slavonia Umum]] {{IPA|/e/}} di bawah tekanan dan mengikuti konsonan [[Palatalisasi (fonetik)|terpalatalisasi]] tetapi tidak mendahului konsonan palatalisasi adalah {{IPA|/o/}}. Bandingkan, misalnya, bahasa Rusia {{lang|ru|моё}} ''mojo'' ("ku" neuter nominatif dan singular akusatif) dan [[bahasa Polandia]]/[[bahasa Ceko]]/[[Bahasa Slovakia]]/[[Bahasa Serbia-Kroasia]]/[[Bahasa Slovenia]] ''moje''. Namun, karena perubahan bunyi terjadi setelah pengenalan tulisan, huruf {{angle bracket|е}} tetap ditulis pada posisi tersebut. Baru pada abad ke-18 upaya dilakukan untuk merepresentasikan suara dalam tulisan.
From the mid-1730s, it appears sporadically as {{angle bracket|іо}} or {{angle bracket|і͡о}}, a [[digraph (orthography)|digraph]] officially adopted on 18 November 1783 at a session of the [[Russian Academy]] under the presidency of Princess [[Yekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova]], and it was used in the Academy Dictionary (1789–1794), but it never gained great popularity.