Daftar episode Mr. Bean: The Animated Series: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Illchy (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 246:
|ShortSummary = Mr. Bean's newly purchased ship-in-a-bottle gets incorrectly picked up by the milkman, resulting in Bean sneaking inside the milk factory to retrieve the bottle. Back at his flat, he decides to hang his bottle near his door but it wakes up Mrs. Wicket, to which she slams Bean's door after shushing Bean, causing the bottle to fall on the floor and break. Fortunately, he is satisfied when he reuses the broken ship pieces for his goldfish.
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===Seri 2 (2003)===
{{Episode table|background=#32CD32 |overall=5 |series=5 |title=15 |director=25 |writer=17 |aux2=17 |aux2T=Papan tulis oleh |airdate=10 | episodes=
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 19
|EpisodeNumber2 = 1
|Title = Goldfish
|DirectedBy = Katalin Móré
|WrittenBy = Andrew Clifford
|Aux2 = Chris Drew
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|2|16|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = After Mr. Bean accidentally drops Teddy into a bucket full of extremely smelly sardines, Teddy becomes very stinky, causing Bean to bring him to the laundry shop. That night, Bean sees a goldfish in the pond outside about to be eaten by Scrapper, but manages to rescue the goldfish and takes care of him. The next day, Bean takes him to the beach until he gets dragged when a [[swordfish]] eats the goldfish. Upon landing at a fishing boat, Bean sees his goldfish alive but becomes stinky and is forced to go to the laundry shop to wash himself like Teddy. <br/>'''Note''': This episode was not released on DVD in Australia.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 20
|EpisodeNumber2 = 2
|Title = Inventor
|DirectedBy = Mihály Sikur
|WrittenBy = Tony Haase
|Aux2 = Ben Lewis
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|2|16|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = When an inventor moves in, Mrs. Wicket transfers Mr. Bean upstairs and lets the inventor take over his flat. After a few failed attempts to outsmart the inventor, Bean sees his greatest invention and rigs it in order to make it malfunction while the inventor is downstairs calling Mrs. Wicket. On seeing the destruction caused by the malfunctioning machine, she kicks the inventor out, and Bean moves back to his flat.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 21
|EpisodeNumber2 = 3
|Title = Royal Bean
|DirectedBy = Evgueni Pavlenko and Elena Rogova
|WrittenBy = Rebecca Stevens
|Aux2 = Chris Butler
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|2|23|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = After a faulty toaster accidentally breaks Mr. Bean's favorite mug with Queen [[Elizabeth II]]'s face on it, he drives to town to buy a new one. He then finds a lorry carrying mugs with the Queen's face on it, causing him to chase the lorry to [[Buckingham Palace]]. Once there, the [[Royal corgis|Queen's corgi]] steals Teddy, resulting in Bean giving chase. Eventually, Bean manages to bring the missing dog back to Elizabeth and is rewarded with a new mug, much to his gratitude.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 22
|EpisodeNumber2 = 4
|Title = Young Bean
|DirectedBy = Evgueni Pavlenko and Elena Rogova
|WrittenBy = Tony Haase
|Aux2 = Sharon Smith
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|2|23|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = When Mr. Bean steals a slice of Mrs. Wicket's chocolate cake, he is forced to hide inside her attic, where he finds items from his childhood. Feeling guilty for ruining Mrs. Wicket's wedding by riding his go-kart resembling his [[Mini]] down the road when he was younger, he decides to return the slice of cake he stole in order to atone for his past actions, but ends up getting caught by her.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 23
|EpisodeNumber2 = 5
|Title = In the Pink
|DirectedBy = Katalin Móré
|WrittenBy = [[Robin Driscoll]]
|Aux2 = Chris Drew
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|1|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = Mr. Bean adopts a strange furry pink animal from the pet shop. Upon finding out that it is a young [[badger]], Bean realizes that it is part of the burglar duo's attempt to sell the babies by painting them pink to earn money. When Bean sees this, he sabotages their plan by releasing the emergency brake of their van and slamming it into a police car and the duo got covered in pink paint, arresting the duo once again.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 24
|EpisodeNumber2 = 6
|Title = Dinner for Two
|DirectedBy = Andrei Ignatenko
|WrittenBy = [[Jon Canter]]
|Aux2 = Trevor Ricketts
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|1|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = Irma is coming for dinner, but Mr. Bean fell asleep in the bathtub and as a result, his turkey is completely burned. He tries to cook spaghetti, but because it cannot fit in the pot, he instead uses his bathtub to cook the spaghetti, but he accidentally lets it go down the drain when he gets distracted by a bird crushed by the window. He decides to make the bird their dinner but because it is too small, he inflates it to look like a turkey. When this fails, Bean and Irma instead attempt to eat a nearby mouse.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 25
|EpisodeNumber2 = 7
|Title = The Ball
|DirectedBy = Mihály Sikur
|WrittenBy = Jon Canter
|Aux2 = Ben Lewis
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|8|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = During a tennis game played by a father and son, the ball accidentally gets stuck in the drain pipe on the roof of a block of flats. After several failed attempts to remove the ball, Mr. Bean finally retrieves the ball by bouncing on a trampoline. Later, the father tells Bean to bring back the ball when it accidentally goes into a rubbish bin, but Bean mistakenly throws an egg from the bin and the furious father chases him.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 26
|EpisodeNumber2 = 8
|Title = Toothache
|DirectedBy = Katalin Móré
|WrittenBy = [[Lee Cornes]]
|Aux2 = Chris Drew
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|8|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = While eating popcorn and watching TV, one of Mr. Bean's teeth gets broken, causing too much pain for him. After several attempts of pulling out his tooth, Bean eats one popcorn while he watches TV and the tooth finally comes out, but he makes a whistling sound every time he breathes through the gap in his mouth; he then uses a toy [[triceratops]]' horn as a tooth. When Bean looks horribly on his teeth on the next day, he decides to go to a dentist to have the tooth removed and repaired. When Bean tries to reattach the misplaced triceratops toy horn, he tries to remove the parts until he accidentally strikes his tooth, causing him pain once again.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 27
|EpisodeNumber2 = 9
|Title = Haircut
|DirectedBy = Sergey Gordeev
|WrittenBy = Jon Canter
|Aux2 = Sharon Smith
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|15|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = Mr. Bean saves a black kitten from a tree, to which the cat's owner thanks him for saving her kitten and makes a reward for him. When the press photographer and the kitten's owner arrive at his door for a photograph, Bean decides to have a beautiful haircut since his hair is messy but the barber is too slow to cut his hair. He then decides to cut his own hair by himself but inadvertently cuts all his hair, making him bald while the photographer is waiting impatiently for him. He attempts to hide his hair until he sees the photographer's toupee fly away in which he steals it and paints in black. As Mr. Bean and the owner are about to take a picture, the gust of wind blows the toupee away, resulting in Bean putting the kitten on his head. As a result, the barber likes the picture and uses Bean's cat haircut to cut them off for his customers. <br/>'''Note''': This episode was not released on DVD in Australia.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 28
|EpisodeNumber2 = 10
|Title = Neighbourly Bean
|DirectedBy = Miklós Varga
|WrittenBy = Stephen Powell
|Aux2 = Sharon Smith
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|15|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = While watching TV, the Bruisers' noises are distracting Mr. Bean, even when he transfers his television around his flat to flee from the noises. When he arrives at the closet (the only absolutely quiet place), the show has already ended, angering Bean to the point of taking revenge by recording all of their noises and using them at night to keep them awake.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 29
|EpisodeNumber2 = 11
|Title = Car Trouble
|DirectedBy = Mihály Sikur
|WrittenBy = Lee Cornes
|Aux2 = David Brown
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|22|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = Because his Mini has broken down and will not work anymore, Mr. Bean is forced to sell it to the scrapyard. Unbeknownst to Bean, the scrapyard manager cleans off the oil in the Mini's engine and hijacks it. Bean then purchases a [[hot-air balloon]] as a replacement, but when he see his Mini back on the road, he realises that the manager stole it, so he takes it back and he is finally able to drive it again.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 30
|EpisodeNumber2 = 12
|Title = Restaurant
|DirectedBy = Sergey Gordeev
|WrittenBy = Lee Cornes
|Aux2 = David Brown
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|22|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = Mr. Bean celebrates his birthday at a fancy restaurant with Teddy, unaware that he has to dine together with a celebrity couple. When the waiter gets injured by slipping on the floor then the waiter rush to hospital, Bean is unwittingly registered to the kitchen and the star actor orders a lobster from the restaurant aquarium. Unfortunately, the lobster has escaped, so he attempts to create a makeshift lobster from carrots which angers the actor into beating up Bean. When he tries to finish Bean off, the lobster attacks and pursues him with the paparazzi chasing him. Afterwards, Bean and the actress exit the restaurant to which the actress kisses him.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 31
|EpisodeNumber2 = 13
|Title = Art Thief
|DirectedBy = Katalin Móré
|WrittenBy = Rebecca Stevens
|Aux2 = Trevor Ricketts
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|29|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = Mr. Bean drives to an art museum, where he doesn't like naked pictures and statues. When he sees a man trying to steal a flower portrait, he takes a picture of him but it takes time for it to reveal. By the time the photo is revealed, Bean sees that the portrait is already gone and mistakenly thinks the thief has stolen it, resulting in a mile-long pursuit to [[Paris]]. Later, it is revealed that the artist was the one who took the portrait to clean it and the thief is arrested. <br/>'''Note''': This episode was not released on DVD in Australia.
|LineColor = 32cd32
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 32
|EpisodeNumber2 = 14
|Title = Scaredy Bean
|DirectedBy = Miklós Varga
|WrittenBy = Jon Canter
|Aux2 = Sharon Smith
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|3|29|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = Mr. Bean drives to the cinema where he partly watches two horror films titled "Kat" and "The Glob", which scare him too much that he instead decides to watch "Mr. Tiny" during which he falls asleep. When he arrives home, he tries to get in but realises he left his jacket with his house key at the cinema. To add insult to injury, Bean sees Scrapper as the giant cat and Mrs. Wicket as the glob monster to which he escapes by driving back to the cinema where he tries to sneak into the film, but gets carried by the cashier who is revealed to be a giant hornet in the Mr. Tiny movie. Mr. Bean and Tiny then work together to survive and succeed in doing so. The duo then climb onto the 'THE END' sign, but Bean accidentally falls down when he climbs on the N, at which point he wakes up from what turned out to be just a nightmare. <br/>'''Note''': This episode was not released on DVD in Australia.
|LineColor = 32cd32
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 33
|EpisodeNumber2 = 15
|Title = Hot Date
|DirectedBy = Sergey Gordeev
|WrittenBy = Rebecca Stevens
|Aux2 = Chris Butler
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|4|5|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = Mr. Bean and Irma go on a date, but they have different notions of what makes a date. After they eat in a restaurant, Bean realises that he left his wallet at home so he goes to get it but the musician instead uses his own £20 to pay the bill and goes to have a romantic dance with Irma. When Mr. Bean sees Irma and the musician going to the car, he sees the blue Reliant coming out, mistakes it for a car that Irma is in and pursues it. When Irma and the musician are about to kiss they are interrupted when the [[Reliant Regal|Reliant Supervan]] slams into the musician's car. Irma decides to go back to Bean's car and Irma and Bean drive away laughing while the musician beats up the driver of the Reliant Supervan for damaging his car. <br/>'''Note''': This episode was not released on DVD in Australia.
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{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 34
|EpisodeNumber2 = 16
|Title = Wanted
|DirectedBy = Ildikó Táborita
|WrittenBy = Stephen Powell
|Aux2 = Chris Butler
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2003|4|5|df=y}}
|ShortSummary = An [[Prisoner|escaped convict]] resembling Mr. Bean takes refuge on Bean's flat, causing the police to incorrectly arrest Bean while the convict goes to impersonate Bean. While the real Bean ends up in prison, the convict is forced by Mrs. Wicket (who failed to realize his identity) to do rockery, making the convict fed up on this job. He then regretfully goes back to his prison cell and explains to Bean about the situation. Meanwhile, the prison guard finds out that the burglar duo have broken out of their cell (they escaped earlier with "help" from Bean). At the same time as Bean gets out of prison and celebrates by shouting, the sirens go off which causes Bean to run off thinking the police are coming for him again.
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