Pengguna:Flix11/Bak pasir: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1.671:
**116,409,877 specimens have been tested from 75,375,045 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 603 suspected cases.
**The country reported 892 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,775,613. 839 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,600,433. 16 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,300. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,831,792761 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,870,761718 had been injected the second dose, and 68,737,520398 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,140,701640 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
**The number of active cases was 13,880, the most since 29 December 2022.
*2 May
**116,436,058 specimens have been tested from 75,393,915 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,254 suspected cases.
**The country reported 1,371 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,776,984. 1,019 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,601,452. 27 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,327. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,834831,123792 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,875870,446761 had been injected the second dose, and 68,758737,788520 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,149140,024701 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
**The number of active cases was 14,205, the most since 28 December 2022.
*3 May
Baris 1.686:
**116,502,521 specimens have been tested from 75,445,146 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 2,128 suspected cases.
**The country reported 2,417 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,782,048. 1,139 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,603,711. 32 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,384. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,835834,686123 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,877875,805446 had been injected the second dose, and 68,771758,884788 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,154149,100024 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
**The number of active cases was 16,953, the most since 26 December 2022.
*5 May
**116,529,073 specimens have been tested from 75,464,457 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 2,210 suspected cases.
**The country reported 2,122 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,784,170. 1,146 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,604,857. 20 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,404. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,836835,229686 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,878877,739805 had been injected the second dose, and 68,776771,589884 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,155154,077100 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
**The number of active cases was 17,909, the most since 25 December 2022.
*6 May
**116,552,976 specimens have been tested from 75,464,457 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 2,002 suspected cases.
**The country reported 1,889 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,786,059. 1,283 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,606,140. 35 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,439. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,836,782229 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,879878,679739 had been injected the second dose, and 68,782776,417589 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,157155,085077 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
**The number of active cases was 18,480, the most since 25 December 2022.
*7 May
Baris 1.706:
**116,591,025 specimens have been tested from 75,464,457 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 993 suspected cases.
**The country reported 1,149 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,788,503. 1,795 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,609,194. 21 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,480. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,837836,702782 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,881879,202679 had been injected the second dose, and 68,791782,379417 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,162157,029085 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
*9 May
**116,621,568 specimens have been tested from 75,464,457 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 2,703 suspected cases.
Baris 1.714:
**116,647,422 specimens have been tested from 75,464,457 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,872 suspected cases.
**The country reported 1,768 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,792,173. 1,292 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,611,770. 25 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,526. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,839837,491702 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,883881,846202 had been injected the second dose, and 68,805791,675379 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,167162,687029 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
**The number of active cases was 18,877, the most since 25 December 2022.
*11 May
Baris 1.724:
**116,693,964 specimens have been tested from 75,464,457 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,674 suspected cases.
**The country reported 1,471 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,795,221. 1,593 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,614,729. 27 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,574. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,840839,226491 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,885883,157846 had been injected the second dose, and 68,812805,741675 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,170167,127687 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
*13 May
**116,712,526 specimens have been tested from 75,464,457 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,489 suspected cases.
**The country reported 1,245 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,796,466. 1,596 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,616,325. 25 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,599. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,840,963226 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,886885,314157 had been injected the second dose, and 68,819812,022741 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,171170,103127 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
*14 May
**116,725,521 specimens have been tested from 75,612,198 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 969 suspected cases.
Baris 1.740:
**116,768,322 specimens have been tested from 75,628,415 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,252 suspected cases.
**The country reported 639 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,798,736. 755 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,620,545. 8 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,638. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,841840,752963 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,887886,533314 had been injected the second dose, and 68,825819,464022 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,173171,845103 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
*17 May
**116,787,345 specimens have been tested from 75,628,415 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,846 suspected cases.
Baris 1.748:
**116,799,744 specimens have been tested from 75,628,415 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,283 suspected cases.
**The country reported 665 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,800,425. 911 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,622,467. 7 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,653. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,841,956752 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,887,905533 had been injected the second dose, and 68,827825,610464 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,174173,811845 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
*19 May
**116,810,672 specimens have been tested from 75,628,415 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,155 suspected cases.
Baris 1.756:
**116,826,673 specimens have been tested from 75,628,415 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,281 suspected cases.
**The country reported 672 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,801,615. 689 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,624,237. 13 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,671. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,842841,839956 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,889887,198905 had been injected the second dose, and 68,835827,517610 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,177174,982811 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
*21 May
**116,837,217 specimens have been tested from 75,669,486 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 739 suspected cases.
Baris 1.768:
**116,872,681 specimens have been tested from 75,697,078 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,915 suspected cases.
**The country reported 990 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,803,504. 1,868 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,628,042. 18 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,701. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,843842,732839 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,890889,654198 had been injected the second dose, and 68,842835,916517 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,180177,746982 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
*24 May
**116,891,146 specimens have been tested from 75,711,567 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,539 suspected cases.
Baris 1.780:
**116,925,011 specimens have been tested from 75,738,368 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,466 suspected cases.
**The country reported 594 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,805,503. 682 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,630,118. 5 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,726. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,843,738732 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,890,659654 had been injected the second dose, and 68,842,948916 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,180,758746 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
*27 May
**116,938,833 specimens have been tested from 75,738,368 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,206 suspected cases.
Baris 1.796:
**116,989,632 specimens have been tested from 75,788,335 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,535 suspected cases.
**The country reported 541 new cases, bringing the total number to 6,807,085. 720 patients recovered, bringing the number to 6,632,667. 8 patients deceased, bringing the tally to 161,762. All 514 municipalities and regencies had reported at least one positive case.
**As of 23:59 (UTC+7), 203,843,920738 people had taken the first dose of vaccine, 174,890,848659 had been injected the second dose, and 68,844842,230948 had been inoculated with the third dose. Additionally, 3,181180,271758 health professionals and elderlies had received the second booster shot—the fourth overall.
*31 May
**117,007,077 specimens have been tested from 75,800,945 people using RT-PCR, TCM, and rapid antigen tests. There were 1,147 suspected cases.