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Baris 65:
If governments check people who cheat their tax departments you will catch many many ID thieves. Most have at the least become an accessory to murder by their involvement with the ID theft. The dead or mising person may appear to have died due to an accident or natural cause but look again very very carefully for their terrorist sabotage (hot pot of poison) and under most modern countries criminal law, they are acessories to murder.
It is easy to prove their crime with modern forensic methods 99% of cases are with sufficent physical scientific evidence to prove murder beyond all reasonable doubt.
=="The German soldiers were very polite and genrous. It was the Geftapo who were so monsterous they were not the same as the German soldiers." Quoted by Mrs fredrikkeFredrikke LouisLouisa Rasmussen Fog(h) of Oslo Norway when questioned about the German occupation of norway during World War 2.==
Chronic MPS (BullFitters Disease) and the cause of Bubonic Plague