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Baris 43:
footnotes= <sup>1</sup> God Save The Queen adalah lagu kebangsaan resmi namun jarang sekali dimainkan [].{{br}}<sup>2</sup> Waktu lebih cepat 45 menit di [[Kepulauan Chatham]].
Dear President Kim Jong-il of North Korea
This is Erik Young formerly of Heathside Road Woking Surrey UK. I think we met at Pendeen in Coley Avenue sometime around 1970 ? You may recall the Irish lady Mrs Young and her sister Mrs Gen Strieby and then my father, Mervyn Young, arrived slightly later and wanted to collect something from the house ?
He then raised his concrns about the 'Menace in Asia' I now realise he was refering to the Taiwan Mafia who steal the IDs of other people and cause massive loss of life, emotional and financial hell and their 4500 years of turning two groups into opposing opinions and finally to the point of conflict and war.
I wish I had realised who you are and remembered meeting you. It was about forty years ago in Coley Avenue at Pendeen. I recall my father casually encouraging you to take on the fight for freedom and democracy and to drive the evil force that is the same evil force behind both the WW2 Pacfic in 1941 as the WW2 1939 in Europe. That is my assessment and I have been back in time 4500 years to find out who was causing the HellOn Earth for people only to repeatedly come across the same group time and time again. They looted King Henry VIII at Hampton Court, they looted Ancient Egypt, I think they corrupted and ruined The Roman Empire and they brought the Gestapo to Europe and ruined the NAZI political dream which was specific to avoid war and prejudice totally corrupted by the same group (from taiwan) the same group that was robbing The Emporer of china by stealing IDs of South China Tax Collectors the same group who later attempted the same in North China after The Emporer snet Manchurian troops to oust them from the south (they simply sailed round to the North of China).
They have tortured my mother and physically butchered her, murdered my father Mervyn Young, murdered two of my children when they just one day old both at Christmas Eve 24rd December and following year 23rd December. They did this because my father was religious, as youi probably will recall he was always pitching his MoralRearmament idealogy which may in some ways parrallel the uncorrupted NAZI idea of Adolph Hitler who didn't think war was much fun in the trenches of WW1. I believe the NAZI Political Idea was based upon Buddhism and thus a peace primed political system NOT at all as it ended out with the GESTAPO corrupting the whole foundation with human rights breaches and looting and ID theft etc.
No doubt they tried the same in North Korea to cause confusion between the USA and North Koreas Government in the past decades.
I am now trapped in bangkok and have one girl here who may be the daughter of someone else otherb than her 'official' family here. I thought I had seen her somewhere oputside4 thailand before. Would you like to help get us out of here? Can you send some MIG jets to collect us / I hear rumours these Taiwan ID thieves posing as Thais trap aircraft upon landing so if this is true a carefully planned procedure may be necessary. They stole my youngest daughter, I think they killed her mother and claimed the Life Assurance and then they seized my subsequent girlfriend and they still torture children and broadcats the cries screams etc. I guess you had all this as well. They are total bastards and I wish the entire world get together and totally erradicate them this time. They had 4500 years to stop this shit behaviour time is up let the citizens of the socialist/communist/capitalist world just kill them and allow the remaining members of planet Earth live together in peace. Without some Anaconda hiding under the lawn's surface intent on using your ID or my ID to start a war between the two of us.
I am sorry for the suffering North korea must have been through with the lies and tricks of these bastards Taiwan Mafia who are murdering torturing looting satanists (homo sapiens satan). Never ever trust those people from Taiwan all they want is your ideas, your money, and your name. I think 500 million people have died due to their tricks since 1936.
The anti-gen UVF system will drive them back into the depths of the planet that is their achilles heel that can differentiate them from all the other living creatures on the planet. They have caused masive damage in 4500 years I absolutely despise their existence. I wonder if they were originating from the original Ausralian convicts sent from some part of the World back in the beginning of the Australia? Maybe that is where3 they came from and maybe that is why they were shipped there. Not even the other prisonners in those terrible old European prisons could tolerate their constant deceit.
Erik Young
Saturday 19th August 2009
Bangkok Thailand
Kim Jong-il graduated from Kim Il-sung University in April 1964.[13]
Kim is also said to have received English language education at the University of Malta in the early 1970s, on his infrequent holidays in Malta as guest of Prime Minister Dom Mintoff.[14]
:Untuk Kerajaan Selandia, sebuah negara mikro di Eropa, lihat [[Selandia]].
'''Selandia Baru''' yang dalam [[bahasa Maori]] disebut '''[[Aotearoa]]''' (artinya Tanah Awan Putih Panjang), adalah sebuah negara kepulauan di barat daya [[Samudra Pasifik]] di tenggara [[Australia]]. Negara ini terdiri dari dua pulau besar ([[Pulau Utara]] dan [[Pulau Selatan]]) dan beberapa [[Kepulauan Selandia Baru|pulau kecil]] lainnya. Selandia Baru adalah negara [[demokrasi]] [[Sistem Parlementer|parlementer]] dan sebuah wilayah [[Persemakmuran Britania]] (''Commonwealth Realm''). Selandia Baru bertanggung jawab atas negara pemerintah-sendiri [[Kepulauan Cook]] dan [[Niue]] serta mengatur [[Tokelau]] dan [[Dependensi Ross]].