Christopher Luxon: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 63:
== Pandangan politik ==
Luxon adalah seorang [[Evangelikalisme|Kristen evangelis]] yang diakui sebagai seorang [[Konservatisme nasional|sosial konservatif]].<ref name="Who is Christopher Luxon">{{cite news |last1=Wade |first1=Amelia |date=30 November 2021 |title=Who is the new National Party leader Christopher Luxon? |work=Newshub |url= |access-date=27 September 2023}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Shaw |first=Richard |date=2023-09-12 |title=After the election, Christopher Luxon’s real test could come from his right – not the left |url= |access-date=2023-10-01 |website=The Conversation |language=en}}</ref> Dalam pidato perdananya di parlemen,<ref name=":2" /> Luxon mendefinisikan dirinya sebagai [[Politik kanan tengah|sayap kanan-tengah]]. Luxon mendukung pajak yang rendah,<ref>{{cite news |last1=Coughlan |first1=Thomas |title=Election 2023: National’s Christopher Luxon and Nicola Willis promise $14.6b in tax cuts, Labour slams ‘voodoo costings’ |url= |access-date=27 September 2023 |work=NZ Healrd |date=31 August 2023}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |title=Christopher Luxon defends National tax policy after analysis finds for every $1 bottom half of earners get back, top 5 pct get $10 |language=en |work=Newshub |url= |access-date=4 July 2023}}</ref> melakukan pemotongan pada Kementerian Pembangunan Sosial,<ref name=":0">{{Cite web |title=Christopher Luxon explains his 'bottom feeding' comments |url= |access-date=4 July 2023 |website=1 News |language=en}}</ref> mendirikan kamp pelatihan gaya militer bagi anak-anak yang melakukan pelanggaran, dan memperkenalkan undang-undang anti-geng yang ketat, dan sangat menentang ketergantungan kesejahteraan dan pemerintahan bersama dengan [[Orang Māori|Māori]].<ref>{{cite news |title=National commits to tough new anti-gang laws if elected |url= |access-date=27 September 2023 |work=1 News |date=11 June 2022}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Gang membership would be aggravating factor in sentencing under new National policy |url= |access-date=27 September 2023 |work=Radio New Zealand |date=18 June 2023}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Backing Police, Tackling Gangs |url= |publisher=New Zealand National Party |access-date=27 September 2023}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=Rātana: Luxon says co-governance debate 'divisive and immature' |url= |access-date=4 July 2023 |website=1 News |language=en}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last1=Palmer |first1=Russell |title=Youth crime boot camps: National proposes military academies, electronic monitoring |url= |access-date=27 September 2023 |work=Radio New Zealand |date=17 November 2022}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last1=McConnell |first1=Glenn |title=Christoper Luxon calls co-governance a 'divisive and immature conversation' |url= |access-date=27 September 2023 |work=Stuff |date=24 January 2023}}</ref> Meskipun mengumumkan Nasional tidak akan menentang Undang-Undang Legislasi Aborsi 2020,<ref name=":1" /> Luxon menentang [[Gugur kandungan|aborsi]] dan membandingkannya dengan pembunuhan.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Lal |first=Shaneel |date=13 August 2023 |title=Shaneel Lal: Election 2023: Replace Christopher Luxon with Nicola Willis to take advantage of Labour’s losses |url= |access-date=2 October 2023 |website=NZ Herald}}</ref><ref name="abortion Stuff" />
Pada bulan November 2019, Luxon mengatakan dia menentang aborsi, [[Eutanasia|euthanasia]], dan melegalkan [[Ganja|ganja rekreasional]], meskipun pada saat yang sama dia mendukung ganja untuk tujuan pengobatan.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Seah |first1=Naomii |title=The National Party's new conscience |url= |work=The Spinoff |date=29 November 2021 |access-date=1 December 2021}}</ref><ref name="Views">{{cite news |title= Christopher Luxon suggests extension of 'no jab, no pay' policy |url= |access-date= 10 August 2020 |work= [[Radio New Zealand]] |date= 5 November 2019 | quote = [...] Mr Luxon said he was against voluntary euthanasia, recreational cannabis and abortion reform – but is in favour of medicinal cannabis.|archive-url=|archive-date=30 July 2020|url-status=live}}</ref> Dia juga pada saat itu mendukung kebijakan "tidak disuntik, tidak diberi tunjangan" untuk sanksi kepada penerima manfaat kesejahteraan yang tidak memvaksinasi anak-anak mereka;<ref>{{cite news |last1= Cooke |first1= Henry |title= Christopher Luxon backs no-jab-no-pay further than the National Party |url= |access-date= 10 August 2020 |work= [[Stuff (website)|Stuff]] |date= 5 November 2019 |quote= He was asked by RNZ's [[Susie Ferguson]] whether he supported the policy of withdrawing sole parent support benefits for parents that don't vaccinate their children – currently just a 'proposal' by National, not an actual policy.<br>Luxon said he supported the idea, and even indicated some support for it extending to [[Working For Families]] benefits.|archive-url=|archive-date=10 November 2019|url-status=live}}</ref> namun, setelah terpilih sebagai pemimpin, Luxon mengatakan dia tidak mendukung pemotongan tunjangan bagi orang tua yang tidak melakukan vaksinasi anak-anak mereka saat [[Pandemi Covid-19 di Selandia Baru|COVID-19]].<ref>{{Cite web|title=RNZ Audio Player|url=|access-date=30 November 2021|date=30 November 2021|website=Radio NZ}}</ref> Luxon juga dengan tegas menentang upaya reformasi sistem air di Selandia Baru dan menentang tindakan afirmatif bagi Māori dan pemerintahan bersama, yang telah mengarah pada tuduhan hasutan ras.<ref name="auto6">{{Cite web |date=4 July 2023 |title=Shaw jokes Nats will dump Luxon amid warning of ‘race-baiting’ National/Act Govt |url= |access-date=4 July 2023 |website=NZ Herald |language=en-NZ}}</ref>
=== Urusan luar negeri ===
Menanggapi [[Perang Hamas−Israel 2023|konflik Gaza−Israel pada Oktober 2023]], Luxon menyatakan bahwa dia terkejut dan sedih dengan serangan Hamas terhadap Israel semalam. Luxon mengutuk serangan Hamas dan menyatakan bahwa Israel mempunyai hak untuk membela diri.<ref>{{cite news |title=NZ leaders respond to Gaza attacks |url= |access-date=10 October 2023 |work=[[The Spinoff]] |date=8 October 2023 |archive-url= |archive-date=8 October 2023|url-status=live}}</ref>
== Referensi ==