Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 96:
'''Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq''' ('''AAH'''; {{lang-ar|عصائب أهل الحق}} '''Aṣaʾib ʾAhl al-Haqq''', "LeagueLiga of theOrang-Orang RighteousBenar"), alsojuga knowndikenal as thesebagai '''KhazaliJaringan NetworkKhazali''' ({{lang-ar|شبكة الخزعلي}}), isadalah asebuah radicalpartai Iraqipolitik dan kelompok [[Shi'aparamiliter]] [[political partySyiah]] andIrak [[paramilitary]]radikal groupyang activeaktif in thedalam [[IraqiPerang CivilSaudara WarIrak (2014–2017)|Iraqipemberontakan insurgencyIrak]] anddan [[SyrianPerang CivilSaudara WarSuriah]].<ref>{{cite news|last1=Sly|first1=Liz|title=Pro-Iran militias' success in Iraq could undermine U.S.|url=|access-date=10 April 2015|newspaper=The Washington Post|date=15 February 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|author=al-Salhy, Suadad |url=|title=Iraqi Shi'ite militants start to acknowledge role in Syria|work=Reuters|date=10 April 2013|access-date=10 April 2015}}</ref> DuringSelama thePerang [[IraqIrak, War]]kelompok itini wasdikenal known as Iraq's largestsebagai "[[SpecialKelompok GroupsKhusus (Iraq)Irak|SpecialKelompok GroupKhusus]]" terbesar di Irak (theistilah Amerika untuk paramiliter AmericanSyiah termyang fordidukung [[Iran]]-backed Shiadi paramilitaries in IraqIrak), anddan wassejak sincetahun 2016 partmenjadi ofbagian thedari [[PopularPasukan MobilizationMobilisasi ForcesPopuler]] (PMF) indi theBrigade 41stke-41, 42ndke-42, anddan 43rd Brigadeske-43, cooperatingyang withbekerja thesama Iraqidengan governmentpemerintah inIrak itsdalam fight againstmemerangi ISIS.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=A NEW CONTROVERSIAL ACTOR IN POST-ISIS IRAQ: AL-HASHD AL-SHAABI (THE POPULAR MOBILIZATION FORCES) |access-date=2016-03-29 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2016-04-09 }}</ref>
AAH isdidanai, fundeddilatih, traineddiperlengkapi, equippeddan anddipandu guided byoleh [[IslamicPasukan Revolutionary Guard Corps|IRGCQuds]]'s [[QudsPengawal ForceRevolusi Iran|IRGC]] anddan [[HezbollahHizbullah (Lebanon)|Hizbullah]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq - Mapping Militant Organizations |author=Daniel |access-date=8 June 2016}}</ref><ref name="theguardian1">[ Controlled by Iran, the deadly militia recruiting Iraq's men to die in Syria], The Guardian, 12 March 2014</ref> Members ofAnggota AAH, assebagai partbagian ofdari PMF, receivemenerima Iraqigaji governmentdari salariespemerintah Irak{{citation needed|date=January 2020}} aftersetelah theunit-unit PMF unitssecara wereresmi officiallydiintegrasikan integratedke intodalam Iraqipasukan securitykeamanan forcesIrak inpada tahun 2018.{{citation needed|date=January 2020}}
AAH has claimed responsibility for over 6,000 attacks on [[Multi-National Force – Iraq|U.S.-led Coalition forces]] between 2006 and 2011 seeking to compel U.S. forces to withdraw completely from Iraq.<ref name="six thousand">{{cite web|url= |title="The Insurgency," Operation New Dawn, Official Website of the United States Force-Iraq |access-date=17 November 2014 |url-status=usurped |archive-url= |archive-date=29 November 2014 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |date=September 2, 2014 |title=Latest US Airstrikes In Iraq Supported A Shia Terror Group That Killed Americans |url= |website=Business Insider}}</ref> The militia's main tactic was to plant [[Improvised explosive device|IEDs]] along the roads used by U.S. forces. This lethal roadside bomb killed and wounded hundreds of Coalition troops. Other tactics include sniper attacks, kidnappings, rocket and [[RPG-7|RPG]] attacks. Since 2011, AAH has assassinated Iraqi political opponents, killed civilian protesters, and continued attacks on U.S. diplomatic and military presence.<ref>{{Cite web |title=ASA’IB AHL AL-HAQQ (AAH) |url= |}}</ref> In 2017, AAH created a party with the same name.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=مدن - بالوثيقة : مفوضية الانتخابات تصدر اجازة تأسيس حزب عصائب اهل الحق - سومر نيوز|}}</ref>