Pada tahun 2012, [[World Economic Forum]] menunjuk Riady ke Dewan Agenda Globalnya.<ref>{{cite web|title=Global Agenda Council Members|url=|publisher=World Economic Forum|accessdate=16 November 2013}}</ref> Beliau juga merupakan Dewan Penasihat Internasional Fakultas Hukum Universitas Columbia, dan Ketua KIKAS-KADIN,<ref>{{cite web|title=Ambassador Marciel Joins KADIN for Relaunch of U.S. Committee|url=|publisher=US Department of State|accessdate=16 November 2013}}</ref> Komite Bilateral AS-Indonesia di Kamar Dagang dan Industri Nasional Indonesia (KADIN).
== Keluarga Riady family ==
John Riady ismerupakan thecucu grandson ofdari [[Mochtar Riady]]. TheKeluarganya familymengendalikan controls theGrup Lippo Group, whichyang managesmengelola companiesperusahaan indi propertybidang properti, healthcarelayanan kesehatan, financialjasa serviceskeuangan, retailritel, technologyteknologi, anddan educationpendidikan indi Asia. Investornya Its investors includetermasuk [[Government of Singapore Investment Corporation|GIC]] anddan [[Temasek]], thedana Singapore stateinvestasi investmentnegara fundsSingapura, [[Mitsui]]; Khazanah, thedana MalaysianKekayaan SovereignNegara Wealth fundMalaysia; anddan [[CVC Capital Partners]], asebuah privateperusahaan equityekuitas firmswasta whichyang tripledmemperoleh itskeuntungan moneytiga inkali threelipat yearsdalam bytiga workingtahun withdengan Lippobekerja onsama thedengan buyoutLippo ofdalam theirpembelian Mataharijaringan department store chainMatahari mereka. th<ref>{{cite news|last=Venkat|first=P.R.|title=CVC Raises $1.3 Billion from Matahari Share Sale|url=|accessdate=16 November 2013|newspaper=Wall Street Journal|date=March 22, 2013}}</ref>