Pemilihan umum Presiden Indonesia 2004: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 80:
=== Kandidat resmi ===
==== 1. Wiranto dan Salahuddin Wahid ====
{{Main|Wiranto|Salahuddin Wahid}}
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Baris 114:
Posisi Salahuddin dalam Komite Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia juga membantu reputasi Wiranto. Namun, karena kedua calon berlatar belakang [[Suku Jawa|Jawa]], mereka tidak diharapkan dapat menarik banyak pemilih yang bukan orang Jawa.<ref name="AAS 71" />
==== 2. Megawati Soekarnoputri dan Hasyim Muzadi ====
{{Main|Megawati Soekarnoputri|Hasyim Muzadi}}
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Baris 135:
|Ketua Umum [[Nahdlatul Ulama]] (1999–2010)
| colspan="3" |'''[[:en:Megawati_Sukarnoputri_2004_presidential_campaign|CampaignKampanye]]'''
Presiden petahana Megawati Soekarnoputri merupakan kandidat terkuat PDI-P. Megawati dipasangkan dengan calon wakil presiden [[Hasyim Muzadi]], ketua umum organisasi Islam terbesar di Indonesia, [[Nahdlatul Ulama]] (NU). Pasangan calon tersebut mendapatkan nomor urut '''2''' pada surat suara.<ref name="Ballot2">{{Cite news|date=24 May 2004|title=5 Pasang Capres-Cawapres Peroleh Nomor Urut|url=|work=[[Kompas]]|language=id|archive-url=|archive-date=18 June 2004|access-date=10 September 2009}}</ref>
Menurut laporan yang dirilis oleh [[:en:National_Democratic_Institute_for_International_Affairs|National Democratic Institute for International Affairs]], Megawati memiliki "beban unik karena menjadi satu-satunya kandidat dalam pemilu yang bertanggung jawab atas situasi saat ini yang tidak disukai oleh sebagian besar pemilih" walaupun beberapa calon lain juga merupakan bagian dari pemerintahan tersebut.<ref name="NDI">{{Cite journal|date=June 2004|title=The People's Voice: Presidential Politics and Voter Perspectives in Indonesia|url=|publisher=[[National Democratic Institute for International Affairs]]|archive-url=|archive-date=29 November 2008|access-date=28 June 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref> Namun, ketidakpuasan masyarakat terhadap kepresidenannya terutama disebabkan oleh kegagalan pemerintah mengkomunikasikan pencapaian Megawati dibandingkan dengan keadaan negaran itu sendiri.<ref name="AAS 91">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|p=91|Ref=none}}</ref> PDI-P berada di posisi kedua perolehan suara terbanyak pada pemilihan legislatif dengan 18.5% suara, berkurang setengah dari 33.7% yang PDI-P raih di tahun 1999.<ref name="AAS 22">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=22|Ref=none}}</ref>
Baris 145:
Kedua kandidat memiliki latar belakang Jawa yang tidak diharapkan dapat menarik banyak pemilih yang bukan orang Jawa.<ref name="AAS 712">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=71|Ref=none}}</ref> Namun, status pasangan calon sebagai warga biasa menarik dukungan dari masyarakat yang tidak mendukung calon dengan latar belakang militer, dan keduanya diperkirakan dapat menarik suara dari pemilih sekuler dan religius.<ref name="AAS 72">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=72|Ref=none}}</ref>
==== 3. Amien Rais dan Siswono Yudo Hudono ====
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:90%; text-align:center"
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;" |<big><big><big><big><big>'''03'''</big></big></big></big></big>
| colspan="3" style="background:#f1f1f1;" |'''[[:en:National_Mandate_PartyPartai Amanat Nasional|2004Pasangan NationalCalon MandatePartai PartyAmanat ticketNasional]]'''
! style="font-size:135%; background:#0054A3" |[[Amien Rais|{{color|white|Amien Rais}}]]
Baris 165:
|[[Daftar Menteri Transmigrasi Indonesia|Menteri Transmigrasi dan Pemukiman Perambah Hutan]] (1993–1998)
| colspan="3" |'''[[:en:Amien_Rais_2004_presidential_campaign|CampaignKampanye]]'''
The PAN nominatedmencalonkan Amien Rais, chairman of theketua MPR, assebagai itscalon presidentialpresiden candidatemereka. HisAmien runningRais matedidampingi wasoleh Siswono YudohusodoYudo Husodo. ThePasangan paircalon wastersebut assignedmendapatkan thenomor numberurut '''3''' forpada itssurat ballotsuara.<ref name="Ballot3">{{Cite news|date=24 May 2004|title=5 Pasang Capres-Cawapres Peroleh Nomor Urut|url=|work=[[Kompas]]|language=id|archive-url=|archive-date=18 June 2004|access-date=10 September 2009}}</ref>
Amien Rais hadsebelumnya oncepernah servedmenjabat assebagai the chairman ofketua [[:en:Muhammadiyah|Muhammadiyah]]. HoweverTetapi, despitewalaupun leadingdengan thelatar second-largestbelakang Islamicpernah organisationmemimpin inorganisasi Indonesia,Islam Amienterbesar establishedkedua thedi Indonesia, PAN followingyang thedidirikan resignationoleh ofAmien PresidentRais Suhartosetelah aspengunduran adiri partyPresiden notSoeharto basedsebagai onsebuah religiouspartai affiliation.politik Hebukan becameberasaskan ankeagamaan. influentialAmien figureRais inkemudian themenjadi earlyfigur daysberpengaruh ofpada theawal reformmasa period andreformasi wasdan eventuallypada electedakhirnya toterpilih leaduntuk thememimpin MPR.<ref name="AAS 12">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=12|Ref=none}}</ref> AmongDiantara voterspara pemilih, heAmien wasRais seendipandang assebagai akandidat candidateyang whotidak hadmemiliki nohubungan associationdengan with[[Korupsi thedi [[:en:Political_corruptionIndonesia|corruptionkorupsi]] thatyang wasmenjadi endemicwabah todi thedalam nation'spemerintahan governmentIndonesia. VotersPara alsopemilih sawjuga himmenganggap asAmien anRais ambitioussebagai personseseorang andyang asambisius onedan whodikenal wassebagai known for being anseorang [[:en:Orator|orator]].<ref name="NDI2">{{Cite journal|date=June 2004|title=The People's Voice: Presidential Politics and Voter Perspectives in Indonesia|url=|publisher=[[National Democratic Institute for International Affairs]]|archive-url=|archive-date=29 November 2008|access-date=28 June 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref> Partai PAN pimpinan Amien's partyRais had receivedmenerima 6.4% of the votessuara duringpada thepemilihan legislativeumum electionlegislatif.<ref name="AAS 222">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=22|Ref=none}}</ref>
OnDi thesisi other handlain, Siswono Yudohusodo wasYudo aHusodo relativemerupakan newcomerfigur tobaru thedalam politicaldunia scenepolitik. HeIa servedmenjabat assebagai theketua chairman[[Himpunan ofKerukunan theTani Indonesian Farmers' AssociationIndonesia]] (HKTI) anddan heldbeberapa ministerialposisi positionsmenteri duringpada theakhir latermasa yearskepresidenan of Suharto's presidencySoeharto.<ref name="AAS 722">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=72|Ref=none}}</ref> Siswono wasmerupakan thekandidat wealthiestdengan ofkekayaan anyterbanyak candidatedi forantara presidentkandidat orcalon vicepresiden presidentdan basedwakil onpresiden reportsmenurut submittedlaporan bydari candidates[[Komisi toPemberantasan theKorupsi [[:en:Corruption_Eradication_CommissionRepublik Indonesia|CorruptionKomisi EradicationPemberantasan CommissionKorupsi]] (KPK).<ref>{{Cite news|last=Sri Saraswati|first=Muninggar|date=3 July 2004|title=Siswono the richest, Amien poorest candidate|url=|work=[[The Jakarta Post]]|archive-url=|archive-date=7 June 2011|access-date=29 June 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref>
LikeSeperti Megawati anddan Hasyim, Amien anddan Siswono weretidak alsodiharapkan notdapat expectedmenarik tobanyak attractpemilih manyyang non-Javanesebukan votersorang Jawa. TheKedua pairpasangan wascalon supportedtersebut byjuga thedidukung oleh PKS, the seventh party whichpartai metketujuh theyang criteriaberhak tountuk submitmencalonkan presidentialpasangan andcalon vice-presidentialpresiden candidatesdan butwakil didpresiden notnamun dotidak somencalonkan, andbersama adengan numberpartai ofpolitik smallerkecil partieslainnya.<ref name="AAS 722" />
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Berkas:Pilpres==== 2004 SBY-JK.JPG|[[Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono]] dan [[Jusuf Kalla]] ====
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| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;" |<big><big><big><big><big>'''04'''</big></big></big></big></big>
!Pasangan Calon
!Partai Politik
| colspan="3" style="background:#f1f1f1;" |'''[[Partai Demokrat|Pasangan Calon Partai Demokrat]]'''
|<gallery widths="200" heights="150">
Berkas:Pilpres 2004 Wiranto-Salahuddin.JPG|[[Wiranto]] dan [[Salahuddin Wahid]]
! style="font-size:135%; background:#2643A3" |[[Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono|{{color|white|Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono}}]]
! style="font-size:135%; background:#2643A3" |[[Jusuf Kalla|{{color|white|Jusuf Kalla}}]]
|<gallery widths="200" heights="150">
| rowspan="2" style="background:#f1f1f1" |'''Partai Politik'''
Berkas:Pilpres 2004 Megawati-Hasyim.JPG|[[Megawati Soekarnoputri]] dan [[Hasyim Muzadi]]
|- style="color:#000; font-size:100%; "
| style="width:3em; width:200px; background:#66B2FF" |'''''Calon Presiden'''''
| style="width:3em; width:200px; background:#66B2FF" |'''''Calon Wakil Presiden'''''
|<gallery widths="200" heights="150">
| rowspan="2" |{{Legend|#2643A3|[[Democratic Party (Indonesia)|Demokrat]]}}{{Legend|#005825|[[Crescent Star Party (Indonesia)|PBB]]}}{{Legend|#E4000E|[[Indonesian Justice and Unity Party|PKPI]]}}
Berkas:Pilpres 2004 Amien-Siswono.JPG|[[Amien Rais]] dan [[Siswono Yudo Husodo]]
|[[Menteri Koordinator Politik dan Keamanan]] (2001–2004)
|[[Menko Kesra|Menteri Koordinator Kesejahteraan Rakyat]] (2001–2004)
|<gallery widths="200" heights="150">
Berkas:Pilpres 2004 SBY-JK.JPG|[[Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono]] dan [[Jusuf Kalla]]
| colspan="3" |'''[[:en:Susilo_Bambang_Yudhoyono_2004_presidential_campaign|Kampanye]]'''
|<gallery widths="200" heights="150">
Berkas:Pilpres 2004 Hamzah Haz-Agum Gumelar.JPG|[[Hamzah Haz]] dan [[Agum Gumelar]]
[[File:Yudhoyono_campaign_rally_2004.jpg|pra=|jmpl|The rapid rise in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's (center) popularity helped the Democratic Party garner 7.45% of votes during the April 2004 legislative election.<ref name="AAS 56">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=56|Ref=none}}</ref>]]
The rapid rise in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's (center) popularity helped the Democratic Party garner 7.45% of votes during the April 2004 legislative election.
The Democratic Party, supported by [[:en:Indonesian_Justice_and_Unity_Party|PKPI]] and [[:en:Crescent_Star_Party_(Indonesia)|PBB]], nominated retired General Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for its presidential candidate. He was later joined by Jusuf Kalla as running mate, and the pair was assigned the number '''4''' for its ballot.<ref name="Ballot4">{{Cite news|date=24 May 2004|title=5 Pasang Capres-Cawapres Peroleh Nomor Urut|url=|work=[[Kompas]]|language=id|archive-url=|archive-date=18 June 2004|access-date=10 September 2009}}</ref>
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono served in the cabinets of two previous administrations. While serving as Coordinating Minister for Political, Social and Security Affairs under Abdurrahman Wahid, he refused an order to declare a [[:en:State_of_emergency|state of emergency]] that would have stopped the parliamentary process to impeach the President and was subsequently dismissed.<ref>{{Harvnb|Ricklefs|2008|p=395|Ref=none}}</ref> Yudhoyono was nominated for vice president after the MPR selected Megawati to succeed Abdurrahman Wahid, but he lost the election to PPP Chairman Hamzah Haz and DPR Speaker Akbar Tanjung.<ref name="AAS 23">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=23|Ref=none}}</ref> He reprised his prior cabinet position in Megawati's administration but resigned on 1 March 2004 to join the race for the presidency.<ref name="AAS 723">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=72|Ref=none}}</ref> The Democratic Party, established as a vehicle for Yudhoyono's political career by secular nationalists who saw the potential of his leadership,<ref name="AAS 23" /> received 7.45% of votes and 10% of DPR seats in the April legislative election.<ref name="AAS 223">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=22|Ref=none}}</ref>
Yudhoyono's running mate was Jusuf Kalla, a wealthy [[:en:Bugis|Bugis]] businessman and member of Golkar who served as Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare under Megawati.<ref name="AAS 73">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=73|Ref=none}}</ref> He mediated two separate peaceful resolutions to inter-religious conflicts between Christians and Muslims in his native [[:en:Sulawesi|Sulawesi]] in 2001 and [[:en:Maluku_Islands|Maluku]] in 2002.<ref>{{Cite news|last1=Muannas|last2=Amir|first2=Syarief|date=20 December 2001|title=Deklarasi Malino Mengakhiri Pertikaian di Poso|url=,20011220-26,id.html|work=[[Tempo magazine (Indonesia)|Tempo]]|language=id|archive-url=,20011220-26,id.html|archive-date=30 November 2004|access-date=10 September 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|last=Hadi|first=Syamsul|year=2007|title=Disintegrasi Pasca Orde Baru: Negara, Konflik Lokal dan Dinamika Internasional|place=Jakarta|publisher=Centre for International Relations Studies|isbn=978-979-461-624-6|page=179|language=id}}</ref> Kalla joined Golkar's selection process for the party's presidential nominee in August 2003 but withdrew his candidacy days before the party convention the following April.<ref>{{Cite news|date=7 August 2003|title=Wiranto dan Kalla Maju, Agum Gumelar Mundur|url=|work=[[Kompas]]|language=id|archive-url=|archive-date=8 August 2003|access-date=10 September 2009}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|date=16 April 2004|title=Kalla Mundur Sebelum Konvensi|url=|work=Radar Sulteng|language=id|archive-url=|archive-date=8 October 2011|access-date=10 September 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref> Several days later, he resigned his cabinet position and announced his alliance with Yudhoyono.<ref name="AAS 73" /> Kalla was also seen as a potential vice-presidential candidate for the incumbent Megawati.<ref>{{Cite news|date=19 April 2004|title=Blow to Megawati re-election bid|url=|publisher=[[BBC]]|access-date=10 September 2009}}</ref>
The combination brought together two men with very different backgrounds that added to the attractiveness of their ticket. Yudhoyono, who was raised in densely populated Java, is seen as more secular and has a military background. On the other hand, Kalla is a devout Muslim who grew up in the outer province of South Sulawesi and came from a civilian background.<ref name="AAS 73" />
==== Hamzah Haz dan Agum Gumelar ====
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| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;" |<big><big><big><big><big>'''05'''</big></big></big></big></big>
| colspan="3" style="background:#f1f1f1;" |'''[[Partai Persatuan Pembangunan|Pasangan Calon Partai Persatuan Pembangunan]]'''
! style="font-size:135%; background:#00A100" |[[Hamzah Haz|{{color|white|Hamzah Haz}}]]
! style="font-size:135%; background:#00A100" |[[Agum Gumelar|{{color|white|Agum Gumelar}}]]
| rowspan="2" style="background:#f1f1f1" |'''Partai Politik'''
|- style="color:#000; font-size:100%; "
| style="width:3em; width:200px; background:#4DEE4D" |'''''Calon Presiden'''''
| style="width:3em; width:200px; background:#4DEE4D" |'''''Calon Wakil Presiden'''''
| rowspan="2" |{{Legend|#00A100|[[United Development Party|PPP]]}}
|[[Wakil Presiden Indonesia]] Ke-9 (2001–2004)
|[[Daftar Menteri Perhubungan Indonesia|Menteri Perhubungan]] (2001–2004)
| colspan="3" |'''[[:en:Hamzah_Haz_2004_presidential_campaign|Kampanye]]'''
Incumbent Vice President Hamzah Haz was the presidential nominee of the PPP. He was joined by Minister of Transportation [[:en:Agum_Gumelar|Agum Gumelar]] for the vice-presidential candidate. The pair was assigned the number '''5''' for its ballot.<ref name="Ballot5">{{Cite news|date=24 May 2004|title=5 Pasang Capres-Cawapres Peroleh Nomor Urut|url=|work=[[Kompas]]|language=id|archive-url=|archive-date=18 June 2004|access-date=10 September 2009}}</ref>
Hamzah Haz was elected vice president by the MPR after defeating DPR Speaker Akbar Tanjung when it removed President Abdurrahman Wahid from office in 2001. Although the [[:en:BBC|BBC]] reported him once stating that "no woman was fit to head the world's leading Muslim nation", he came into office as the deputy to Indonesia's first female president. Haz served in the cabinet of President [[:en:B._J._Habibie|B. J. Habibie]] and was the first minister to resign from the Abdurrahman Wahid administration. He was accused of [[:en:Political_corruption#Graft|graft]] and [[:en:Nepotism|nepotism]] but was never subjected to an investigation.<ref>{{Cite news|date=26 July 2001|title=Profile: Hamzah Haz|url=|publisher=[[BBC]]|access-date=12 September 2009}}</ref> As Vice President, Haz had been a proponent of an amendment to the Constitution which would impose [[:en:Sharia|Islamic law]] on Muslims in the country. However, other political parties and the Islamic organisations Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah opposed such amendment for fear of more extreme forms of Islam.<ref>{{Harvnb|Ricklefs|2008|p=400|Ref=none}}</ref>
A relatively unknown figure in the political scene, Agum Gumelar served as Minister of Transportation under Abdurrahman Wahid and Megawati.<ref name="AAS 732">{{Harvnb|Ananta|Arifin|Suryadinata|2005|p=73|Ref=none}}</ref> In September 2003, Agum had recommended Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono or Jusuf Kalla as Megawati's running mate in the presidential election after predicting that the PDI–P would lose a significant number of votes in the April legislative election. However, both men eventually formed their own ticket, and Agum declined a vice-presidential candidate offer from Amien Rais in order to remain on the cabinet. He eventually accepted an offer from the PPP leadership to become Haz's running mate and resigned from Megawati's administration.<ref>{{Cite web|last1=Cahyana|first1=Ludhi|last2=Parlan|first2=Tri Mariyani|title=Hamzah Haz dan Agum Gumelar|url=|publisher=Institute for the Studies on Free Flow of Information|language=id|archive-url=|archive-date=21 July 2011|access-date=12 September 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref>
Neither candidate was of Javanese origin; hence, they might have attracted constituencies of the outer provinces.<ref name="AAS 732" />
== Pemilihan umum putaran pertama ==