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Aleirezkiette (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 13:
|[[Emberis jambul]]
|Crested bunting
|''Emberiza lathami''
|Southeast Asia.
|[[Emberis jelaga]]
|Slaty bunting
|''Emberiza siemsseni''
|[[Emberis jagung]]
|Corn bunting
|''Emberiza calandra''
|Western Europe and North Africa across to northwestern China.
|[[Emberis limau]]
|''Emberiza citrinella''
|southeast England and most of Europe east to the northwestern corner of Russia and western Ukraine.
|[[Emberis tusam]]
|Pine bunting
|''Emberiza leucocephalos''
|[[Emberis batu]]
|Rock bunting
|''Emberiza cia''
|northwest Africa, southern Europe east to central Asia, and the Himalayas
|[[Emberis Godlewski]]
|Godlewski's bunting
|''Emberiza godlewskii''
|China, Pakistan, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Myanmar, and Russia.
|[[Emberis padang-rumput]]
|Meadow bunting
|''Emberiza cioides''
|southern Siberia, northern and eastern China, eastern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Korea and Japan.
|[[Emberis topi-putih]]
|White-capped bunting
|''Emberiza stewarti''
|Afghanistan, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
|[[Emberis Jankowski]]
|Jankowski's bunting
|''Emberiza jankowskii''
|Russian Far East, Manchuria and far northeastern Korea
| [[Emberis leher-kelabu]]
|Grey-necked bunting
|''Emberiza buchanani''
|Caspian Sea to the Altai Mountains in Central Asia
|[Emberis pirau]]
|Cinereous bunting
|''Emberiza cineracea''
|southern Turkey and southern Iran
|[[Emberis ortolan]]
|Ortolan bunting
|''Emberiza hortulana''
|European countries and western Asia
|[[Emberis Cretzschmar]]
|Cretzschmar's bunting
|''Emberiza caesia''
|Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and the Levant.
|[[Emberis cirl]]
|Cirl bunting
|''Emberiza cirlus''
|southern Europe, on the Mediterranean islands and in north Africa
|[[Emberis lurik]]
|Striolated bunting
|''Emberiza striolata''
|Chad, east through south-west Asia to north-western India, Africa
|[[Emberis rumah]]
|House bunting
|''Emberiza sahari''
|northwestern Africa from Morocco south to Mali and east to Chad.
|[[Emberis Branjangan]]
|Lark-like bunting
|''Emberiza impetuani''
|Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
|[[Emberis dada-merah]]
|Cinnamon-breasted bunting
|''Emberiza tahapisi''
|mainland sub-Saharan Africa
|[[Emberis Gosling]]
|Gosling's bunting
|''Emberiza goslingi''
|Mauritania and Senegal to south-western Sudan and north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
|[[Emberis socotra]
|Socotra bunting
|''Emberiza socotrana''
|[[Emberis tanjung]]
|Cape bunting
|''Emberiza capensis''
|southern Africa from south-western Angola, eastern Zambia, Zimbabwe and southern Tanzania to the Cape.
|[[Emberis Tristram]]
|Tristram's bunting
|''Emberiza tristrami''
|eastern Manchuria and the Russian Far East and winters in central and southern China.
|[[Emberis kuping-coklat]]
|Chestnut-eared bunting
|''Emberiza fucata''
|the Himalayas locally across China to south-eastern Siberia, Korea and northern Japan
|[[Emberis kecil]
|Little bunting
|''Emberiza pusilla''
|north-east of Europe and northern Eurosiberia to the Russian Far East and northern India, southern China and the northern parts of south-east Asia.
|[[Emberis alis-kuning]]
|Yellow-browed bunting
|''Emberiza chrysophrys''
|eastern Siberia, China
|[[Emberis karat]]
|Rustic bunting
|''Emberiza rustica''
|south-east Asia, Japan, Korea, and eastern China.
|[[Emberis leher-kuning]]
|Yellow-throated bunting
|''Emberiza elegans''
|China, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, Russia, and Taiwan.
|[[Burung bunting dada kuning|Yellow-breastedEmberis buntingdada-kuning]]
|''Emberiza aureola''
|Finland to Bering Sea migrating to Indochina
|[[Emberis somalia]]
|Somali bunting
|''Emberiza poliopleura''
|Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda