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{{Pemutakhiran|date=September 2022|reason=penelitian sudah lama berkembang, dan dilakukan ulang. Belum ada pembaruan artikel perantara}}{{Usang|date=September 2022|updated=2019|inaccurate=yes|reason=Artikel ini mungkin sudah tidak sesuai dengan kondisi nyata penelitan yang baru}}
'''Xq28''' adalah [[pita kromosom]] dan [[penanda genetik]] yang terletak di ujung [[kromosom X]]. Pita kromosom ini telah diteliti semenjak tahun 1980<ref>{{cite journal |pmid=6930669 |year=1980 |last1=Pai |first1=GS |last2=Sprenkle |first2=JA |last3=Do |first3=TT |last4=Mareni |first4=CE |last5=Migeon |first5=BR |title=Localization of loci for hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and biochemical evidence of nonrandom X chromosome expression from studies of a human X-autosome translocation |volume=77 |issue=5 |pages=2810–3 |pmc=349494 |journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |doi=10.1073/pnas.77.5.2810|bibcode = 1980PNAS...77.2810P }}</ref> dan terdiri dari tiga region berbeda dengan informasi genetik sebesar 8 [[pasangan basa|Mb]].<ref>{{cite journal |bibcode=1996PNAS...93.1298D |jstor=38791 |title=A Compositional Map of Human Chromosome Band Xq28 |author1=De Sario |first1=Albertina |last2=Geigl |first2=Eva-Maria |last3=Palmieri |first3=Giuseppe |last4=d'Urso |first4=Michele |last5=Bernardi |first5=Giorgio |volume=93 |year=1996 |pages=1298–302 |journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |doi=10.1073/pnas.93.3.1298 |pmid=8577758 |issue=3 |pmc=40074}}</ref> Xq28 mengandung 12 gen dari famili [[antigen terkait melanoma]];<ref>{{cite journal |pmid=8575766 |year=1995 |last1=Rogner |first1=UC |last2=Wilke |first2=K |last3=Steck |first3=E |last4=Korn |first4=B |last5=Poustka |first5=A |title=The melanoma antigen gene (MAGE) family is clustered in the chromosomal band Xq28 |volume=29 |issue=3 |pages=725–31 |doi=10.1006/geno.1995.9945 |journal=Genomics}}</ref> di antaranya [[MAGEA11]] telah diidentifikasikan sebagai koregulator [[reseptor androgen]].<ref>{{cite journal |pmid=21789088 |year=2010 |last1=Wilson |first1=EM |title=Androgen receptor molecular biology and potential targets in prostate cancer |volume=2 |issue=3 |pages=105–17 |doi=10.1177/1756287210372380 |pmc=3126091 |journal=Therapeutic advances in urology}}</ref> Duplikasi beberapa gen di Xq28, seperti [[MECP2]] dan [[IRAK1]], telah diasosiasikan dengan [[Fenotipe|fenotip]] seperti [[autisme]] dan kegelisahan.<ref>{{cite journal |pmid=22231481 |year=2012 |last1=Samaco |first1=RC |last2=Mandel-Brehm |first2=C |last3=McGraw |first3=CM |last4=Shaw |first4=CA |last5=McGill |first5=BE |last6=Zoghbi |first6=HY |title=Crh and Oprm1 mediate anxiety-related behavior and social approach in a mouse model of MECP2 duplication syndrome |doi=10.1038/ng.1066 |journal=Nature Genetics |volume=44 |issue=2 |pages=206–11}}</ref> <s>Penanda ini pertama kali dikenal oleh publik pada tahun 1993 setelah Dean Hamer et al menemukan keterkaitan antara penanda Xq28 dengan orientasi homoseksual.<ref name="Science">{{cite journal |doi=10.1126/science.8332896 |title=A linkage between DNA markers on the X chromosome and male sexual orientation |year=1993 |last1=Hamer |first1=D. |last2=Hu |first2=S |last3=Magnuson |first3=V. |last4=Hu |first4=N |last5=Pattatucci |first5=A. |journal=Science |volume=261 |issue=5119 |pages=321–7 |pmid=8332896|bibcode = 1993Sci...261..321H }}</ref> Namun, Xq28 tidak terkait dengan orientasi sesama jenis perempuan.<ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1038/ng1195-248 |title=Linkage between sexual orientation and chromosome Xq28 in males but not in females |year=1995 |last1=Hu |first1=Stella |last2=Pattatucci |first2=Angela M. L. |last3=Patterson |first3=Chavis |last4=Li |first4=Lin |last5=Fulker |first5=David W. |last6=Cherny |first6=Stacey S. |last7=Kruglyak |first7=Leonid |last8=Hamer |first8=Dean H. |journal=Nature Genetics |volume=11 |issue=3 |pages=248–56 |pmid=7581447}}</ref></s> (Faktanya, penelitian baru skala masif pada 2019 dengan nilai 100 kali lebih besar dari penelitian yang ada sebelumnya, tidak ada gen tunggal yang bertanggung jawab berkaitan dengan sesama jenis)<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Ganna|first=Andrea|last2=Verweij|first2=Karin J. H.|last3=Nivard|first3=Michel G.|last4=Maier|first4=Robert|last5=Wedow|first5=Robbee|last6=Busch|first6=Alexander S.|last7=Abdellaoui|first7=Abdel|last8=Guo|first8=Shengru|last9=Sathirapongsasuti|first9=J. Fah|date=2019-08-30|title=Large-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture of same-sex sexual behavior|url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7082777/|journal=Science (New York, N.Y.)|volume=365|issue=6456|pages=eaat7693|doi=10.1126/science.aat7693|issn=0036-8075|pmc=7082777|pmid=31467194}}</ref>
<s>Sebuah penelitian pada November 2014 juga berhasil mereplikasi penemuan bahwa gen di Xq28 memengaruhi perkembangan orientasi seksual laki-laki. Penemuan tersebut didasarkan pada sampel darah yang diambil dari 409 pasang saudara laki-laki homoseksual dan heteroseksual (total 908 individu dari 384 keluarga).<ref name="camb20141117">{{cite journal |author=Sanders,A. R. and Martin,E. R. and Beecham,G. W. and Guo,S. and Dawood,K. and Rieger,G. and Badner,J. A. and Gershon,E. S. and Krishnappa,R. S. and Kolundzija,A. B. and Duan,J. and Gejman,P. V. and Bailey,J. M. |date=November 2014 |title=Genome-wide scan demonstrates significant linkage for male sexual orientation |url=http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0033291714002451 |journal=Psychological Medicine |volume=FirstView |pages=1-10 |doi=10.1017/S0033291714002451}}</ref><ref name="Mintz">{{cite news|last=Mintz|first=Zoe|title=Does A ‘Gay Gene’ Exist? New Study Says ‘Xq28’ May Influence Male Sexual Orientation|url=http://www.ibtimes.com/does-gay-gene-exist-new-study-says-xq28-may-influence-male-sexual-orientation-1555564|accessdate=18 February 2014|newspaper=[[International Business Times]]|date=14 February 2014}}</ref></s>