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Baris 242:
=== Pembentukan kabinet ===
OnPada 20 AugustAgustus 1949, PresidentPresiden Sukarno[[Soekarno]] exercisedmelaksanakan hishak prerogativeprerogatifnya bydengan appointingmenunjuk [[Mohammad Natsir]] tountuk becomemembentuk asusunan cabinetkabinet formationbaru. TheKabinet Natsir's Cabinetkemudian wasmerupakan akabinet coalitionkoalisi cabinetdengan with[[partai Masyumi]] Party's assebagai itinti coreutamanya.{{citation needed|date=August 2022}} HoweverNamun, the [[:en:Indonesian_National_PartyPartai Nasional Indonesia|PNI]] didtidak notmendapatkan getposisi adalam positionkabinet intersebut. thisSebagian cabinet,besar mostanggota ofkabinet theberasal member of this party consists ofdari Masyumi Party people, althoughnamun theretetap wereterdapat non-partybeberapa membersanggota inkabinet thenon cabinetpartai. ThisKabinet cabinetNatsir wasdiisi whereoleh well-known professional figures sitbeberapa intokoh itpopuler, such as Sri Sultanseperti [[:en:Hamengkubuwana_IX|Hamengkubuwana IX]], Ir.[[Djoeanda DjuandaKartawidjaja]], and Prof. Dr.dan [[:en:Sumitro_Djojohadikusumo|SumitroSoemitro DjojohadikusumoDjojohadikoesoemo]]. ItSeringkali isdisebut whysebagai the'Kabinet cabinet got the epithet 'Zaken Cabinet'.,<ref>{{Cite news|last=Afrianto|first=Dedy|date=18 July 2019|title=Diorama Kabinet "Zaken"|url=https://kompas.id//baca/utama/2019/07/18/diorama-kabinet-zaken-1/|work=Kompas.id|access-date=10 October 2019}}</ref> ide Natsir motiveadalah wasuntuk tomembentuk leadkabinet anasionalis nationalisticyang cabinetdiisi witholeh coalition parties as thepartai-partai memberskoalisi. HoweverNamun, thiside cannottersebut betidak fulfilleddapat becausediwujudkan therekarena wasadanya aperebutan fightkursi for seat formation in the cabinetkabinet betweenantara PNI anddan Masyumi Party,yang causingmenyebabkan displeasureketidaksenangan fromdari sisi PNI's sideserta and difficulty in pursuingmenyulitkan PNI tobergabung joinke hisdalam cabinetkabinet. InDalam thiskasus casetersebut, Natsir reasonedberalasan thatpartainya hismemiliki partyhak hadyang morelebih rightsbanyak thandibandingkan anypartai otherlain. party,PNI yettidak onsetuju thedengan otherpernyataan handNatsir, themereka PNImenganggap didbahwa notsetiap agreepartai withkoalisi thisberhak because,mendapatkan forminimal them,satu allkursi partiesdi werekabinet. entitledPNI tomeminta apartainya positionmendapatkan injatah theposisi cabinet.[[Menteri PNIDalam demandedNegeri that(Indonesia)|Menteri peopleDalam fromNegeri]], their[[Menteri partyLuar gotNegeri the position asIndonesia|Menteri MinistryLuar of Home AffairsNegeri]], Ministrydan of[[Menteri ForeignPendidikan Affairs,dan andKebudayaan|Menteri Ministry of EducationPendidikan]]. AfterSetelah negotiatingbernegosiasi, PNI weremerelakan willingposisi toMenteri giveLuar upNegeri the position of Ministry of Foreign Affairs tokepada Masyumi anddan MinistryMenteri ofPendidikan Educationkepada forpartai anotherlain partydengan withsyarat thePNI promisemendapatkan ofposisi takingMenteri theDalam position as Ministry of Home AffairsNegeri. YetNamun, theharapan hopeuntuk ofmendapatkan gettingposisi thattersebut positionhilang hadketika todiputuskan crumbleMasyumi after it was decided that Masyumiyang mustberhak takeatas theposisi positiontersebut. PNI concededmenganggap thiskeputusan unfairtersebut consideringtidak theadil positionmengingat ofposisi PrimePerdana MinisterMenteri itselfsendiri alreadysudah filleddiisi witholeh Masyumi.{{citation needed|date=December 2019}}
BesidesSelain beingkritik criticiseddari bypartai other partieslain, Kabinet Natsir Cabinetjuga alsodikritisi gotoleh criticisedpartainya by its own core partysendiri, Masyumi. TheKritik criticismtersebut wasdiarahkan aimedterhadap atkeputusan DecemberKongres 1949pada congressionalDesember decision1949 thatyang bannedmelarang aketua party'spartai generalmenjadi chairman from becoming a ministermenteri.<ref>{{Cite web|last=Subarkah|first=Muhammad|date=31 August 2018|title=Sukarno-Natsir:Lawan Pendapat Bukan Musuh yang Harus Dihabis|url=https://www.republika.co.id/berita/kolom/wacana/18/08/31/pebj8r385-sukarnonatsirlawan-pendapat-bukan-musuh-yang-harus-dihabis|website=Republika.co.id|access-date=4 September 2019}}</ref> TheTujuan purposedari ofkongres thistersebut congressadalah waskonsolidasi partypartai consolidationnamun butdiubah itoleh wasDewan changedPartai by the Party Council indi Bogor atpada 3–6 JuneJuni 1950 thatyang membahas professmengenai thesistem federal systemyang couldtidak nodapat longer be maintaineddilanjutkan. InDalam orderrangka totidak notmelanggar violatedkeputusan thekongres congressterlalu decision too muchbanyak, Natsir wasdinonaktifkan deactivateddari fromposisinya hissebagai positionketua as the general chairman ofumum Masyumi Party anddan wasposisinya replaceddigantikan byoleh Jusuf Wibisono.{{citation needed|date=December 2019}}
=== Penunjukan pertama ===
Baris 259:
* Menyempurnakan organisasi Angkatan Perang dan pemulihan mantan anggota-anggota tentara dan gerilya ke dalam masyarakat.
* Memperjuangkan dan mengusahakan penyelesaian masalah perebutan wilayah [[Irian Barat]] dalam waktu yang singkat.
== Implementasi program kerja Kabinet Natsir ==
Walaupun telah mendapatkan kepercayaan dan dukungan dari [[Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia|Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat]] (DPR), Kabinet Natsir tidak mampu mengerjakan programnya. Parlemen yang diketuai oleh [[Sartono (politikus)|Sartono]] dari PNI, berperan sebagai oposisi dibandingkan sebagai pendukung pemerintah dalam perencanaan dan pengimplementasian program kabinet.
=== Permasalahan pemilihan umum ===
Salah satu program utama Kabinet Natsir adalah untuk melaksanakan pemilihan umum untuk membentuk sebuah [[Majelis konstituante]] yang bertugas merancang dan mengesahkan [[Konstitusi Indonesia]] yang sesuai dengan mandat Pasal 134 [[Konstitusi Republik Indonesia Serikat]]. Untuk melaksanakan pemilihan umum, diperlukan pedoman yang diatur oleh hukum. Oleh karena itu, Kabinet Natsir melalui Menteri Kehakiman [[Wongsonegoro]] telah merancang sebuah Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Pemilihan Umum.
Ketika Kabinet Natsir melalui Menteri Kehakiman mengirimkan rancangan tersebut kepada parlemen pada Februari 1951 untuk dibahas dan disahkan menjadi Undang-Undang (UU) agar dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam melaksanakan pemilihan umum. Parlemen yang dipimpin oleh PNI yang merupakan oposisi pemerintahan, tidak langsung membahas RUU tersebut. Dengan tidak membahas RUU tersebut di parlemen, RUU tersebut terbengkalai dan tidak disahkan menjadi UU. Akibatnya, pemilihan umum tidak dapat dilaksanakan dikarenakan tidak adanya pedoman hukum yang berlaku pada saat itu.
=== Permasalahan keamanan dalam negeri ===
==== Gerilyawan Bersenjata ====
When the Natsir Cabinet took over the responsibility of the [[:en:Government_of_Indonesia|Indonesian government]], domestic security problems had not yet fully recovered. Many armed groups are scattered throughout Indonesia. They possessed weapons legally because they seized them from the [[:en:Japanese_colonial_empire|Japanese]] and [[:en:Dutch_Colonial_Empire|Dutch colonial]] forces who were then used to fight to defend [[:en:Proclamation_of_Indonesian_Independence|Indonesian independence]]. There are followers of [[:en:Sekarmadji_Maridjan_Kartosuwiryo|S. M. Kartosuwiryo]] who called himself DI / TII in [[:en:West_Java|West Java]], there was a communist group called "Merapi-Merbabu Complex" (MMC) In [[:en:Central_Java|Central Java]], there were Kahar Muzakar followers in [[:en:South_Sulawesi|South Sulawesi]] and "Laskar Hari Liar" in [[:en:North_Sumatra|North Sumatra]]. As long as the weapons still available to them have not been put in order, the domestic security is not guaranteed.
==== Republic of South Maluku (RMS) ====
[[File:Republic_of_South_Maluku_Coa.svg|pra=https://en.wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/File:Republic_of_South_Maluku_Coa.svg|jmpl|Republic of South Maluku Logo]]
Another problem in regard to internal security is the group that clearly states that it is independent and independent of Indonesian power, namely the RMS. [[:en:Chris_Soumokil|Soumokil]] who proclaimed the Republic of South Maluku (RMS) in [[:en:Ambon,_Maluku|Ambon]] on 25 April 1950, namely the RIS Cabinet (Mohammad Hatta). The RIS government has tried to persuade the RMS by sending Dr. [[:en:Johannes_Leimena|Johannes Leimena]], a republican from Ambon to negotiate, but failed. On 14 July 1950, RIS sent [[:en:Indonesian_Army|TNI]] troops led by Lieutenant Colonel [[:en:Slamet_Rijadi|Slamet Riyadi]] to quell him. The RMS is supported by former [[:en:Royal_Netherlands_East_Indies_Army|KNIL]] (Dutch era soldiers) who are sufficiently trained and able to survive.
When the RIS Cabinet was replaced by the Natsir Cabinet, the RMS Rebellion had not yet been resolved. On 11 November 1950, TNI troops succeeded in occupying Fort Veronica which was the basis of the RMS defence and could subsequently take full control of Ambon City.
=== Aceh Predicament ===
The big problem that must be resolved by Natsir while serving as Prime Minister was the demand for full autonomy for the [[:en:Aceh|Aceh]] region. This problem also needs special handling and caution. The initial problem was that there was a change in government from the union to unity. The Aceh region was made part of the North Sumatra Province, whereas previously since December 1949 Aceh had become a separate province with the status of a Special Region, namely during the [[:en:Second_Hatta_Cabinet|Hatta II Cabinet]]. The reintegration of the Aceh region into North Sumatra Province caused great and deep disappointment from the people of Aceh. They did not accept the merger decision and demanded rehabilitation of the Aceh province.
Prime Minister Natsir sent the Minister of Home Affairs, Mr Assaat and Minister of Finance, Mr Sjafruddin Prawiranegara to Aceh to negotiate the settlement of this matter. However, no agreement was reached. Subsequently, on 27 November 1950, the Vice President, Mohammad Hatta, came to Aceh to convey his views on regional autonomy in the DPRD building, but his speech was strongly opposed so he had to return to [[:en:Jakarta|Jakarta]] the next day because he did not get results.
The demands of the people of Aceh are increasing. On 22 December 1950, based on the decision of the meeting of the Association of All Aceh Ulemas (PUSA), Prime Minister Natsir received a telegram from the Aceh Military Governor which threatened that the Governor and all office messengers would resign their positions if by 1 January 1951 Aceh was not made a province. Natsir answered the telegram by stating that he had to wait until he came to Aceh. However, Natsir could not immediately come to Aceh because his second child, who was 13 years old, Abu Hanifah, had an accident while playing in the Manggarai Swimming Pool until he died.
On 23 January 1951, Natsir and his entourage left for Aceh. In the evening there was a formal meeting attended by 80 local government officials and Aceh community leaders. [[:en:Daud_Beureu'eh|Tengku Muhammad Daud Beureu'eh]] (Aceh Military Governor and PUSA figure), as the leader of the meeting, he reiterated the wishes and demands of the people of Aceh to gain full autonomy.
In his speech, Natsir explained that the central government had no objection to fulfilling Aceh's wishes, only that for implementation it needed a law that needed to be prepared, then submitted it to parliament to be ratified.
=== Educational Queries ===
Natsir's idea of national integration is not limited to the state structure but also in other fields, one of which is education. Natsir saw that one of the big problems in the education system at that time was the dualism between religious education and the general education system. Structurally, the systems are respectively under the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Natsir tried to eradicate the dualism, but not with a structural approach such as the merging of two parties, but with an approach from the point of education itself. The Natsir Cabinet appeared as a driver of the convergence process of general education and religious education in Indonesia. Through the two ministers, the Natsir Cabinet put the idea that religious education must be supplemented by religious education and religious education must be supplemented by general science lessons.
=== Economic Problems and Development ===
One program that is considered good by the Natsir Cabinet is in the fields of economics and development. Supporting, among others, were two prominent Indonesian economists at the time, namely Sjafruddin Prawiranegara as Minister of Finance and Soemitro Djojohadikusumo as Minister of Trade and Industry. The Natsir Cabinet saw that a newly completed Indonesia from the war to defend independence was not easy to carry out development and development could not be carried out with the spirit of romanticism of a mere national awakening. For this reason, an in-depth study of all aspects, both weaknesses and strengths, is needed so that development can produce results.
Natsir's Cabinet assigned to a research company from the [[:en:United_States|United States]], J.C. White Engineering Corp to conduct a feasibility study for the formation of the National Design Bureau (BPN). The company was also asked to examine the potential of economic potential contained in Indonesia. However, because the Natsir Cabinet was short-lived, the research could not be completed but was continued by other cabinet ministers. Later, the BPN that was designed by the Natsir Cabinet developed into the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) which was very instrumental in the development of Indonesia, especially during the [[:en:New_Order_(Indonesia)|New Order]].
=== The West Irian Problem ===
The Natsir Cabinet sent a delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Roem to a conference on West Irian which was held in [[:en:The_Hague|The Hague]] on 4 December 1950. But the conference failed because the Dutch refused to return sovereignty over West Irian to Indonesia. The deadlocked negotiations resumed on 13–16 December 1950, after each delegation consulted with the government. The Indonesian delegation proposed three formulations, namely:
1. The transfer of sovereignty of West Irian was carried out to Indonesia.
2. Submission at a certain time, namely in mid-1951
3. Before the surrender was made, a conference was first held in order to preserve various Dutch interests in West Irian.
The three formulations were rejected by the Dutch so that the negotiations failed again. Noting that there was no intention of the Dutch to surrender sovereignty of West Irian to Indonesia, Prime Minister Natsir stated before the Indonesian parliament that the status of the Dutch-Indonesian Union needed a review. Efforts that were continually initiated by the Natsir Cabinet were continued by other cabinet ministers but suffered the same fate from the Dutch who wished to continue to control the West Irian region.{{citation needed|date=December 2020}}
== Achievements ==
=== The Sumitro Plan ===
The Sumitro Plan is an economic and industrial development program. The target of this program is to concentrate on the development of basic industries, such as cement factories, printing companies, sack factories, and spinning mills.{{citation needed|date=December 2020}}
==== The Success of Sumitro Plan ====
# Successfully reorganized Bank Indonesia to become the First Foreign Exchange Bank.
# Carry out a reorganization of Bank Rakyat Indonesia so that it can help new activities in the field of trade and domestic production.
# To establish a new bank, the State Industrial Bank to finance long-term development. Now, this bank is called Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Bapindo).
# Can lay instructions for establishing new companies in advancing small industries in agricultural areas such as leather processing, making umbrellas, bricks, tiles and ceramic.
# Successfully built medium and large industries, such as printing, remailing gum, paper mills, and fertilizer factories.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Glassburner|first=Bruce|date=1962|title=Economy Policy-Making in Indonesia,1950-57|journal=Economic Development and Cultural Change|volume=10|issue=2|pages=113–133|doi=10.1086/449948|jstor=1151906}}</ref>
=== Indonesia joins the UN ===
Indonesia was accepted as the 60th member of the United Nations on 28 September 1950.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Qodariah|first=Khasanah|title=Demokrasi Liberal|url=https://www.academia.edu/8162221|journal=Versi Materi Oleh D. Endarto|volume=1|pages=5|via=academia.edu}}</ref>
== Problems ==
# Efforts to fight for the West Irian Problem with the [[:en:Netherlands|Netherlands]] failed.
# In implementing Sumitro Plan, national entrepreneurs were given credit assistance but were misused, causing the cabinet to fail in achieving their targets.
# The emergence of the problem of domestic security, namely there were rebellions in almost all regions of Indonesia. For example: Andi Aziz Movement, DI/TII Movement, APRA Movement, and RMS Movement.
# Too often issuing emergency laws which got negative responds from the opposition party.
== Fallout ==
# PNI did not approve the enactment of government regulation number 39 year 1950 concerning DPRD that considered beneficial to Masyumi only
# Hadikusumo's motion from PNI regarding the freezing and dissolution of DPRD.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Hakiki|first=Paizon|date=February 2014|title=Sistem Pemerintahan Pada Masa Demokrasi Liberal 1949-1959|url=https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/206618-none.pdf|journal=Neliti|volume=1|pages=6}}</ref>
== Lihat pula ==