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Tag: Pengiriman PesanMassal
Tag: Pengiriman PesanMassal
Baris 11.518:
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''· [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] · [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/Current| Help translate]] · [[Pengguna:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:MediaWiki message delivery|bicara]]) 21 Mei 2024 14.25 (UTC)'''
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== Wikidata weekly summary #629 ==
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<div style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'' Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.<br> This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-05-27. Please help [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/Current|Translate]].''</div>
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''' Discussions '''
* New requests for permissions/Bot: [[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot/ELMCIPBot|ELMCIPBot]] - Task: Import records from [[d:Q113705072|ELMCIP Knowledge Base]] (Q113705072) as part of the Wikidata WikiProject [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject_Digital_Narratives|Digital Narratives]]
* New request for oversight: [[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Oversight/KonstantinaG07|KonstantinaG07]] - RfP scheduled to end 8 June 2024 16:09 (UTC)
''' [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Events|Events]] '''
* Next Linked Data for Libraries [[Wikidata: WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group|LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group]] call May 28, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call on Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Please join us for a community discussion on the LCCN Wikidata Bot with Mary Campany, Steven Folsom, and Matt Miller. [https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]/thread/HLLLF5JO4DS44Z5ABRJQ745FFZ5VECMV/ 2024-05-28: Wikidata Affinity Group Call Agenda]
* [https://wikimedia.es/coordinate-me-2024-concurso-wikidata-sobre-contenidos-localizables/ Coordinate Me 2024] (Spanish): An international Wikidata competition around geolocation content, from towns, hospitals, public art and natural monuments to improve or create Wikidata elements with a coordinate location (P625) in focus countries. Contest ends 31 May 2024.
''' Press, articles, blog posts, videos '''
* Blogs
** [https://stefanbohacek.com/blog/making-a-map-of-unesco-world-heritage-sites/ Using Wikidata (and Mapbox) to make a UNESCO World Heritage Sites map] Stefan Bohacek documents a follow and code along project to make a map displaying UNESCO World Heritage sites on a Mapbox, fuelled by Wikidata.
** [https://diff.wikimedia.org/2024/05/18/ld42023-iii-the-examples-libraries-using-wikidata/ Libraries using Wikidata: 11 examples] - following on from the previous [https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/12/13/ld42023-part-i-the-future-of-wikidata-libraries-a-workshop/ post], this Diff blog highlights 11 projects where Libraries and Librarians are using Wikidata in their projects.
** [https://www.bobdc.com/blog/querywatchmovies Use SPARQL to query for movies, then watch them] Bob DuCharme inspired by [https://wikiflix.toolforge.org/#/ WikiFlix] demonstrates how SPARQL queries can be used to find YouTube-hosted media content entered in Wikidata to curate your next Watchlist.
** [https://motherbrain.ai/enhancing-knowledge-graphs-with-llms-a-novel-approach-to-keyword-extraction-and-synonym-merging-3b76b3813a54 Enhancing KG's with LLM's]: A novel approach to keyword extraction and synonym merging. This blog post shows an example of using a Wikidata subgraph with AI to discover new connections and relationships.
* Papers
** [https://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/rqss-referencing-quality-scoring-system-wikidata-1 RQSS: Referencing Quality Scoring System for Wikidata] - The authors show how RQSS framework can be applied to Wikidata subsets to qualify Reference Quality. By S. Beghaeiraveri, A.Gray & F. McNeill.
** [https://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2024-03-fachbeitrag-labusch.pdf Automatisierte semantische Anreicherung von historischen Texten: Erkennung und Verknüpfung von Entitäten mit Wikidata und Wikipedia] (German) - The paper discusses using AI and Wikipedia and Wikidata as Knowledge Graphs to identify, classify and link entities from the Berlin State Library.
** [https://aclanthology.org/2024.lrec-main.1103/ ParaNames 1.0: Creating an Entity Name Corpus for 400+ Languages Using Wikidata] - ParaNames is a multilingual parallel name resource consisting of 140 million names spanning over 400 languages. Names are provided for 16.8 million entities, and each entity is mapped from a complex type hierarchy to a standard type (PER/LOC/ORG). Using Wikidata as a source, the authors created the largest resource of this type to date.
* Videos
** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHssxXLW558 FOSSGIS 2024 Das Zusammenspiel von Wikidata, Wikipedia und OpenStreetMap] (German) - A presentation of ​​what tags are present in OpenStreetMap that connects to Wikidata and Wikipedia.
** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln5JMY5ppfw IWD Inspire Inclusion Campaign English Wikidata Training] - Rhoda James gives an introduction to Wikidata, its principles and common misconceptions and how to begin editing.
''' Tool of the week '''
* [[w:Wikipedia:WE-Framework|Wikipedia:WE-Framework]]: WE-Framework is a tool developed by Sergey Vladimirov that allows editing related Wikidata elements in an article without having to go to Wikidata. When you save your Wikidata edit, it will reference the utility in the edit summary.
''' Other Noteworthy Stuff '''
* Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a [https://wikimedia-deutschland.softgarden.io/job/45182702/Machine-Learning-Project-Manager-?jobDbPVId=127535112&l=en machine learning project manager] to make it easier to use Wikidata's data in machine learning settings.
''' Newest [[d:Special:ListProperties|properties]] and [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Property proposal|property proposals]] to review '''
* Newest General datatypes:
**[[:d:Property:P12686|category for births in this time period]] (<nowiki>category item for people who born in this time period</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Property:P12687|category for deaths in this time period]] (<nowiki>category item for people who died in this time period</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Property:P12692|representation type]] (<nowiki>property to indicate the representation type as a qualifier for Wikimedia Commons SDC Depicts statements of such Wikidata items</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Property:P12693|source of transfer]] (<nowiki>entity that a transferred item is initially associated with, before this process associates it with another entity</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Property:P12694|destination of transfer]] (<nowiki>entity that a transferred item comes to be associated with as a result of this process</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Property:P12703|LombardiaBeniCulturali collection ID]] (<nowiki>ID of a collection on lombardiabeniculturali.it</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Property:P12712|population by native language]] (<nowiki>native language population of a place</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Property:P12714|tartan]] (<nowiki>item's tartan; Tartan is a Scottish cloth pattern symbolizing a clan, region, or group.</nowiki>)
* Newest External identifiers: [[:d:Property:P12683|‎FilmVandaag ID]], [[:d:Property:P12684|FBW ID]], [[:d:Property:P12685|Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages ID]], [[:d:Property:P12688|Jerusalem Film Cinematheque person ID]], [[:d:Property:P12689|PitchBook profile ID]], [[:d:Property:P12690|New Oxford American Dictionary ID]], [[:d:Property:P12691|Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur brewery ID]], [[:d:Property:P12695|‎Gentoo Wiki article ID]], [[:d:Property:P12696|Dhliz ID]], [[:d:Property:P12697|RAG ID]], [[:d:Property:P12698|‎The Sounds Resource game ID]], [[:d:Property:P12699|The Lost Media Wiki page ID]], [[:d:Property:P12700|Cbonds company profile]], [[:d:Property:P12701|Iconoteca dell'Accademia di architettura ID]], [[:d:Property:P12702|Kōmako author ID]], [[:d:Property:P12704|urban area census code]], [[:d:Property:P12705|The Law Dictionary entry]], [[:d:Property:P12706|CDC Stacks ID]], [[:d:Property:P12707|Authority file of the Iraqi Authors]], [[:d:Property:P12708|Gentoo GURU package ID]], [[:d:Property:P12709|TheLegacy game ID]], [[:d:Property:P12710|Explanatory Ukrainian Dictionary ID]], [[:d:Property:P12711|Grand Theft Wiki ID]], [[:d:Property:P12713|Folkets lexikon ID]], [[:d:Property:P12715|Pushkin Museum artist ID]], [[:d:Property:P12716|Virtual Russian Museum artist ID]], [[:d:Property:P12717|LGD Block Code]], [[:d:Property:P12718|Australian Oxford Dictionary ID]], [[:d:Property:P12719|ICPE establishment ID]], [[:d:Property:P12720|case number (mainland China)]], [[:d:Property:P12721|Lille norske leksikon ID]], [[:d:Property:P12722|WiiG.de developer ID]], [[:d:Property:P12723|WiiG.de publisher ID]], [[:d:Property:P12724|The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary ID]], [[:d:Property:P12725|Azerbaijani National Assembly ID]], [[:d:Property:P12726|Canadian Oxford Dictionary ID]], [[:d:Property:P12727|‎GOG product ID]], [[:d:Property:P12728|Archnet authority ID]], [[:d:Property:P12729|Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable ID]], [[:d:Property:P12730|Comprehensive Dictionary of the Contemporary Ukrainian Language ID]], [[:d:Property:P12731|Archaeological investigations in Hungary ID]], [[:d:Property:P12732|Global Egyptian Museum ID]], [[:d:Property:P12733|Historic Synagogues of Europe ID]], [[:d:Property:P12734|TheLegacy company ID]], [[:d:Property:P12735|Nintendo Life game ID]], [[:d:Property:P12736|Push Square game ID]], [[:d:Property:P12737|Pure Xbox game ID]], [[:d:Property:P12738|Palula dictionary ID]], [[:d:Property:P12739|Oxford Dictionary of English entry ID]], [[:d:Property:P12740|Slovenian Etymological Dictionary ID]], [[:d:Property:P12741|‎Jedipedia.net ID]]
* New General datatypes property proposals to review:
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/last appearance|last appearance]] (<nowiki>last work featuring a fictional character or item</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/is ontological root of|is ontological root of]] (<nowiki>forms the root element of the ontology</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/located in the Islamic territorial entity|located in the Islamic territorial entity]] (<nowiki>the item is located on the territory of the following Islamic entity.</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/address of addressee|address of addressee]] (<nowiki>address of the address e.g. on a postcard</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/TheaterEncyclopedie ID|TheaterEncyclopedie ID]] (<nowiki>An item of the TheaterEncyclopedie</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/relates to sustainable development goal, target or indicator|relates to sustainable development goal, target or indicator]] (<nowiki>indicates a relation between the subject and the SDGs or one of the components</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/taxon synonym of|taxon synonym of]] (<nowiki>taxon item (considered a preferred name according to a given reference) of which this taxon name is a synonym - the new property will be the inverse property of {{P|1420}}</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Competitor|Competitor]] (<nowiki>Competitors in game shows</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/basionym of|basionym of]] (<nowiki>taxon item of which this taxon name is a basionym (original name, for botanical and similar items) - inverse property of {{P|566}}</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/land acknowledgement|land acknowledgement]] (<nowiki></nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/protonym of|protonym of]] (<nowiki>taxon item of which this taxon name is a protonym (original name, for zoological taxa) - inverse property of {{P|1403}}</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/replaced synonym of|replaced synonym of]] (<nowiki>taxon item which replaced this taxon name (now only a synonym) - inverse property of {{P|694}}</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/student count by gender|student count by gender]] (<nowiki>I think there should be a way to document the number of students at a university by their gender, as data for student counts (at least if they come from GENESIS Online - german universities) contain that data divided in male and female students. I think it would make more sense to implement that as a qualifier for {{P|2196}} than implementing it as a new property as that wouldn't make old data obsolete, but also it could interfere with tools that retrieve that data automated and are then confused by having multiple counts at the same time.</nowiki>)
**[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/has semantic role|has semantic role]] (<nowiki>item that describes a role in an event class</nowiki>)
* New External identifier property proposals to review: [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Perlego ID|Perlego ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Bokkilden ID|Bokkilden ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Wardah Books ID|Wardah Books ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/NLR editions|NLR editions]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/glubinka.by|glubinka.by]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Transfermarkt competition ID|Transfermarkt competition ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Quranic Arabic Corpus topic ID|Quranic Arabic Corpus topic ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection ID|Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature ID|The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/The Oxford Companion to World Mythology ID|The Oxford Companion to World Mythology ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Yandex.Music track ID|Yandex.Music track ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/promodj album ID|promodj album ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World ID|The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/The Oxford Companion to the Mind ID|The Oxford Companion to the Mind ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Arkitekturguide for Nord-Norge og Svalbard ID|Arkitekturguide for Nord-Norge og Svalbard ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/person ID in MNAHA|person ID in MNAHA]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary ID|New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/IAFD actor UUID|IAFD actor UUID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages ID|The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Zoraptera Species File taxon ID|Zoraptera Species File taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Dermaptera Species File taxon ID|Dermaptera Species File taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Plecoptera Species File taxon ID|Plecoptera Species File taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Grylloblattodea Species File taxon ID|Grylloblattodea Species File taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Mantophasmatodea Species File taxon ID|Mantophasmatodea Species File taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Dictionary of Taiwan Hakka ID|Dictionary of Taiwan Hakka ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/vehicle keeper marking / VKM|vehicle keeper marking / VKM]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Embioptera Species File taxon ID|Embioptera Species File taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Isoptera Species File taxon ID|Isoptera Species File taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Aphid Species File taxon ID|Aphid Species File taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Coleorrhyncha Species File taxon ID|Coleorrhyncha Species File taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/LGD Subdistrict Code|LGD Subdistrict Code]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/PLC (Primary Location Code)|PLC (Primary Location Code)]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Sinhala Cinema Database ID|Sinhala Cinema Database ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/LGD District Code|LGD District Code]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/LGD Village Code|LGD Village Code]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/LGD State or UT Code|LGD State or UT Code]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik|Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Bundes-Klinik-Atlas Hospital ID|Bundes-Klinik-Atlas Hospital ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/JJM Habitation id|JJM Habitation id]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/McDonald's US product|McDonald's US product]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Justapedia|Justapedia]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Atarimuseum ID|Atarimuseum ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/PNG School Code|PNG School Code]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Filozofia jezuitów w Polsce w XX wieku ID|Filozofia jezuitów w Polsce w XX wieku ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Garner's Modern American Usage ID|Garner's Modern American Usage ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Meurgorf historical dictionary|Meurgorf historical dictionary]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/SNARC ID|SNARC ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/milog.co.il entry ID|milog.co.il entry ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Green's Dictionary of Slang (Oxford Reference) ID|Green's Dictionary of Slang (Oxford Reference) ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/F.C. Copenhagen player id|F.C. Copenhagen player id]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player id|Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player id]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Milldatabase ID|Milldatabase ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/A Dictionary of Biology ID|A Dictionary of Biology ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Chinese Basketball Association ID|Chinese Basketball Association ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/WHO Country Database ID|WHO Country Database ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN) in India|Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN) in India]]
You can comment on [[d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview|all open property proposals]]!
''' Did you know? '''
* Query examples:
** [https://w.wiki/AA7J Birthplace of French Heads of State]
** [https://w.wiki/ACWE Films starring Cary Grant, directed by Howard Hughes, available on YouTube]
* Newest [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:WikiProjects|WikiProjects]]: [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Solarpunk|Wikidata:WikiProject Solarpunk]] - aims to collects Wikidata Items ([[d:Q126087864|focus list]]) and supports the [[d:Q72206346|Solarpunk]] Movement.
* Newest [[d:Wikidata:Database reports|database reports]]: [[d:Wikidata:Database_reports/Items_without_labels|Items without Labels]] - explore Wikidata Items that are missing a Label. This list is handy for finding abandoned, incomplete or vandalised Items.
* [[d:Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase Items]]: [[d:Q23565|Hessischer Rundfunk (Q23565)]] - German public broadcaster
* [[d:Wikidata:Showcase lexemes|Showcase Lexemes]]: [[d:Lexeme:L1221007|L1221007]] - Nynorsk noun, translates to "a spy ring"
''' Development '''
* EntitySchemas: We continued work on the new datatype for linking to EntitySchemas in statements. We focused on the input so it shows the label of the EntitySchema when entering the ID. Search by label and aliases will follow. ([[phab:T362004]])
* Wikibase REST API:
** We looked into how to improve error messages.
** We wrapped up the route for modifying the data of a Property. ([[phab:T347394]]
** We are nearing the finish line for the route for creating a new Item. ([[phab:T342990]])
** We are continuing work on the route for modifying an Item. ([[phab:T342993]])
* Developer advocacy: We are collecting content for a new landing page for developers who want to build applications with Wikidata's data.
[[phab:maniphest/query/4RotIcw5oINo/#R|You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here]]. If you want to help, you can also have a look at [https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/board/71/query/zfiRgTnZF7zu/?filter=zfiRgTnZF7zu&order=priority the tasks needing a volunteer].
''' Weekly Tasks '''
* Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed [[d:Wikidata:Status_updates/Next#Newest_properties_and_property_proposals_to_review|above]].
* Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme [[d:Wikidata:Status_updates/Next#Did_you_know?|above]].
* Participate in [https://dicare.toolforge.org/lexemes/challenge.php this week's Lexeme challenge]:
* Summarize your [[d:Wikidata:Status_updates/Next#Did_you_know?|WikiProject's ongoing activities]] in one or two sentences.
* Help [[d:Special:LanguageStats|translate]] or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
* [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge|Help merge identical items]] across Wikimedia projects.
* Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]]
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">''' · [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] · [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/Current| Help translate]] · [[Pengguna:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:MediaWiki message delivery|bicara]]) 27 Mei 2024 15.12 (UTC)'''