Templat:Infobox train/doc: Perbedaan antara revisi

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RaFaDa20631 (bicara | kontrib)
←Membuat halaman berisi '{{Documentation subpage}} {{High-use}} <!-- Please place categories where indicated at the bottom of this page and interwikis at Wikidata (see Wikipedia:Wikidata) --> {{Intricate}} {{Lua|Module:Check for unknown parameters|Module:Color contrast|Module:Infobox|Module:InfoboxImage|Module:String}} This is an '''infobox for generic electric multiple units and diesel multiple units, as well as carriages'''. <br>For the infobox fo...'
RaFaDa20631 (bicara | kontrib)
Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan
Baris 5:
{{Lua|Module:Check for unknown parameters|Module:Color contrast|Module:Infobox|Module:InfoboxImage|Module:String}}
'''Kotak info untuk [[kereta rel listrik]] dan [[kereta rel diesel]], juga untuk [[kereta penumpang]].'''<br>Untuk kotak info lokomotif lihat [[Template:Infobox locomotive|infobox locomotive]].
This is an '''infobox for generic [[electric multiple unit]]s and [[diesel multiple unit]]s, as well as [[Passenger car (rail)|carriages]]'''.
<br>For the infobox for generic [[locomotive]]s see [[Template:Infobox locomotive|infobox locomotive]].
{{Infobox train
| name = ''name''
Baris 96 ⟶ 95:
Semua parameter di bawah ini opsional. Satu-satunya parameter yang wajib diisi adalah ''name'' - akan muncul sebagai kepala kotak info.
This template has a large number of parameters, some of which, for historical reasons have duplicates that have been deprecated. '''Please note that parameter names are case-sensitive.'''
Only one parameter is required:
* ''name'' - The name that will appear as the title of the infobox. Please do not change the colour of the text here, do so in ''background'' below.
The remaining parameters are as follows (in the order that they will appear in the template output):
* ''box_width'' –
* ''label_width'' –
* ''background'' - warna heksadesimal untuk latar belakang (e.g. ''#0093cf'')
* ''background'' - the background colour of ''name'' parameter, either as a "colour name" (e.g. ''forestgreen''), a hexadecimal value (e.g. ''#0093cf''), or a colour template (e.g. #{{tl|C2C colour}}). If the background is dark, please change the text colour by appending the CSS ''color'' selector. (e.g. ''background = black;color:white'' or ''background = #806040;color:#ffffdd'' ). Note that quotation marks are not permitted in these CSS statements. If {{para|background}} is present, but blank, the default is white; but if this parameter is omitted entirely, the default background colour is #eee.
* ''image'' - TheFoto filename for the infobox image.sarana
* ''imagealt'' - [[Wikipedia:AlternativeTeks textalternatif forforo images|Alternative text]] for ''image''.sarana
* ''imagesize'' - (or ''image_size'') – Ukuran gambar (dalam px)
* ''imagesize'' - (or ''image_size'') The size (width) of the images in pixels (as in imagesize=200). If {{para|imagesize}} is present, but blank the image will appear full size; but if this parameter is omitted entirely, the default size is 300 pixels wide.
* ''caption'' - Takarir The image caption that will be displayed.gambar
* ''interiorimage'' - TheGambar filenameinterior for the second infobox image.sarana
* ''interiorimagealt'' - [[Wikipedia:AlternativeTeks textalternatif forinterior images|Alternative text]] for ''interiorimage''.sarana
* ''interiorcaption'' - TheTakarir secondgambar imageinterior caption that will be displayed.sarana
* ''stocktype'' – Jenis sarana
* ''stocktype'' – (or ''StockType'') The type of the train vehicles (e.g. [[Electric multiple unit]], [[Diesel multiple unit]], etc.).
* ''service'' - Tanggal mulai dinas
* ''service'' - The dates that the vehicles were in service, separated by an [[MOS:RANGE|en dash]] for a range or two years (e.g. 1964–1976), or a spaced en dash if one or both sides of the range have a space in them (e.g. 12 July 1964 – 4 April 1976).
* ''manufacturer'' – TheProdusen company that manufactured the train.sarana
* ''designer'' - ifjika anotherperusahaan companylain designedyang themendesain vehicle.sarana ini
* ''assembly'' - whereKota ittempat wassarana produced (city, country).dibuat
* ''ordernumber'' - TheNomor Order number or Lot number the vehicles were procured under.pemesanan
* ''factory'' - TheNama factorypabrik atyang which the vehicles were made (if ''manufacturer'' had more than one factory).memproduksi
* ''family'' - Kelas sarana yang ditetapkan perusahaan pembuat
* ''family'' - The type or range of ''manufacturer''’s vehicles that the vehicles comes from (e.g. [[British Rail Mark 3]]).
* ''replaced'' - TheSarana vehiclesyang thatmenggantikan weresarana replaced by these vehiclesini.
* ''yearconstruction'' - (or ''constructed'') TheTahun datespembuatan that the vehicles were under construction, separated by an [[MOS:RANGE|en dash]] (e.g. 1964–1976).sarana
* ''yearservice'' - TheTahun datemulai thatdinas the vehicles first entered service.sarana
* ''refurbishment'' - TheTahun datesrehab that the vehicles were refurbished, separated by an [[MOS:RANGE|en dash]] (e.g. 1964–1976).sarana
* ''yearretired'' – Tahun dipensiunkan sarana
* ''yearretired'' – The dates that the vehicles were retired/withdrawn from service, separated by an [[MOS:RANGE|en dash]] (e.g. 1964–1976).
* ''yearscrapped'' - TheTahun dates that the vehicles were scrapped, separated by an [[MOS:RANGE|en dash]]perucatan (e.g.afkir) 1964–1976).sarana
* ''numberconstruction'' - TheJumlah quantitysarana ofyang vehiclessedang under construction. ''construction'' also works, but is deprecated.dibuat
* ''numberbuilt'' - TheJumlah quantitysarana ofyang vehicles manufactured. ''Built'' also works, but is deprecated.dibuat
* ''numberservice'' - TheJumlah quantitysarana ofyang vehicles in service.beroperasi
* ''numberretired'' - TheJumlah quantitysarana ofyang vehicles taken out of service.dipensiunkan
* ''numberpreserved'' - TheJumlah quantitysarana ofyang vehicles preserved.dilestarikan
* ''numberscrapped'' - TheJumlah quantitysarana ofyang vehicles scrapped.dirucat
* ''predecessor'' –
* ''successor'' –
* ''formation'' - TheFormasi formation and/or length of a diesel or electric [[multiple unit]].rangkaian
* ''diagram'' - The classification Diagram, or Plan assigned to the vehicles.
* ''code'' - The design or [[TOPS]] code assigned to the vehicles.
* ''fleetnumbers'' - ThePenomoran fleet numbers of the vehicles.armada
* ''capacity'' - TheKapasitas capacity of the vehicles.sarana
* ''owner'' - Pemilik sarana
* ''owner'' - The owner(s) of the vehicles - common in countries such as UK where operators lease rolling stock from a [[Rolling stock company|ROSCO]]. If more than one, use {{tl|unbulleted list}} to list them each on their own line.
* ''operator'' - TheNama operator (s)jika ofpemilik thetidak vehiclesmengoperasikan). IfLebih moredari than1 one, usegunakan {{tl|unbulleted list}} to list them each on their own line.
* ''depots'' - TheDepo maintenanceyang depotsmenjadi toalokasi which the vehicles were assigned.kereta
* ''lines'' - TheJalur lineskereta orapi routesyang to which the vehicles were assigned.dilayani
Parameter berikut ini
Parameters below fall under the '''Specifications''' heading
* ''carbody'' - TheJenis typebodi ofkereta carbody(monokok, constructionbaja usednirkarat, (edll.g. spotwelded stainless steel).
* ''trainlength'' - (or ''TrainLength'') ThePanjang totalkeseluruhan lengthrangkaian, of the train or unit. Please usegunakan {{tl|convert}}.
* ''carlength'' - (orPanjang ''CarLength'')unit Thekereta, length of each vehicles (only those that differ). Please usegunakan {{tl|convert}}.
* ''width'' - TheLebar width of each vehiclessaranaplease usegunakan {{tl|convert}}.
* ''height'' - TheTinggi height of each vehiclessaranaplease usegunakan {{tl|convert}}.
* ''lowfloor'' – TheLantai low floor proportion of trams.rendah
* ''floorheight'' - TheTinggi heightlantai ofdari theatas vehicles’kepala floor above the rail.rel
* ''platformheight'' - StandardTinggi measurement is from top of the rail.peron
* ''entrylevelorstep'' - Jenis peron yang dibutuhkan untuk naik-turun penumpang (peron tinggi atau rendah)
* ''entrylevelorstep'' - The type of entry of the vehicles. State whether level (if platform height and floor height is the same or with a minimal difference) or step (if the platform height and floor height has a big difference and requires steps).
* ''doors'' - TheJenis numberpintu andyang type of doors fitted.digunakan
* ''art-sections'' - TheJumlah numberkereta ofpenggerak coaches/poweryang vehicles formed into an [[articulated train]]set.berartikulasi
* ''wheeldiameter'' - TheDiameter diameter of the wheels (can be expressed new/worn).roda
* ''wheelbase'' - The [[wheelbase#Rail|wheelbaseJarak gandar]] of the train. State whether train, vehicle, bogie (truck), or bogie centers.
* ''maxspeed'' - TheKecepatan maximummaksimum, permitted speed of the vehicles – please usegunakan {{tl|convert}}.
* ''weight'' - TheBerat weightsarana of the vehicles – please use(gunakan {{tl|convert}}.)
* ''axleload'' - TheBeban maximum axle load of the rail vehicle(s).gandar
* ''[[GradeKelandaian (slopekemiringan)|steep gradient]]'' - (or ''gradient'') atkelandaian perdalam thousandpermil [[‰]] or at peratau hundredpersen [[Percent sign|%]]
* ''traction'' - TheSistem tractiontraksi systemyang of the vehiclesdigunakan (if electric multipleuntuk unitKRL).
* ''engine'' - TheNama primemesin mover(s)yang used in the vehicledigunakan (if diesel multiple unit or generatoruntuk carKRD).
* ''enginetype'' - (or ''Enginetype'') Thejenis typemesin ofyang engine(s)/prime mover(s).digunakan
* ''cylindercount'' - TheJumlah number of cylinders in an engine.siinder
* ''cylindersize'' - TheUkuran diameter ([[Bore (engine)|bore]]) and length ([[Stroke (engine)|stroke]]) of each cylinder.silinder
* ''displacement'' - TheVolume [[Engine displacement|swept volume]] of each cylinder or each enginesilinder.
* ''traction motors'' - TheNama type/modeldan ofjenis tractionmotor motors.traksi yang digunakan
* ''poweroutput'' - Daya mesin (hp)
* ''poweroutput'' - The power output of the engine(s) or traction motor(s) used (if fitted). ''Power'' and ''powerout'' also work, but are deprecated.
* ''tractiveeffort'' - TheGaya [[tractivetraksi effort]]yang ofdihasilkan themesin train's propulsion system.(kgf/kN)
* ''transmission'' - The transmission used (e.g. electric/hydraulic/mechanical), if fitted with engine(s).Trans
* ''acceleration'' - ThePercepatan acceleration rate of the vehicles.sarana
* ''deceleration'' - ThePerlambatan deceleration rate of the vehicles.sarana
* ''aux'' - TheJenis typegenerator ofbantu anyyang auxiliaries fitteddigunakan, ifjika any.ada
* ''powersupply'' - TheJenis typecatu ofdaya anyyang power supply fitteddigunakan, if any.jika ada
* ''hvac'' - TheJenis typependingin of train '''h'''eating, '''v'''entilation and '''a'''ir '''c'''onditioning fittedudara, ifjika any.ada
* ''electricsystem'' - Jenis elektrifikasi yang digunakan ([[listrik aliran atas]], [[rel ketiga]]), beserta tegangannya (misal: 1.500 V DC)
* ''electricsystem'' - The voltage (+ frequency and/or phases if AC) of the power supply to electric multiple units, as well as the power source (e.g. [[overhead line]], [[third rail]]).
* ''collectionmethod'' - TheMetode currentpengambilan collection method used on electric multiple unitsarus (e.g. [[PantographPantograf (transporttransportasi)|pantographpantograf]], [[Current collector#Contact shoe|contactsepatu shoekontak]]).
* ''uicclass'' – The [[Klasifikasi UIC classification]] of powered/unpoweredsarana axlesberpenggerak
* ''aarwheels'' - (oratau ''wheel arrangement'') The [[AARSusunan wheelroda arrangementAAR]] of poweredsarana cars.berpenggerak
* ''wheels driven'' – TheJumlah numberroda of wheels driven by the engine(s)/motor(s).penggerak
* ''bogies'' - TheJenis typebogie ofyang bogies of trucks fitted, if known.digunakan
* ''minimum curve'' - minimumJari-jari sizelengkung ofterkecil ayang curvedapat thedilewati vehiclekereta can pass.ini
* ''brakes'' - (orJenis ''Brakes'')abar/rem Thekereta typeyang of train brakes fitted (e.g. Air, Vacuum, Electro-Pneumatic).digunakan
* ''safety'' - TheNama type(s)dan ofjenis safetysistem systemskeselamatan fitted.yang digunakan
* ''coupling'' - TheJenis typealat ofperangkai vehicleyang couplings used (e.g. knuckle, Dellner, Scharfenberg).digunakan
* ''multipleworking'' - TheJenis typekerja ofmajemuk multipleyang working useddigunakan, ifjika fitted.ada
* ''light'' - TheJenis typelampu ofutama headlightspada akereta locomotive or subway car hastersebut (e.g.LED, halogen bulb, Light Emitting Diode, etcdll. ).
* ''gauge'' - TheLebar vehicles’sepur, rail gauge – please usegunakan {{tl|Track gauge}}.
* ''notes'' - Notes,Catatan miscellany, sources etc.kaki
* ''seating'' – (orPengaturan ''CarSeating'')tempat The seating arrangement of a train (e.g. longitudinal, transverse, etc.).duduk
Parameter lengkap untuk jenis-jenis kereta penumpang
;Note that articles using deprecated parameters are added to [[:Category:Unusual parameters of Infobox train template]]. However, each page might need a null edit to be included in the category.
Below are a full and partial list of parameters to cut-and-paste into articles.
<table><tr><td>Full (for DMUUntuk KRL/ EMU):KRD
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">
{{Infobox train
Baris 290 ⟶ 282:
| notes =
</syntaxhighlight></td><td style="vertical-align:top;">CutdownUntuk forkereta a carriage / coach:penumpang
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{{Infobox train
Baris 357 ⟶ 349:
*Use of one or more unrecognised parameters will place the page in {{clc|Pages using Infobox train with unknown parameters}}.
{{TemplateData header}}