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Baris 1:
{{Infobox religious buildingmonument
|monument_name name = Masjid = Hagia Sophia
|native_name = {{ubl|{{nativename|tr|Ayasofya}}|
| native_name = Ayasofya Camii ([[bahasa Turki|Turki]]) <br> Ἁγία Σοφία Τζαμί ([[bahasa Yunani Kuno|Yunani Kuno]]) <br> Sancta Sapientia Mosque ([[bahasa Latin|Latin]])
{{nativename|el|Ἁγία Σοφία}}|{{nativename|la|Sancta Sapientia}}}}
| image = Hagia Sophia Mars 2013.jpg
|native_name_lang = Turki
| image_size = 265px
| image = Hagia Sophia Mars 2013.jpg
| caption = Hagia Sophia direnovasi pada tahun [[537]], dengan [[minaret]] ditambahkan pada abad ke-15 hingga abad ke-16.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Emerson |first1=William |last2=van Nice |first2=Robert L. |title=Hagia Sophia and the First Minaret Erected after the Conquest of Constantinople |journal=American Journal of Archaeology |date=1950 |volume=54 |issue=1 |pages=28–40 |doi=10.2307/500639 |jstor=500639 |s2cid=193099976 |url=https://www.jstor.org/stable/500639 |issn=0002-9114}}</ref>
| image_size = 265px300px
| religious_affiliation = [[Islam]] – [[Sunni]]
| caption = Gereja Hagia Sophia direnovasidibangun pada tahun [[537]] M, dengan [[minaretmenara]] ditambahkan pada abad ke-15-16 hinggaketika abadmenjadi ke-16masjid.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Emerson |first1=William |last2=van Nice |first2=Robert L. |title=Hagia Sophia and the First Minaret Erected after the Conquest of Constantinople |journal=American Journal of Archaeology |date=1950 |volume=54 |issue=1 |pages=28–40 |doi=10.2307/500639 |jstor=500639 |s2cid=193099976 |url=https://www.jstor.org/stable/500639 |issn=0002-9114}}</ref>
| location = [[Fatih, Istanbul|Fatih]], [[Istanbul]], Turki
| country =
|coordinates = {{Coord|41|00|30|N|28|58|48|E|type:landmark_region:TR|display=inline,title}}
| established = {{Circa}} 360 dengan rincian:<br>
|designer = {{ubl|[[Isidoros dari Miletus]]|[[Anthemius dari Tralles]]}}
* [[Gereja Ortodoks Yunani]] (sejak tahun {{Circa}} 360–1204)<ref name="Heinle & Schlaich 1996">{{harvnb|Heinle|Schlaich|1996}}</ref>
|type =
* [[Gereja Katolik Roma]] (sejak tahun 1204–1261)<ref>{{harvnb|Cameron|2009}}.</ref>
* [[Gereja (gedung)|Gereja]] [[Gereja Kalsedon|Khalsedon]] ({{sekitar|360 M}}–1054)
* [[Gereja Ortodoks Yunani]] (sejak tahun 1261–1453)
* [[Gereja Ortodoks Timur|Ortodoks Timur]] [[Gereja (gedung)|gereja]] (1054-1204; 1261-1453)
* [[Masjid]] (sejak tahun 1453–1935)<ref>{{harvnb|Meyendorff|1982}}.</ref>
* Gereja [[Gereja Katolik|Katolik Roma]] (1204–1261)
* [[Museum]] (sejak tahun 1935–2020)
* [[Masjid]] (sejak tahun1453–1934; 2020–sekarang)
* [[Museum]] (sejak tahun 1935–2020)
| architect = [[:en:Isidore of Miletus|Isidorus]] dan [[:en:Anthemius of Tralles|Anthemius]]
|material = [[Ashlar]], [[Bata Romawi]]
| architecture_type = [[Gereja]]
|length = {{cvt|82|m|ft}}
| architecture_style = [[Kekaisaran Romawi Timur]]/Bizantium<ref name="nytimes22">{{cite news |last=Simons |first=Marlise |date=22 August 1993 |title=Center of Ottoman Power |work=The New York Times |url=https://www.nytimes.com/1993/08/22/travel/center-of-ottoman-power.html |access-date=4 June 2009}}</ref>
|width = {{cvt|73|m|ft}}
| dome_quantity = 1
|height = {{cvt|55|m|ft}}
| minaret_quantity = 4
|begin = {{circa|346}}
| website = {{URL|https://www.ayasofyacamii.gov.tr/en|ayasofyacamii.gov.tr}}
|complete = {{start date and age|360}}
| module = {{hidden begin |title=OpenStreetMap |ta1=center |marker=religious-muslim |expanded=yes }}{{maplink | frame = yes
|open | id = Q12506 =
|dedicated_to = ''[[Kebijaksanaan Suci]]'', mengacu pada [[Tuhan Putra|kedua]] [[Hipostasis (filsafat dan agama)|pribadi]] dari [[Trinitas]], atau [[Yesus dalam Kekristenan|Yesus Kristus]]<ref name="CurtaHolt2016">{{cite book |last1=Curta |first1=Florin |last2=Holt |first2=Andrew |title=Great Events in Religion: An Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History [3 volumes] |date=2016 |publisher=ABC-CLIO |isbn=978-1-61069-566-4 |page=299 |language=en |quote=Hagia Sophia was consecrated on December 27, 537, five years after construction had begun. The church was dedicated to the Wisdom of God, referring to the [[Logos]] (the second entity of the Trinity) or, alternatively, Christ as the Logos incarnate.}}</ref>
| frame-align = center
|map_name = Fatih Istanbul
| frame-width = 250
|map_size =
| plain = yes
|map_caption = Lokasi di distrik Fatih Istanbul
| type = point
| mapframe-wikidata = yes
| frame-long = 28.9800
| website =
| frame-lat = 41.0157
{{Infobox UNESCO World Heritage Site
| zoom = 12
|Part_of = [[Wilayah Bersejarah Istanbul]]
}}{{Hidden end}}
|Criteria = Budaya: i, ii, iii, iv
|ID = 356
|Year = 1985
|child | plain = yes
|restore={{ubl|415|23 Februari 532–27 Februari 537|1847–1849|2002–2006}}
|dedicated=15 Februari 360<!--<br/>II: 10 Oktober 415<br/>III: 23 Februark 532-->
|dismantled=<!--I: 404. II: 13–14 Januari 532.-->|}}
'''Masjid Hagia Sophia''' ({{Lang-tr|Ayasofya Camii}}; {{Lang-grc|Ἁγία Σοφία Τζαμί|Hagía Sophía Tzamí}}; {{Lang-lat|Sancta Sapientia Mosque}}), secara resmi bernama '''Masjid Raya Hagia Sophia''' ({{lang-tr|Ayasofya Ulucamii}}),<ref name=Eyi91>{{cite encyclopedia |url=https://islamansiklopedisi.org.tr/ayasofya |author=Eyice, Semavi |date=1991 |title=Ayasofya |trans-title=Hagia Sophia |work=[[İslâm Ansiklopedisi]] |volume=4 |pages=206–210 |publisher=Turkish Diyanet Foundation |location=Istanbul |lang=tr}}</ref> adalah sebuah [[masjid]], [[Cagar budaya|situs budaya]], dan sejarah utama peninggalan [[Kekaisaran Romawi Timur|Bizantium]] yang berada di distrik [[Fatih, Istanbul|Fatih]], [[Istanbul|Provinsi Istanbul]], [[Turki]]. Masjid ini awalnya dibangun sebagai [[gereja Ortodoks Yunani]] yang berlangsung dari tahun 360 hingga [[Kejatuhan Konstantinopel|penaklukan Konstantinopel]] oleh [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]] pada tahun 1453.<ref name="ja4712">Janin (1953), p. 471.</ref><ref name="Binns20022">{{cite book |last=Binns |first=John |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=MOA5vfSl3dwC&pg=PA57 |title=An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches |publisher=Cambridge University Press |year=2002 |isbn=978-0-521-66738-8 |page=57}}</ref><ref name="McKenzieGraham19982">{{cite book |last1=McKenzie |first1=Steven L. |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=owwhpmIVgSAC&pg=PA149 |title=The Hebrew Bible Today: An Introduction to Critical Issues |last2=Graham |first2=Matt Patrick |publisher=Westminster John Knox Press |year=1998 |isbn=978-0-664-25652-4 |page=149}}</ref> Kemudian berfungsi sebagai masjid sampai tahun 1935, lalu berubah menjadi museum hingga tahun 2020.<ref name="Hamm20102">{{cite book |last1=Hamm |first1=Jean S. |title=Term Paper Resource Guide to Medieval History |url=https://archive.org/details/termpaperresourc0000hamm |date=2010 |publisher=ABC-CLIO |isbn=978-0-313-35967-5 |page=[https://archive.org/details/termpaperresourc0000hamm/page/39 39] |language=en |quote=Hagia Sophia, or the Church of Holy Wisdom, is one of the world's most spectacular churches, representing not only great beauty, but also masterful engineering.}}</ref><ref name="BAT">{{cite book |last1=Fazio |first1=Michael |title=Buildings Across Time |last2=Moffett |first2=Marian |last3=Wodehouse |first3=Lawrence |publisher=McGraw-Hill Higher Education |year=2009 |isbn=978-0-07-305304-2 |edition=3rd}}</ref> Pada 2020 hingga sekarang, bangunan ini kembali menjadi masjid.<ref>{{cite book |last=Kleiner |first=Fred S. |title=Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Volume I, Chapters 1–18|title-link=Gardner's Art Through the Ages |author2=Christin J. Mamiya |publisher=Wadsworth |year=2008 |isbn=978-0-495-46740-3 |edition=12th |location=Mason, OH |page=329}}</ref>