Yvette Nicole Brown: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Lim Natee (bicara | kontrib)
Fitur saranan suntingan: 3 pranala ditambahkan.
Deluffy17 (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 1:
{{Infobox person
| name = Yvette Nicole Brown
| image = Yvette Nicole Brown byin Gage Skidmore 52019.jpg
| alt =
| caption = Brown tahun 2019
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Baris 19 ⟶ 18:
Selain peran televisi, ia memiliki peran pendukung dalam film seperti ''[[500 Days of Summer]]'', ''[[Tropic Thunder]]'', ''[[Repo Men]]'', ''[[Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters]]'', ''[[Avengers: Endgame]]'' dan ''[[Disenchanted]]''. Dia mengisi suara "Harper" di video game ''Minecraft: Story Mode'', Luna di ''[[Elena of Avalor]]'' dan Principal Amanda Waller di ''DC Super Hero Girls''. Dia telah menjadi pembawa acara seri [[cosplay]] Syfy, ''Cosplay Melee'' dan sering menjadi tamu di ''Talking Dead''. Dia juga telah menjadi co-host tamu di acara bincang-bincang termasuk ''[[The View]]'', ''[[The Talk (serial TV)|The Talk]]'' dan ''The Real''.
==Kehidupan pribadiawal==
Yvette Nicole Brown lahir pada 12 Agustus 1971, di East Cleveland, Ohio.<ref name="Rose">{{cite news|url=https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2020/08/todays-famous-birthdays-list-for-august-12-2020-includes-celebrities-yvette-nicole-brown-george-hamilton.html|title=Today's famous birthdays list for August 12, 2020 includes celebrities Yvette Nicole Brown, George Hamilton|first=Mike|last=Rose|work=[[The Plain Dealer#cleveland.com|Cleveland.com]]|publisher=[[Advance Newspapers]]|location=[[Cleveland]]|date=August 12, 2020|access-date=September 4, 2020}}</ref> Ia lulus dari SMA Warrensville Heights pada tahun 1989.<ref name="Dawidziak">{{cite news|url=https://www.cleveland.com/tv-blog/2012/05/yvette_nicole_brown_brings_inspirational_messages_to_students_at_warrensville_heights_high_school.html|title=Yvette Nicole Brown brings inspirational messages to students at Warrensville Heights High School|first=Mark|last=Dawidziak|work=[[The Plain Dealer#cleveland.com|Cleveland.com]]|publisher=[[Advance Newspapers]]|location=[[Cleveland]]|date=May 8, 2012|access-date=September 4, 2020}}</ref> Brown mempelajari [[Kajian komunikasi|ilmu komunikasi]] di Universitas Akron dan lulus dengan gelar [[Sarjana]] Seni dalam bidang komunikasi pada tahun 1994.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.uakron.edu/im/online-newsroom/news_details.dot?newsId=1365607&crumbTitle=%27Community%27%20star%20Yvette%20Nicole%20Brown%20to%20be%20honored%20by%20UA|title=''Community'' star Yvette Nicole Brown to be honored by UA|date=August 31, 2010|publisher=The University of Akron}}</ref><ref name=UofAkron>{{cite web|url=http://www.uakron.edu/race/keynote/yvette-nicole-brown.dot|title=Yvette Nicole Brown|publisher=The University of Akron}}</ref> Setelah lulus, Brown mengambil kelas akting di [[Hollywood, Los Angeles]].<ref name="Cleveland">{{cite news|last=Dawidziak|first=Mark|work=[[The Plain Dealer]]|title=Yvette Nicole Brown, an East Cleveland native, enjoys role on TV sitcom ''Community''|url= http://www.cleveland.com/tv/index.ssf/2009/11/yvette_nicole_brown_an_east_cl.html|date=November 13, 2009|access-date=April 26, 2010}}</ref>
Brown dilantik ke dalam hall of fame SMA Warrensville Heights pada tahun 2009.<ref name="Dawidziak"/> Brown bertugas di Dewan Nasional SAG-AFTRA 2019-2021.