Pengakuan-Pengakuan (Agustinus): Perbedaan antara revisi

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Jonoo27 (bicara | kontrib)
Jonoo27 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 14:
==Garis besar (sesuai jilid)==
# Kelahirannya, dan masa kecil hingga usia 14 tahun. Dimulai dengan kelahirannya, Agustinus merenungkan masa kecil pribadinya untuk mengambil kesimpulan yang universal mengenai natur bayi: anak memiliki sifat yang penuh kekerasan secara inheren jika dibiarkan sendiri karena [[dosa asal]]. Setelahnya, ia merenungkan tentang memilih kenikmatan dan membaca sastra sekuler daripada mempelajari Kitab Suci, choicessebuah whichpilihan heyang laternantinya comesia topahami understandsebagai aspilihan onesyang forlayak whichmenerima hehukuman deserveddari thepara punishment of his teachersgurunya, although he didmeskipun notia recognizetidak thatmenyadarinya duringpada hismasa childhoodkecilnya.
# Augustine continues to reflect on his adolescence during which he recounts two examples of his grave sins that he committed as a sixteen-year-old: the development of his God-less lust and the theft of a pear from his neighbor's orchard, despite never wanting for food. In this book, he explores the question of why he and his friends stole pears when he had many better pears of his own. He explains the feelings he experienced as he ate the pears and threw the rest away to the pigs. Augustine argues that he most likely would not have stolen anything had he not been in the company of others who could share in his sin.
# He begins the study of rhetoric at [[Carthage]], where he develops a love of wisdom through his exposure to [[Writings of Cicero|Cicero's]] ''Hortensius.'' He blames his pride for lacking faith in Scripture, so he finds a way to seek truth regarding good and evil through [[Manichaeism]]. At the end of this book, his mother, Monica, dreams about her son's re-conversion to Catholic doctrine.