Pengakuan-Pengakuan (Agustinus): Perbedaan antara revisi

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Jonoo27 (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 18:
# Ia memulai studi retorika di [[Karthago]], tempat ia mengembangkan kecintaan pada kebijaksanaan melalui membaca karya [[Cicero]], ''Hortensius.'' Ia menyalahkan kesombongannya untuk kurang beriman dalam Kitab Suci, sehingga ia menemukan jalan untuk mencari kebenaran mengenai baik dan jahat melalui [[Manikheisme]]. Pada akhir jilid ini, ibunya, Monika, memimpikan pertobatan ulang dari putranya kepada Kekristenan.
# Di antara usia 19 dan 28 tahun, Agustinus menjalin hubungan dengan seorang wanita yang tidak disebutkan namanya yang, meskipun setia, bukanlah istrinya yang dinikahinya secara sah, yang dengannya ia mempunyai seorang anak, Adeodatus. Pada saat yang sama ia kembali ke kampung halamannya Tagaste untuk mengajar, seorang temannya jatuh sakit, dibaptis dalam Gereja, pulih sebentar, kemudian meninggal. Kematian temannya ini membuat Agustinus depresi, yang kemudian merenungkan arti dari kasih seorang teman dalam arti kefanaan versus kasih seorang teman dalam Allah; ia menyimpulkan bahwa kematian temannya sangat mempengaruhinya karena kurangnya kasihnya dalam Allah. Hal yang ia dulunya cintai menjadi hal yang ia benci karena segalanya mengingatkannya akan apa yang hilang. Agustinus kemudian mengusulkan bahwa ia mulai mencintai kehidupannya yang penuh kesedihan lebih dari temannya yang sudah mati. Ia mengakhiri jilid ini dengan perenungannya bahwa ia telah berusaha mencari kebenaran melalui Manikheisme dan astrologi, tetapi anggota-anggota Gereja, yang ia klaim sebagai kurang berpengetahuan dan sombong, telah menemukan kebenaran melalui iman yang lebih besar di dalam Allah.
# WhileKetika AugustineAgustinus isberusia aged29 29tahun, heia beginsmulai tokehilangan losekeyakinan faithdalam inpengajaran Manichean teachingsManikhean, a processsebuah thatproses startsuang whendimulai theketika Manicheanuskup bishopManikhean Faustus visitsmengunjungi CarthageKartago. Augustine is unimpressed with the substance of Manichaeism, but he has not yet found something to replace it. He feels a sense of resigned acceptance to these fables as he has not yet formed a spiritual core to prove their falsity. He moves to teach in Rome where the education system is more disciplined. He does not stay in Rome for long because his teaching is requested in Milan, where he encounters the bishop [[Saint Ambrose|Ambrose]]. He appreciates Ambrose's style and attitude, and Ambrose exposes him to a more spiritual, figurative perspective of God, which leads him into a position as catechumen of the Church.
# The sermons of Ambrose draw Augustine closer to Catholicism, which he begins to favor over other philosophical options. In this section his personal troubles, including ambition, continue, at which point he compares a beggar, whose drunkenness is "temporal happiness," with his hitherto failure at discovering happiness.{{Sfn|Bourke|1966|p=140}} Augustine highlights the contribution of his friends Alypius and Nebridius in his discovery of religious truth. Monica returns at the end of this book and arranges a marriage for Augustine, who separates from his previous concubine, finds a new mistress, and deems himself to be a "slave of lust."{{Sfn|Bourke|1966|p=158}}
# In his mission to discover the truth behind good and evil, Augustine is exposed to the [[Neoplatonist]] view of God. He finds fault with this thought, however, because he thinks that they understand the nature of God without accepting Christ as a mediator between humans and God. He reinforces his opinion of the Neoplatonists through the likeness of a mountain top: "It is one thing to see, from a wooded mountain top, the land of peace, and not to find the way to it… it is quite another thing to keep to the way which leads there, which is made safe by the care of the heavenly Commander, where they who have deserted the heavenly army may not commit their robberies, for they avoid it as a punishment."{{Sfn|Bourke|1966|p=193–94}} From this point, he picks up the works of the apostle Paul which "seized [him] with wonder."{{Sfn|Bourke|1966|p=194}}