Pengakuan-Pengakuan (Agustinus): Perbedaan antara revisi

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Jonoo27 (bicara | kontrib)
Jonoo27 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 24:
# Dalam persiapannya untuk dibaptis, Agustinus mengakhiri pekerjaan mengajar retorikanya. Ambrosius membaptis Agustinus bersama Adeodatus dan Alypius. Agustinus kemudian menceritakan bagaimana gereja di Milan, dengan ibunya dalam peran yang memimpin, membela Ambrosius terhadap penganiayaan oleh [[Justina (ibu suri)|Justina]]. Sekembalinya ke Eropa bersama ibunya, mereka berbagi penglihatan religius di Ostia. Tak lama kemudian, [[Santa Monika]] meninggal, disusul oleh teman-temannya, Nebridius dan Verecundus. Di akhir jilid ini, Agustinus mengenang kematian-kematian tersebut melalui doa dalam iman yang baru dianutnya: "Kiranya mereka mengingat dengan perasaan kudus kedua orang tuaku dalam cahaya yang fana ini, dan saudara-saudaraku di bawah-Mu, ya Bapa, di dalam Bunda [Gereja] Katolik kami, dan rekan-rekan warganegara kami di Yerusalem yang kekal, yang untuknya ziarah umat-Mu menghela nafas sejak awal hingga kembali. Melalui jalan ini, permintaan terakhirnya kepadaku akan lebih dikabulkan dalam doa-doa banyak orang melalui pengakuan-pengakuanku ini daripada melalui doa-doaku sendiri."{{Sfn|Bourke|1966|p=262}}
# Agustinus bergeser dari ingatan pribadi ke evaluasi introspektif terhadap ingatan itu sendiri dan terhadap diri, ketika ia terus merenungkan nilai-nilai pengakuan, signifikansi doa, dan sarana-sarana yang melaluinya seseorang dapat menemukan Allah. Melalui poin terakhir ini dan perenungannya tentang tubuh dan jiwa, ia sampai pada pembenaran untuk keberadaan Kristus.
# AugustineAgustinus analyzesmenganalisis thenatur naturepenciptaan ofdan creationwaktu andserta ofhubungannya timedengan as well as its relationship with GodTuhan. HeIa exploresmengeksplorasi issuesisu-isu surroundingseputar [[philosophicalpresentisme presentismfilosofis|presentismpresentisme]]. He considers that there are three kinds of time in the mind: the present with respect to things that are past, which is the memory; the present with respect to things that are present, which is contemplation; and the present with respect to things that are in the future, which is expectation. He relies on [[Book of Genesis|Genesis]], especially the texts concerning the creation of the sky and the earth, throughout this book to support his thinking.
# Through his discussion of creation, Augustine relates the nature of the divine and the earthly as part of a thorough analysis of both the rhetoric of Genesis and the plurality of interpretations that one might use to analyze Genesis. Comparing the scriptures to a spring with streams of water spreading over an immense landscape, he considers that there could be more than one true interpretation and each person can draw whatever true conclusions from the texts.
# He concludes the text by exploring an allegorical interpretation of Genesis, through which he discovers the [[Trinity]] and the significance of God's creation of man. Based on his interpretation, he espouses the significance of rest as well as the divinity of Creation: "For, then shalt Thou rest in us, in the same way that Thou workest in us now So, we see these things which Thou hast made, because they exist, but they exist because Thou seest them. We see, externally, that they exist, but internally, that they are good; Thou hast seen them made, in the same place where Thou didst see them as yet to be made."{{Sfn|Bourke|1966|p=455–56}}