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Baris 81:
In passages of scripture such as Matthew 3:16-17 where the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separated in the text and witness, modalists view this phenomenon as confirming God's [[omnipresence]], and His ability to [[omnipotence|manifest himself as he pleases]]. Oneness Pentecostals and Modalists attempt to dispute the traditional doctrine of eternal co-existent union, while affirming the Christian doctrine of God taking on flesh as Jesus Christ. Like Trinitarians, Oneness adherents attest that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. However, Trinitarians believe that the "Word of God," the eternal second Person of the Trinity,<ref name="Contra Gentes Part III">{{cite web|last1=St. Athanasius|first1=of Alexandria|title=Contra Gentes Part III|url=|website=Christian Classics Ethereal Library|access-date=28 May 2017}}</ref> was manifest as the Son of God by taking humanity to Himself and by glorifying that Humanity to equality with God through His resurrection, in eternal union with His own Divinity.<ref name="The Incarnation of the Word">{{cite web|last1=St. Athanasius|first1=of Alexandria|title=The Incarnation of the Word|url=|website=Christian Classics Ethereal Library|access-date=28 May 2017}}</ref> In contrast, Oneness adherents hold that the One and Only true God—Who manifests Himself in any way He chooses, including as Father, Son and Holy Spirit (though not choosing to do so in an eternally simultaneous manner)—became man in the temporary role of Son.<ref>{{cite web|title=The End of the "Son"|url=||access-date=28 May 2017}}</ref> Many Oneness Pentecostals have also placed a strongly [[Nestorianism|Nestorian]] distinction between Jesus' humanity and Divinity<ref>{{cite web|last1=Dulle|first1=Jason|title=Avoiding the Achilles Heels...|url=||access-date=28 May 2017}}</ref> as in the example compared with Tertullian's statement above.
OnenessGolongan PentecostalsPentakosta andKeesaan otherdan golongan-golongan [[modalismmodalisme|modalistsmodalis]] arelainnya regardeddicap bysebagai Romanahli Catholicbidat oleh umat Kristen Katolik, GreekKristen OrthodoxOrtodoks, anddan mostgolongan-golongan otherumat mainstreamKristen Christiansarus asutama hereticallainnya, forlantaran denyingmendustakan thekewujudan literalharfiah existencePutra ofterkasih God'sAllah Belovedyang Sonturun fromdari HeavenSurga, includingtermasuk Hiskewujudan-Nya eternalyang Beingkekal; rejectingmenolak thesuksesi directlangsung successionkarunia-karunia ofdan apostolicwewenang giftsrasuli andmelalui authoritypentahbisan throughuskup; themendustakan ordinationjati ofdiri theumat ChristianKristen bishops;arus rejectingutama thesebagai identityTubuh ofyang mainstreamdiperanakkan ChristiansAllah asdan theGereja God-begottenyang Bodydidirikan and Church which Christ foundedKristus; andserta rejectingmenolak the affirmations of theketetapan konsili-[[ecumenicalkonsili counciloikumenis|konsili oikumene]]s such as theseperti [[Nicene-ConstantinopolitanSyahadat CreedNikea|CouncilsKonsili ofNikea Nicaeadan andKonsili ConstantinopleKonstantinopel]], includingtermasuk thekeimanan Holykepada TrinityTritunggal Mahakudus. WhileJika manybanyak Unitarianskaum areTunggalis Ariansadalah penganut Arianisme, modalistsmaka kaum modalis justru membedakan dirinya differentiatedari themselveskaum fromTunggalis [[Arianisme|Arian]] ormaupun [[Semi-ArianArianisme|Semiarian]] Unitariansdengan by affirming Christ's fullmengamini [[GodheadKe-Allah-an inmenurut ChristianityKekristenan|GodheadKe-Allah-an]], whereasparipurna bothKristus, thesementara Arianpandangan and Semi-Arian viewsmaupun assertSemiarian Christmenyatakan asbahwa notKristus oftidak one substancesehakikat (Greek: [[Ousia{{lang-el|οὐσία]]}}, ''ousia'') withdengan Allah Bapa, anddan thereforeoleh alsokarena notitu equaltidak with,setara Goddengan theAllah FatherBapa. DionysiusDionisius, bishopUskup of RomeRoma, setmemaparkan forthpemahaman theKekristenan understandingtradisional oftentang traditionalArianisme Christianitymaupun concerningSabelianisme bothdi Arianismdalam and Sabellianism inrisalah ''AgainstMelawan theKaum SabelliansSabelian'', ca.sekitar ADtahun 262. He,Sama inseperti similarityHipolitus, toia Hippolytus,juga explainedmenjelaskan thatbahwa thekedua twobidat errorsitu aresebagai atdua oppositekutub extremesekstrem inyang seekingsaling toberseberangan understanddalam theusaha Sonmemahami ofPutra GodAllah, Arianismkarena misusingArianisme thatmenyalahartikan theketidaksamaan SonPutra isdengan distinct respecting the FatherBapa, and Sabellianism misusing that thesementara SonSabelianisme ismenyalahartikan equalkesetaraan respectingPutra thedengan FatherBapa. In fact, he also repudiated the idea of three Gods as error as well.<ref name="Against Sabellians"/> While Arianism and Sabellianism may appear to be diametrically opposed, the former claiming Christ to be created and the latter claiming Christ is God, both in common deny the Trinitarian belief that Christ is God Eternal '''in His Humanity''', and that this is the very basis of man's hope of salvation. "One, not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh, but by taking of the manhood into God."<ref>{{cite web|title=Athanasian Creed|url=||access-date=29 May 2017}}</ref>
Hippolytus' account of the excommunication of Noetus is as follows: <blockquote>When the blessed presbyters heard this, they summoned him before the Church, and examined him. But he denied at first that he held such opinions. Afterwards, however, taking shelter among some, and having gathered round him some others who had embraced the same error, he wished thereafter to uphold his dogma openly as correct. And the blessed presbyters called him again before them, and examined him. But he stood out against them, saying, “What evil, then, am I doing in glorifying Christ?” And the presbyters replied to him, “We too know in truth one God; we know Christ; we know that the Son suffered even as He suffered, and died even as He died, and rose again on the third day, and is at the right hand of the Father, and cometh to judge the living and the dead. And these things which we have learned we allege.” Then, after examining him, they expelled him from the Church. And he was carried to such a pitch of pride, that he established a school.<ref name="Against the Heresy of Noetus"/></blockquote>