=== Kristen Barat ===
Di [[Kekristenan Barat|Gereja Barat]], tongkat uskup (dikenal dengan sebutan "tongkat pastoral", dari kata Latin ''pastor'', artinya "gembala") dibuat menyerupai [[gancu gembala]]. Seorang uskup atau kepala gereja membawa tongkat ini selaku "gembala kawanan domba Allah", khususnya jemaat yang berada di bawah yurisdiksinya, tetapi semua uskup, baik yang mengepalai maupun yang tidak mengepalai sebuah keuskupan, boleh pula memegang tongkat uskup pada waktu menerimakan [[sakramen]] dan mengimami [[liturgi|ibadat]]. <!--Disebutkan Thedi Catholicdalam [[Caeremoniale Episcoporum]] Gereja Katolik<ref>Caeremoniale Episcoporum (Vatican Polyglott Press, 1985), 59</ref> saysbahwa that,sebagai astanda afungsi signpastoralnya, ofseorang hisuskup pastoralmembawa function,tongkat auskup bishopdi usesdalam awilayah crozier within his territorykewenangannya, buttetapi anyuskup bishoplain celebratingyang themerayakan liturgyliturgi solemnlykudus withatas thepersetujuan consentuskup ofsetempat theboleh localpula bishopmembawa maytongkat alsouskup. useCaeremoniale it.Episcoporum Itmenambahkan addspula that,bahwa whenbilamana severalbeberapa bishopsuskup joinbersama-sama inmenghadiri aperayaan single celebrationibadat, onlyhanya theuskup oneyang presidingmemimpin usesibadatlah ayang crozier.{{Citationmembawa needed|date=Septembertongkat 2011}}uskup.
ASeorang bishopuskup usuallylazimnya holdsmemegang histongkatnya crozierdengan withtangan his left handkiri, leavingsehingga histangan rightkanannya handdapat freeleluasa todigunakan bestowuntuk memberi [[blessingberkat (Kristen)|berkat]]s. The<!-- Caeremoniale Episcoporum statesmenegaskan bahwa uskup thatmemegang thetongkat bishop holds the crozier with the open side of the crook forward, or towards the people. It also states that a bishop usually holds the crozier during a [[procession]] and when listening to the reading of the Gospel, giving a homily, accepting vows, solemn promises or a profession of faith, and when blessing people, unless he must lay his hands on them. When the bishop is not holding the crozier, it is put in the care of an [[altar server]], known as the "crozier bearer", who may wear around their shoulders a shawl-like [[veil]] called a [[vimpa]], so as to hold the crozier without touching it with their bare hands. Another altar server, likewise wearing a vimpa, holds the [[mitre]] when the bishop is not wearing it. In the [[Anglicanism|Anglican]] tradition, the crozier may be carried by someone else walking before the bishop in a procession.{{Citation needed|date=September 2011}}
The crozier is conferred upon a bishop during his [[ordination]] to the [[episcopacy]]. It is also presented to an [[abbot]] at his blessing, an ancient custom symbolizing his shepherding of the [[monastic community]]. Although there is no provision for the presentation of a crozier in the liturgy associated with the blessing of an [[abbess]], by long-standing custom an abbess may bear one when leading her community of [[nun]]s.{{Citation needed|date=September 2011}}