Sejarah Roma: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 225:
[[Agama Kristen]] masuk ke Roma pada abad ke-1 M. Selama dua abad pertama tarikh [[Masehi]], pemerintah Kekaisaran Romawi lebih sering menganggap agama Kristen sebagai salah satu sekte belaka dari agama Yahudi ketimbang sebagai sebuah agama tersendiri. Tak seorangpun kaisar pernah mengundangkan hukum-hukum yang menentang iman Kristen maupun Gereja, dan berbagai aniaya yang pernah menimpa umat Kristen dilakukan di bawah payung kewenangan pejabat-pejabat pemerintah lokal.<ref>Graeme Clarke, "Third-Century Christianity," dalam ''Cambridge Ancient History: The Crisis of Empire'' (Cambridge University Press, 2005), jld. 12, hlm. 616; W.H.C. Frend, "Persecutions: Genesis and Legacy," ''Cambridge History of Christianity: Origins to Constantine'' (Cambridge University Press, 2006), jld. 1, hlm. 510. Juga lih. : Timothy D. Barnes, "Legislation Against the Christians," ''Journal of Roman Studies'' 58 (1968) 32–50; G.E.M de Sainte-Croix, "Why Were the Early Christians Persecuted?" ''Past & Present'' 26 (1963) 6–38; Herbert Musurillo, ''The Acts of the Christian Martyrs'' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972), hlmn. lviii–lxii; dan [[A.N. Sherwin-White]], "The Early Persecutions and Roman Law Again", ''Journal of Theological Studies'' 3.2 (1952) 199–213.</ref> Peninggalan tertulis berupa sepucuk surat dari [[Plinius Muda]], wali negeri Bitinia, kepada Kaisar [[Trayanus]] menggambarkan aniaya dan hukuman mati yang ditimpakannya ke atas umat Kristen. Kaisar Trayanus membalas dengan imbauan supaya Plinius tidak mencari-cari orang Kristen maupun meminta masyarakat untuk diam-diam melaporkan keberadaan orang Kristen, tetapi hanya menghukum orang Kristen yang menjalankan agamanya secara terang-terangan dan menolak murtad.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Pliny the Younger on Christ | |access-date=23 Juli 2015}}</ref>
[[Suetonius]] secara sambil lalu menyebutkan bahwa pada masa pemerintahan Kaisar [[Nero]], "hukuman ditimpakan ke atas orang Kristen, yaitu golongan pengikut [[Agama di Romawi Kuno#Takhayul dan sihir|takhayul]] baru yang meresahkan" ''(superstitionis novae ac maleficae)''.<ref>Suetonius, ''Riwayat Hidup Nero'' [*.html#16 16.2]: ''afflicti suppliciis Christiani, genus hominum superstitionis novae ac maleficae.''</ref> Suetonius tidak menyebutkan alasan hukuman tersebut dijatuhkan. [[Tacitus]] melaporkan bahwa seusai musibah [[Kebakaran Besar Roma|Kebakaran Besar di Roma]] pada tahun 64, beberapa pihak dalam masyarakat yakin bahwa Kaisar Nerolah yang mendalangi kebakaran itu dan berusaha mengambinghitamkan orang-orang Kristen.<ref name="annals-xv-44">Tacitus, ''Babad'' [[s:The Annals (Tacitus)/Book 15#44|XV.44]]</ref> Perang melawan bangsa Yahudi pada masa pemerintahan Nero, yang benar-benar menggoyahkan kestabilan negara sampai-sampai menimbulkan perang saudara dan mendorong Nero untuk bunuh diri, menjadi alasan tambahan untuk menggencet sekte 'Yahudi' ini.<!--
Kaisar [[Dioklesianus]] melancarkan [[Penindasan Diokletianus|aniaya besar-besaran yang terakhir sekaligus yang terkejam terhadap umat Kristen]], mulai dari tahun 303 sampai 311. Agama Kristen sudah terlalu luas menyebar untuk dapat diberantas, dan pada tahun 313, terbit [[Maklumat Milan]] yang secara resmi menoleransi keberadaan agama Kristen. Kaisar [[Konstantinus I]] (kaisar tunggal dari tahun 324 sampai 337) adalah Kaisar Romawi pertama yang memeluk agama Kristen. Pada tahun 380, Kaisar [[Teodosius I]] menetapkan agama Kristen sebagai agama resmi negara.
Kaisar [[Dioklesianus]] undertook what was to be the [[Diocletianic Persecution|most severe and last major persecution of Christians]], lasting from 303 to 311. Christianity had become too widespread to suppress, and in 313, the [[Edict of Milan]] made tolerance the official policy. [[Constantine&nbsp;I]] (sole ruler 324–337) became the first Christian emperor, and in 380 [[Theodosius&nbsp;I]] established Christianity as the official religion.
[[ChristianAniaya persecutionterhadap ofkaum paganismpagan underpada Theodosiusmasa pemerintahan Teodosius I|UnderPada Theodosiusmasa pemerintahan Kaisar Teodosius]], visitsrakyat todilarang themenyambangi pagankuil-kuil temples were forbiddenpagan,<ref name="Routery1997ch4">Routery, Michael (1997) [ ''The First Missionary War. The Church take over of the Roman Empire'', Ch.Bab 4, ''The Serapeum of Alexandria''] {{webarchive|url= |date=31 May 2010 }}</ref> the [[SacredApi fire ofsuci Vesta|eternalapi fireabadi]] indi the Temple ofkuil [[Vesta (mythologymitologi)|Dewi Vesta]] inyang themenghadap [[Roman Forum Romawi|alun-alun Roma]] extinguisheddipadamkan, the [[VestalPerawan VirginsVesta|para kenya Dewi Vesta]] disbandeddibubarkan, pengamal [[auspicesauspicium|ilmu tenung burung]] anddan [[witchcraftilmu sihir]]ing punisheddipidana. TheodosiusKaisar refusedTeodosius tomenolak restorepermintaan thepara [[Altarsenator ofpagan Victory]]untuk in thememugar Senate[[Mezbah House,Kemenangan]] asdi askedbalai by remaining pagansidang Senatorssenatus.
Peralihan keyakinan Kekaisaran Romawi ke agama Kristen melejitkan [[paus (Gereja Katolik)|Uskup Roma]] (kemudian hari lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Sri Paus) menjadi pemuka agama yang dituakan di Kekaisaran Romawi Barat, seperti yang dinyatakan secara resmi pada tahun 380 di dalam [[Maklumat Tesalonika]]. Meskipun peranannya di Kekaisaran Romawi kian terpinggirkan, kota Roma masih memiliki wibawa lantaran kebersejarahannya. Pada kurun waktu inilah proyek-proyek pembangunan yang terakhir di kota Roma dilaksanakan. Kaisar [[Maksensius]], pendahulu Konstantinus, mendirikan gedung-gedung semisal basilika kota Roma di lingkungan [[Forum Romawi|alun-alun]]. Kaisar Konstantinus sendiri membangun [[Gapura Konstantinus]] sebagai monumen peringatan kemenangannya dalam perang melawan Maksensius. Kaisar [[Dioklesianus]] membangun [[Pemandian Dioklesianus|rumah-rumah pemandian]] terbesar yang pernah ada. Kaisar Konstantinus juga adalah orang pertama yang menjadi penyandang dana pembangunan gedung-gedung resmi agama Kristen di kota Roma. Ia menghibahkan [[Istana Lateran]] kepada Sri Paus, dan membangun basilika besar yang pertama, yakni [[Basilika Santo Petrus Lama|Basilika Lama Santo Petrus]].
The Empire's conversion to Christianity made the [[Pope|Bishop of Rome]] (later called the Pope) the senior religious figure in the Western Empire, as officially stated in 380 by the [[Edict of Thessalonica]]. In spite of its increasingly marginal role in the Empire, Rome retained its historic prestige, and this period saw the last wave of construction activity: Constantine's predecessor [[Maxentius]] built buildings such as its basilica in the [[Roman Forum|Forum]], Constantine himself erected the [[Arch of Constantine]] to celebrate his victory over the former, and [[Diocletian]] built the greatest [[Baths of Diocletian|baths]] of all. Constantine was also the first patron of official Christian buildings in the city. He donated the [[Lateran Palace]] to the Pope, and built the first great basilica, the [[old St. Peter's Basilica]].
==== Invasi bangsa Jermani dan tumbangnya kekaisaran barat ====
[[File:Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls.jpg|thumb|220px|right|TheBasilika ancientSanto basilicaLaurensius ofdi St.luar Lawrencetembok outsidedibangun thetepat wallsdi wasatas builtpusara directlySanto overLaurensius, themartir tombkesayangan ofwarga the people's favourite Roman martyrRoma]]
StillMeskipun Romedemikian, remainedRoma onetetap ofmenjadi thesalah strongholdssatu ofbenteng Paganismpertahanan Paganisme, leddi bybawah thepimpinan aristocratskaum andbangsawan senatorsdan para senator.<!-- However, the new walls did not stop the city being sacked first by [[Alaric I|Alaric]] on 24 August 410, by [[Genseric|Geiseric]] on 2 June 455, and even by general [[Ricimer]]'s unpaid Roman troops (largely composed of barbarians) on 11 July 472.<ref name="History Stack">{{cite web |url= |title=455 Sack of Rome – historystack|last=History Stack | |year=2011}}</ref><ref name="Encyclopaedia2">{{cite encyclopedia |url=,+King+of+the+Visigoths |title=Alaric, King of the Visigoths definition of Alaric, King of the Visigoths in the Free Online Encyclopedia. |last=Encyclopaedia2| |year=2011}}</ref>
This was the first time in almost 800&nbsp;years that Rome had fallen to an enemy. The previous [[Battle of the Allia|sack of Rome]] had been accomplished by the [[Gaul]]s under their leader [[Brennus (4th century)|Brennus]] in 387&nbsp;BC. The sacking of 410 is seen as a major landmark in the [[Decline of the Roman Empire|decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire]]. [[St. Jerome]], living in Bethlehem at the time, wrote that "The City which had taken the whole world was itself taken."<ref name=Jerome127>St Jerome, Letter CXXVII. To Principia, [[:s:Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume VI/The Letters of St. Jerome/Letter 127]] paragraph 12.</ref> These sackings of the city astonished all the Roman world. In any case, the damage caused by the sackings may have been overestimated. The population already started to decline from the late 4th century onward, although around the middle of the fifth century it seems that Rome continued to be the most populous city of the two parts of the Empire, with a population of not less than 650,000 inhabitants.<ref>Arnold HM Jones The Decline of the Ancient World, Lonmans, Green and Co. Ltd., London 1966</ref>
The decline greatly accelerated following the capture of [[Africa Proconsularis]] by the [[Vandals]]. Many inhabitants now fled as the city no longer could be supplied with grain from Africa from the mid-5th century onward.