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Baris 8:
Mengenai keyakinan karismatik ini, Dr. [[Dale Robbins|Dale A. Robbins]] menulis bahwa Gereja (dalam artian ''kumpulan individu-individu Kristen''-bukan gedungnya) dalam sejarahnya terus menerus memperdebatkan mengenai gagasan bahwa karunia karismatik telah hilang segera setelah jaman apostolik berlalu ataukah masih terus berlanjut hingga ke masa sekarang.
Dr. Robbins mengutip salah satu bapa gereja mula-mula, [[Irenaeus]] ([[130]]-[[202]]), yang menuliskan, "...kita telah mendengar bahwa banyak anggota gereja yang mendapatkan karunia bernubutbernubuat, dan yang berbicara dengan bahasa lidah di dalam Roh, dan juga yang telah mengungkapkan rahasia-rahasia yang bermanfaat bagi [pengetahuan] jemaat...". Dr. Robbins juga menyebutkan bahwa Irenaeus menuliskan, "Menurut waktu dan kehendak Tuhan, dan ketika gereja banyak berdoa dan berpuasa, mereka dimampukan untuk melakukan perkara-perkara ajaib, bahkan membangkitkan orang mati." Masih menurut Dr. Robbins, [[Tertullian]] ([[155]]-[[230]]) juga mencatat hal-hal yang mirip, demikian juga dengan [[Origen]] ([[182]]-[[251]]), [[Eusebius]] ([[275]]-[[339]]), [[Firmilian]] ([[232]]-[[269]]), dan [[Chrysostom]] ([[347]]-[[407]]). [].
::'''Charismatic''' is an umbrella term used to describe those [[Christianity|Christians]] who believe that the manifestations of the [[Holy Spirit]] seen in the first century Christian Church, such as [[healing]], [[miracles]] and [[glossolalia]], are available to contemporary Christians and ought to be experienced and practiced today. Dr. Dale A. Robbins writes in regards to charismatic beliefs that Church history argues against the idea that charismatic gifts went away shortly after the apostolic age. Dr. Robbins quotes the early church father [[Irenaeus]] (ca. 130-202) as writing the following, "...we hear many of the brethren in the church who have prophetic gifts, and who speak in tongues through the spirit, and who also bring to light the secret things of men for their benefit [word of knowledge]...". Dr. Robbins also cites Irenaeus writing, "When God saw it necessary, and the church prayed and fasted much, they did miraculous things, even of bringing back the spirit to a dead man." According to Dr. Robbin, [[Tertullian]] (ca.155–230) reported similar incidents as did [[Origen]] (ca.182-251), [[Eusebius]] (ca.275–339), [[Firmilian]] (ca.232-269), and [[Chrysostom]] (ca.347-407).[]
The word ''charismatic'' is derived from the Greek word ''charis'' (meaning a grace or a gift) which is the term used in the [[Bible]] to describe a wide range of supernatural experiences (especially in [[1 Corinthians]] 12-14).
Kata ''karismatik'' berasal dari sebuah kata Yunani ''charis'' yang berarti kasih karunia. Kata ''charis'' digunakan dalam [[Alkitab]] untuk menjelaskan mengenai berbagai-bagai pengalaman supranatural (khususnya dalam [[1 Korintus]] 12-14).
Often confused with [[Pentecostalism]] (which it was inspired by), charismatic Christianity tends to differ in key aspects: most charismatics reject the preeminence given by Pentecostalism to [[glossolalia]], reject what they consider to be [[legalism (theology)|legalism]] sometimes associated with Pentecostalism, and often stay in their existing denominations such as [[Catholic Charismatic Renewal|Roman Catholic Charismatics]].
::The word ''charismatic'' is derived from the Greek word ''charis'' (meaning a grace or a gift) which is the term used in the [[Bible]] to describe a wide range of supernatural experiences (especially in [[1 Corinthians]] 12-14).
Because of the continual cross-over between Pentecostalism and the modern charismatic movement, it is increasingly difficult to speak of charismatics and Pentecostals as being part of separate movements. Yet because neither movement is [[monolithic]], it is also unfair to speak of them as being one movement either. The difference is primarily one of origins. Beliefs of the two groups are very similar; each movement, however, is unique in its historical beginnings. Having been conceived in unique contexts, the difference may secondarily be described in terms of contrasting church cultures evidenced through each movement's manners and customs (i.e., worship styles, preaching styles, altar ministry methods). Until a more acceptable broad nomenclature is used, it needs to be understood that both movements share a great deal in common, and yet can sometimes be clearly differentiated.
Walaupun sangat mirip sehingga kadang sulit dibedakan dengan aliran [[Pentakostal]] yang menjadi inspirasinya, kaum Kristen Karismatik sesungguhnya berbeda dalam beberapa aspek:
* kebanyakan Karismatik menolak keutamaan [[glossolalia]] yang diberlakukan oleh Pentakostal
===Beginnings 1950-1975===
* menolak beberapa ajaran Pentakostal yang dianggap [[legalisme]] oleh Karismatik
While it is difficult to locate the place and time that charismatic Christianity began to influence the mainstream churches, [[Dennis Bennett]], an American Episcopalian, is often cited as the movement's seminal influence. Bennett was the Rector at St Mark's [[Episcopal Church in the United States of America|Episcopal]] Church in [[Van Nuys]] California when he announced to the congregation in 1960 that he had received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Soon after this he was ministering in [[Vancouver]] where he ran many workshops and seminars about the work of the Holy Spirit.[] This influenced tens of thousands of Anglicans world-wide and also began a renewal movement within the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.
* banyak Karismatik seringkali tetap berada di denominasinya sendiri, tidak mendirikan gereja baru, contohnya [[Katolik Karismatik]] di [[Gereja Katolik Roma]].
::Often confused with [[Pentecostalism]] (which it was inspired by), charismatic Christianity tends to differ in key aspects: most charismatics reject the preeminence given by Pentecostalism to [[glossolalia]], reject what they consider to be [[legalism (theology)|legalism]] sometimes associated with Pentecostalism, and often stay in their existing denominations such as [[Catholic Charismatic Renewal|Roman Catholic Charismatics]].
Karena kemiripannya, semakin lama semakin sulit untuk membedakan Karismatik dan Pentakosta sebagai gerakan yang terpisah; namun karena tidak satupun gerakan tersebut yang [[monolitik]], juga sulit untuk menyatakan mereka sebagai gerakan yang sama. Di luar kemiripannya, masing-masing Gerakan memiliki awal sejarah yang unik. Dalam keunikannya, perbedaan di antara keduanya juga bisa dilihat dari gaya dan tata ibadah (misalnya cara penyembahan, cara berkhotbah, dan metode pelayanan altar).
Hingga suatu definisi yang lebih baik disepakati secara luas (khususnya karena kedua gerakan ini relatif masih muda di dalam aliran-aliran Kristen), harus dimengerti bahwa keduanya secara umum memiliki kesamaan yang sangat besar, walaupun terkadang juga bisa sangat berbeda.
::Because of the continual cross-over between Pentecostalism and the modern charismatic movement, it is increasingly difficult to speak of charismatics and Pentecostals as being part of separate movements. Yet because neither movement is [[monolithic]], it is also unfair to speak of them as being one movement either. The difference is primarily one of origins. Beliefs of the two groups are very similar; each movement, however, is unique in its historical beginnings. Having been conceived in unique contexts, the difference may secondarily be described in terms of contrasting church cultures evidenced through each movement's manners and customs (i.e., worship styles, preaching styles, altar ministry methods). Until a more acceptable broad nomenclature is used, it needs to be understood that both movements share a great deal in common, and yet can sometimes be clearly differentiated.
== Sejarah ==
===Beginnings Awal, 1950-1975= ==
Adalah sulit untuk menentukan kapan waktunya dan di mana tepatnya Kristen Karismatik mulai muncul sebagai gerakan yang berpengaruh di antara gereja-gereja aras utama (''mainstream churches''). Namun demikian, pada umumnya [[Dennis Bennett]] seorang dari [[Gereja Episkopal]] Amerika seringkali disebut-sebut sebagai pionir dari gerakan ini. Bennet pada masa itu sedang menjabat sebagai Rektor dari Gereja Episkopal Santo Markus, [[Van Nuys]], [[California]], [[Amerika Serikat]], ketika ia mengumumkan kepada jemaatnya pada tahun 1960 bahwa ia telah menerima pencurahan [[Roh Kudus]]. Segera setelah peristiwa ini, ia pindah melayani di [[Vancouver]] di mana ia melayani dalam banyak seminar dan lokakarya mengenai karya Roh Kudus. Pelayanannya ini banyak mempengaruhi puluhan ribu kaum Anglikan di seluruh dunia sekaligus memulai gerakan pembaharuan di dalam tubuh Gereja Katolik Roma dan Gereja-Gereja Ortodoks.
::While it is difficult to locate the place and time that charismatic Christianity began to influence the mainstream churches, [[Dennis Bennett]], an American Episcopalian, is often cited as the movement's seminal influence. Bennett was the Rector at St Mark's [[Episcopal Church in the United States of America|Episcopal]] Church in [[Van Nuys]] California when he announced to the congregation in 1960 that he had received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Soon after this he was ministering in [[Vancouver]] where he ran many workshops and seminars about the work of the Holy Spirit.[] This influenced tens of thousands of Anglicans world-wide and also began a renewal movement within the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.
In the [[1960s]] and [[1970s]] there was a renewed interest in the supernatural gifts of the Spirit in mainstream churches such as the Episcopal, Lutheran and Catholic churches. The [[Catholic Charismatic Renewal]] was focused in individuals like [[Kevin Ranaghan]] and his group of followers at the [[University of Notre Dame]] in [[South Bend, Indiana]]. Dennis Bennett was Ranaghan's counterpart in the Episcopal Church.