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Reindra (bicara | kontrib)
Matematika Yunani
Reindra (bicara | kontrib)
Matematika Yunani
Baris 49:
Matematika Yunani merujuk pada matematika yang ditulis di dalam [[bahasa Yunani]] antara tahun 600 SM sampai 300 M.<ref>Howard Eves, ''An Introduction to the History of Mathematics'', Saunders, 1990, ISBN 0-03-029558-0</ref> Matematikawan Yunani tinggal di kota-kota sepanjang Mediterania bagian timur, dari [[Italia]] hingga ke [[Afrika Utara]], tetapi mereka dibersatukan oleh budaya dan bahasa yang sama. Matematikawan Yunani pada periode setelah [[Iskandar Agung]] kadang-kadang disebut Matematika Helenistik.
[[Berkas:Thales.jpg|thumb|180px|Thales dari Miletus]] Matematika Yunani lebih berbobot daripada matematika yang dikembangkan oleh kebudayaan-kebudayaan pendahulunya. Semua naskah matematika pra-Yunani yang masih terpelihara menunjukkan penggunaan penalaran induktif, yakni pengamatan yang berulang-ulang yang digunakan untuk mendirikan aturan jempolpraktis. Sebaliknya, matematikawan Yunani menggunakan penalaran deduktif. Bangsa Yunani menggunakan logika untuk menurunkan simpulan dari definisi dan aksioma, dan menggunakan [[kekakuan matematika]] untuk [[bukti matematika|membuktikan]]nya.<ref>Martin Bernal, "Animadversions on the Origins of Western Science", pp. 72–83 in Michael H. Shank, ed., ''The Scientific Enterprise in Antiquity and the Middle Ages'', (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) 2000, p. 75.</ref>
Greek mathematics is thought to have begun with [[Thales of Miletus]] (c. 624–c.546 BC) and [[Pythagoras of Samos]] (c. 582–c. 507 BC). Although the extent of the influence is disputed, they were probably inspired by [[Egyptian mathematics|Egyptian]] and [[Babylonian mathematics]]. According to legend, Pythagoras traveled to Egypt to learn mathematics, geometry, and astronomy from Egyptian priests.
Matematika Yunani diyakini dimulakan oleh [[Thales dari Miletus]] (kira-kira 624 sampai 546 SM) dan [[Pythagoras dari Samos]] (kira-kira 582 sampai 507 SM). Meskipun perluasan pengaruh mereka dipersengketakan, mereka mungkin diilhami oleh [[Matematika Mesir]] dan [[Matematika Babilonia|Babilonia]]. Menurut legenda, Pythagoras bersafari ke Mesir untuk mempelajari matematika, geometri, dan astronomi dari pendeta Mesir.
Thales used [[geometry]] to solve problems such as calculating the height of pyramids and the distance of ships from the shore. He is credited the first use of deductive reasoning applied to geometry, by deriving four corollaries to the [[Thales' Theorem]]. As a result, he has been hailed as the first true mathematician and the firs known individual to whom a mathematical discovery has been attributed to.<ref>{{Harv|Boyer|1991|loc="Ionia and the Pythagoreans" p. 43}}</ref> Pythagoras established the [[Pythagoreans|Pythagorean School]], whose doctrine it was that mathematics ruled the universe and whose motto was "All is number".<ref>{{Harv|Boyer|1991|loc="Ionia and the Pythagoreans" p. 49}}</ref> It was the Pythagoreans who coined the term "mathematics", and with whom the study of mathematics for its own sake begins. The Pythagoreans are credited with the first proof of the [[Pythagorean theorem]],<ref>Eves, Howard, An Introduction to the History of Mathematics, Saunders, 1990, ISBN 0-03-029558-0.</ref> though the statement of the theorem has a long history, and with the proof of the existence of irrational numbers.{{Citation needed|date=February 2010}}