Daftar karakter Star Trek: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 24:
''Tokoh-tokoh penting lainnya''
* [[Christine Chapel|Nurse Christine Chapel]], diperankan oleh [[Majel Barrett]]
=== Star Trek: The Next Generation ===
Baris 42:
''Tokoh-tokoh penting lainnya''
* [[Reginald Barclay|Lieutenant Reginald Barclay]]
* [[Ro Laren|Ensign/Lieutenant Ro Laren]]
* [[Spot (Star Trek)|Spot]] (kucing peliharaan Data)
* [[Lwaxana Troi|Lwaxana Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed]]
=== Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ===
Baris 509:
* '''Erin Hansen''' Wife of Magnus Hansen, mother of Annika Hansen. Studied the Borg up close.
* '''Magnus Hansen''' Husband of Erin Hansen, father of Annika Hansen. Studied the Borg up close.
* '''Captain [[John Harriman]]''' (TOS), captain of the USS ''Enterprise''-B on its maiden voyage in 2293.
* '''[[Stephen Hawking]]''' (TNG, "Descent, Part I") Holographic reproduction for a game of poker with [[Data (Star Trek)|Data]]. Played by the real Stephen Hawking.
* '''[[Dixon Hill]]''', played by [[Jean-Luc Picard]] on the holodeck
Baris 581:
* '''Keiran MacDuff''' (TNG, "Conundrum") Satarran operative who infiltrated the ''Enterprise''-D after a mass amnesia incident
* '''Marayna''' (VOY, "Alter Ego") Operator of a station inside an inversion nebula. When ''Voyager'' passed by, she created a human version of herself in [[Neelix]]'s holographic resort program
* '''Dr. [[Kila Marr]]''' (TNG, "Silicon Avatar") Dr. Kila Marr is a xenologist dedicated to the study of the [[Crystalline Entity]]. After the entity destroyed all life on the [[Omicron Theta]] science colony, including her son, in 2338 she became obsessed. When the [[USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)|''Enterprise''-D]] encountered the entity in the episode [[Silicon Avatar (TNG episode)|Silicon Avatar]] in the year 2368 she shattered it with high intensity energy waves.
* '''Dr. [[Carol Marcus]]''', inventor of the Genesis Device, mother of [[James T. Kirk|Kirk]]'s only known son
* '''Aamin Marritza''' (DS9, "Duet") Impersonated Gul Darhe'el to atone for Cardassian war crimes
Baris 646:
* '''Vedek Porta''' (DS9, "Accession") Bajoran Vedek who killed a member of his group after he refused to follow his D'Jarra.
* '''[[Porthos (Star Trek)|Porthos]]''', Archer's dog
* '''Prinadora''', a [[Ferengi]] female. She was the former wife of [[Rom (Star Trek)|Rom]], and the mother of their son [[Nog]]. She took advantage of Rom's love for her and tricked him into signing an extension to their marriage contract; Prinadora's father was subsequently able to swindle Rom out of all his money, whereupon Prinadora left Rom for another man.
* '''[[Captain Proton]]''', played by [[Tom Paris]] on the holodeck
Baris 741:
* '''[[Tora Ziyal]]''', half-Bajoran daughter of Gul [[Dukat (Star Trek)|Dukat]]
* '''Toreth''' (TNG, "Face of the Enemy") Romulan commander of a warbird, unwittingly helped dissidents defect.
* '''Tosin''' (VOY, "Fair Trade") Bandit scamming people trading at the Nekrit Supply Depot
* '''T'Pan'''
* '''[[T'Pau (Star Trek)|T'Pau]]''' (TOS, "Amok Time"; ENT, "The Awakening" and "Kir'Shara") Vulcan Official, the only person ever to turn down a seat on the Federation council. Leads a rebellion against the Vulcan High Command in the 22nd Century, and a century later officiates at [[Mr. Spock|Spock]]'s "marriage or challenge" ceremony.
* '''T'Pring''' (TOS, "Amok Time") Unfaithful Vulcan girl who was betrothed to [[Mr. Spock|Spock]] by their parents when they were 7 years old.
* '''[[Traveler (Star Trek)|The Traveler]]''' (TNG, "Where No Man Has Gone Before", "Remember Me", "Bloodlines"), [[Humanoid]] from Tau Alpha C with exceptional mental abilities, including mastery over time and space.
Baris 767:
* '''[[Vash (Star Trek)|Vash]]''', falls in love with [[Jean-Luc Picard|Picard]], in the show and in real life
* '''Veer''' (VOY, "Distant Origin") Assistant to Professor Gegen.
* '''Jason Vigo''' (TNG, "Bloodlines"). [[Bok]], a [[Ferengi]], altered Vigo's [[DNA]] to appear as if he was the son of Enterprise Captain [[Jean-Luc Picard]]. Vigo was used as bait by Bok so Bok could avenge his son's death (his son was killed by Picard).
* '''Miranda Vigo''' Mother of Jason Vigo
* '''[[Vorik]]''' Vulcan engineer aboard ''Voyager''