Etika Yudaisme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Jews and Judaism sidebar|religion}}
[[Etika]] [[Yudaisme]] merupakan suatu [[norma]] atau [[aturan]] yang berlaku pada masyarakat [[Yahudi]] dari dahulu hingga saat ini. [[Etika]] ini bersumber pada aturan-aturan dalam hidup masyarakat [[Yahudi]] atau pandangan hidup masyarakat [[Yahudi]]. Dalam artikel ini hendak dibahas bagaimana [[etika]] ini menjadi sumber bagi tujuan hidup orang [[Yahudi]], bagaimana orang [[Yahudi]] melihat hubungan antara tujuan hidup dan tindakan-tindakan [[etis]] serta karakteristik dalam [[etika]] [[Yahudi]].
==Tujuan Hidup Yudaisme==
Baris 38 ⟶ 39:
== Referensi ==
*Abrahams, Israel, ed. 2006. ''Hebrew Ethical Wills''. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society. ISBN 0827608276.
*Bleich, J. D. 1977. ''Contemporary Halakhic Problems''. 4 vols. New York: Ktav Publishing House Inc. Yeshiva University Press.
*Breslauer, S. Daniel, comp. 1985. ''Contemporary Jewish Ethics: A Bibliographical Survey''. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
*Breslauer, S. Daniel, comp. 1986. ''Modern Jewish Morality: A Bibliographical Survey''. New York: Greenwood Press.
*[[Elliot N. Dorff|Dorff, Elliot N.]], and Louis E. Newman, eds. 1995. ''Contemporary Jewish Ethics and Morality: A Reader''. Oxford University Press.
*Dosick, Wayne. ''The Business Bible: 10 New Commandments for Bringing Spirituality & ethical values into the workplace''. Jewish Lights Publishing.
*Newman, Louis E. 1998. ''Past Imperatives: Studies in the History and Theory of Jewish Ethics''. Albany: State University of New York Press.
*Tamari, Meir. 1995. ''The Challenge of Wealth: A Jewish Perspective on Earning and Spending Money''. Jason Aronson.
*Telushkin, Joseph. 2000. ''The Book of Jewish Values''. Bell Tower.
*Werblowsky. 1964. In ''Annual of Jewish Studies'' 1: 95-139.
=== Bioethics ===
{{Further|Jewish medical ethics}}
*[[J. David Bleich|Bleich, J. David]]. 1981. ''Judaism and Healing'. New York: Ktav.
*''Conservative Judaism''. 2002. Vol. 54(3). Contains a set of six articles on bioethics.
*[[Elliot Dorff]]. 1998. ''Matters of Life and Death: A Jewish Approach to Modern Medical Ethics''. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society.
*[[David Feldman]]. 1974. ''Marital Relations, Birth Control, and Abortion in Jewish Law''. New York: Schocken Books.
*Freedman, B. 1999. ''Duty and Healing: Foundations of a Jewish Bioethic''. New York: Routledge.
*[[Immanuel Jakobovits|Jakobovits, Immanuel]]. 1959. ''Jewish Medical Ethics''. New York: Bloch Publishing.
*Mackler, Aaron L., ed. 2000. ''Life & Death Responsibilities in Jewish Biomedical Ethics''. JTS.
*Maibaum, M. 1986. "A 'progressive' Jewish medical ethics: notes for an agenda." ''Journal of Reform Judaism'' 33(3): 27-33.
*Rosner, Fred. 1986. ''Modern Medicine and Jewish Ethics''. New York: Yeshiva University Press.
*[[Byron Sherwin]]. 2004. ''Golems among us: How a Jewish legend can help us navigate the biotech century''
*[[Daniel Sinclair|Sinclair, Daniel]]. 1989. ''Tradition and the biological revolution: The application of Jewish law to the treatment of the critically ill''
*_________. ''Jewish biomedical law.'' Oxford
*Zohar, Noam J. 1997. ''Alternatives in Jewish Bioethics''. Albany: State University of New York Press.
*Zoloth Laurie. 1999. ''Health care and the ethics of encounter: A Jewish discussion of social justice.'' Univ. of North Carolina Press.
== See also ==
*[[Jewish law]]
*[[Jewish medical ethics]]
*[[Mussar movement]]
== External links ==
* [ The Schlesinger Institute for Jewish Medical Ethics]
*[ Bioethics program] at the [[American Jewish University]], Los Angeles, California
*[ Jewish Ethics at]
*[ Jewish bioethics on the web]
*[ Society of Jewish Ethics]
*[ Jewish Bioethics, from Jerusalem's Darche Noam Educational Institute]
*[ Bioethics for clinicians: Jewish bioethics - Canadian Medical Association Journal article]
*[ Jewish Encyclopedia entry on ethics]
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