Antioksidan diharapkan aman dalam penggunaan atau tidak [[toksik]], efektif pada konsentrasi rendah (0,01-0,02%), tersedia dengan harga cukup terjangkau, dan tahan terhadap [[proses pengolahan produk]] <ref name="Determination of total antioxidant capacity by a new spectrophotometric method based on Ce(IV) reducing capacity measurement">Ozyurt D “et all”. 2005. Determination of total antioxidant capacity by a new spectrophotometric method based on Ce(IV) reducing capacity measurement. [18 Mei 2010]</ref>. Antioksidan penting dalam melawan radikal bebas, tetapi dalam [[kapasitas]] berlebih menyebabkan kerusakan sel <ref name="Determination of total antioxidant capacity by a new spectrophotometric method based on Ce(IV) reducing capacity measurement">Ozyurt D “et all”. 2005. Determination of total antioxidant capacity by a new spectrophotometric method based on Ce(IV) reducing capacity measurement. [18 Mei 2010]</ref>.