Kopi di Indonesia: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Acaramoy (bicara | kontrib)
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Acaramoy (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 1:
[[Image:Coffeeroasting woodfired.jpg|thumb|right|Kopi pada saat digoreng di Toko Aroma, Bandung, Indonesia]]
[[Image:CoffeeroastingHandmaking woodfiredcoffee in Indonesia.jpg|thumb|right|CoffeePengolahan beingkopi roasteddi at Toko Aroma, BandungSumatra, Indonesia.]]
[[Image:Handmaking coffee in Indonesia.jpg|thumb|right|Handmaking coffee in Sumatra, Indonesia.]]
[[Indonesia]] saat ini adalah penghasil kopi keempat terbesar di dunia. Kopi memiliki sejarah yang panjang dan memiliki peranan penting bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Indonesia memiliki diberkati dengan letak geografisnya yang sangatlah cocok bagi tanaman kopi. Letak Indonesia sangat ideal bagi iklim mikro untuk pertumbuhan dan produksi kopi.
Baris 7 ⟶ 6:
== Asal-usul ==
Pada awalnya kopi di Indonesia berada di bawah pemerintah Belanda. Kopi diperkenalkan di Indonesia lewat Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Pada awalnya pemerintah Belanda menanam kopi di daerah sekitar Batavia (Jakarta), Sukabumi dan Bogor. Kopi juga ditanam di Jawa timur, Jawa tengah, Jawa barat, Sumatra dan Sulawesi. Pada permulaan abad ke-20 perkebunan kopi di Indonesia terserang hama, yang hampir memusnahkan seluruh tanaman kopi. Pada saat itu kopi juga ditanam di Timor dan Flores. Kedua pulau ini pada saat itu berada di bawah pemerintahan bangsa Portugis. Jenis kopi yang ditanam di sana juga adalah kopi Arabica. Kopi ini tidak terserang hama.
In early days, the prominent coffee under Dutch rule was [[Arabica]]. The coffee was introduced to the [[archipelago]] via Ceylon (modern day [[Sri Lanka]]). The Dutch Colonial Government initially planted coffee around Batavia ([[Jakarta]]), and as far south as [[Sukabumi]] and [[Bogor]]. Coffee plantations were also established in East Java, Central Java, West Java and in parts of [[Sumatra]] and [[Sulawesi]]. Around the turn of the century the Arabica crops were devastated by [[Coffee Rust]], wiping out the bulk of the Dutch root-stocks. Coffee at the time was also grown in East Indonesia- East Timor and [[Flores]]. Both these Islands were originally under Portuguese control- the coffee was also Arabica but from different root stocks. The coffee in Eastern Indonesia was not effected to the same degree by rust, and even today, some coffee in [[East Timor]] can be traced back to the 16th and 17th century.
[[Image:Roasted coffee beans.jpg|left|thumb|RoastedBiji coffeekopi beansyang telah digoreng]]
Pemerintah Belanda kemudian menanam kopi Liberica untuk menanggulangi hama tersebut. Varietas ini tidak begitu lama populer dan juga terserang hama. Kopi Liberica masih dapat ditemui di pulau Jawa, walau jarang ditanam sebagai bahan produksi komersial. Biji kopi Liberica sedikit lebih besar dari biji kopi Arabica dan Robusta.
[[Image:Roasted coffee beans.jpg|left|thumb|Roasted coffee beans]]
The Dutch responded to rust by importing and planting [[Liberica]] coffee. This variety had a short lived popularity and was also affected by disease. The Liberica cherry can still be found through out Java, but is seldom used as a commercial crop in Indonesia. The Liberica coffee bean is much larger than either Arabica or the [[Robusta]] cherry- however it shares more in common cupping wise with Robusta.
== CurrentStatus statusindustri ofsaat the industryini ==
Robusta replacedmenggantikan kopi Liberica. andWalaupun isini stillbukan thekopi stockyang cropkhas today. It is not the coffeebagi Indonesia is famous for, butkopi makesini upmejadi somebahan 88%ekspor ofyang exportspenting fromdi the countryIndonesia.
Bencana alam, perang dunia kedua dan pejuangan kemerdekaan semuanya mempunyai peranan penting bagi kopi di Indonesia. Pada awal abad ke-20 perkebunan kopi berada di bawah kontrol pemerintahan Belanda. Infrastruktur dikembangkan untuk mempermudah perdagangan kopi. Sebelum perang dunia kedua di Jawa tengah terdapat jalur rel kereta api yang digunakan untuk mengangkut kopi, gula, merica, teh dan tembakau ke Semarang untuk kemudian diangkut dengan kapal laut. Kopi yang ditanam di Jawa tengah umumnya adalah kopi Arabica, sedangkan di Jawa timur (Kayu Mas, Blewan, Jampit) umumnya adalah kopi Robusta. Di daerah pegunungan dari Jember hingga Banyuwangi terdapat banyak perkebunan kopi Arabica dan Robusta. Kopi Robusta tumbuh di daerah rendah sedangkan kopi Arabica tumbuh di daerah tinggi.
Disaster (disease and natural), [[World War II]] and the struggle for [[independence]] all played a big part in the changes that are seen in Indonesian coffee today. In the early part of the 20th century, the coffee industry was controlled by Dutch plantation owners and the Colonial government. Infrastructure was developed in East and Central Java in particular to make the shipping of commodities such as coffee as easy as possible. Prior to World War Two Central Java in particular had a very strong rail transportation system that brought coffee, sugar, pepper, tea and tobacco out of the province to the port city of [[Semarang]]. Coffee in Central Java was primarily Robusta, while the government estates (Kayu Mas, Blewan, Jampit) in East Java were Arabica. The mountain area stretching from Jember in East Java through to the port of Banyuwangi was heavily planted in both Arabica and Robusta. The Robusta growing at lower elevations, while Arabica was farmed- in plantation farming systems- at higher elevations.
After Independence the plantations throughout Indonesia either came under the control of the new government or were abandoned. Today close to 92% of coffee production is in the hands of small farmers or cooperatives.