Georgy Zhukov: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Luckas-bot (bicara | kontrib)
k r2.7.1) (bot Menambah: jv:Georgy Zhukov
Kenrick95Bot (bicara | kontrib)
k Bot: Penggantian teks otomatis (-diantara +di antara); kosmetik perubahan
Baris 14:
| rank = [[Marsekal Uni Soviet]]
| unit =
| commands = [[Belarusia]] front pertama<br />diantaradi antara yang lain
| battles = [[Perang Dunia I]]<br />[[Perang Saudara Rusi]]<br />[[Perang Dunia II]]
| awards = [[Hero of the Soviet Union]] (4)<br />[[Order of Lenin]] (6)<br />[[Order of the Red Banner]]<br />Order of the October Revolution (3)<br />[[Order of Suvorov]], 1st Class (2)<br />[[Order of Victory]] (2)<br />[[Virtuti Militari]]<br />[[Order of the Bath]]<br />[[Legion of Merit]]<br />[[Cross of St. George]] (2)<br />Medal "Of XX of the years of RKKA"<br />Medal "for the defense of Moscow"<br />Medal "for the defense of Leningrad"<br />Medal "for the defense of Stalingrad"<br />Medal "for the defense of the Caucasus"<br />Medal "for the Liberation of Warsaw"<br />Medal "for the taking of Berlin"<br />Medal "for the victory over Germany in the Second World War 1941–1945 yr."<br />Medal "to the memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow"<br />Medal "Of XXX of the years of the Soviet Army and Navy"<br />Medal "40 years of the Soviet Army and Navy"<br />Medal "50 years Armed Forces of the USSR"<br />Medal "in memory of 250 years—the anniversary of Leningrad"<br />Medal "Of XX years of Victory in the Second World War 1941–1945"<br />Medal "100th Anniversary of Lenin's Birth"
Baris 80:
[[Kategori:Tokoh Rusia]]
[[tt:Georgy Zhukov]]
[[an:Georgi Zhukov]]
Baris 130 ⟶ 128:
[[th:กิออร์กี้ ชูคอฟ]]
[[tr:Georgi Jukov]]
[[tt:Georgy Zhukov]]
[[uk:Жуков Георгій Костянтинович]]
[[vi:Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov]]