== Sejarah ==
TheMuseum museumini canbisa tracebisa itsdilacak startkeberadaannya tosejak thepembentukan formation''Museum ofDaerah thedan Kota Derby dan Yayasan Sejarah Alam'' (''Derby Town and County Museum and Natural History Society'' ) onpada 10 FebruaryFebruari 1836. TheYayasan societytersebut wasdiwadahi housed byoleh ''Full Street Public Baths '' butnamun itsebenarnya wasadalah ayayasan privateswasta societyyang fundeddidanai byoleh itsiuran member's subscriptionskeanggotaannya. ItsKoleksinya collectionsdimulai weredari createddonasi by donations initially fromawal Dr Forrester whoyang hadpernah beenmenjabat asebagai President ofKetua [[Derby Philosophical Society]]. ThePelindung patron of theYayasan Museum Society wasadalah [[William Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire]], and thedan PresidentKetuanya wasadalah [[Sir George Harpur Crewe, 8th Baronet|Sir George Crewe]] whoyang wasadalah aseorang keennaturalis naturalistsejati.<ref name="geo"/> Col.Kolonel [[George Gawler]] contributedmenyumbang akoleksi collectionmineral ofdan mineralsburung-burung andawetan exotictermasuk stuffedseekor birdsalbatros whichdari includedmasa andia albatrossmenjabat fromsebagai his time as governor in Southgubernur Australia Selatan.<ref name=glover> {{en}} {{cite book|last=Glover|first=Stephen|title=The history and directory of the borough of Derby, a guide p.430|year=1829|url=http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=qu0GAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA58#v=onepage&q&f=false}}</ref> andDan pada intahun 1839 therediadakan waspameran abesar majordi exhibitioninstitut atMekanik theyang Mechanic'smemamerkan institutebanyak whichbarang containedtermasuk manyyang itemsdari including those fromkoleksi [[ Joseph Strutt (philanthropist)|Joseph Strutt]] 's collection. ManyBanyak ofdari thesebarang madeini theirkemudian waymenjadi into Derbykoleksi museum 's collectionDerby.<ref name="goodeys"/> TheYayasan societyini movedpada intahun 1840 topindah theke Atheneum indi Victoria Street. TheKoleksi society's collection'syayasan grewberkembang inpada 1856 anddan theymereka wereditawari firstpertama offeredkalinya foruntuk incorporationbergabung intoke thepemerintah townkota byoleh [[ William Mundy (Markeaton)|William Mundy]], but thenamun offertawaran wasitu rejectedditolak.<ref name="geo"/> ▼
▲The museum can trace its start to the formation of the ''Derby Town and County Museum and Natural History Society'' on 10 February 1836. The society was housed by Full Street Public Baths but it was a private society funded by its member's subscriptions. Its collections were created by donations initially from Dr Forrester who had been a President of [[Derby Philosophical Society]]. The patron of the Museum Society was [[William Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire]], and the President was [[Sir George Harpur Crewe, 8th Baronet|Sir George Crewe]] who was a keen naturalist.<ref name="geo"/> Col. [[George Gawler]] contributed a collection of minerals and exotic stuffed birds which included an albatross from his time as governor in South Australia.<ref name=glover>{{cite book|last=Glover|first=Stephen|title=The history and directory of the borough of Derby, a guide p.430|year=1829|url=http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=qu0GAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA58#v=onepage&q&f=false}}</ref> and in 1839 there was a major exhibition at the Mechanic's institute which contained many items including those from [[Joseph Strutt (philanthropist)|Joseph Strutt]]'s collection. Many of these made their way into Derby museum's collection.<ref name="goodeys"/> The society moved in 1840 to the Atheneum in Victoria Street. The society's collection's grew in 1856 and they were first offered for incorporation into the town by [[William Mundy (Markeaton)|William Mundy]], but the offer was rejected.<ref name="geo"/>
InPada 1857, [[Llewellyn Jewitt]] becamemenjadi secretarysekretaris and thedan museum wasdibuka openeduntuk tomasyarakat theumum generalpada publicSabtu on Saturday morningspagi. InPada 1858 the [[Derby Philosophical Society]] movedpindah toke asebuah houserumah on thedi Wardwick indi Derby asyang itkemudian mergeddigabung withdan whatdikenal was called thesebagai ''Derby Town and County Museum and the Natural History Society'' (''Museum Daerah dan Kota Derby dan Yayasan Sejarah Alam'').<ref name="geo"/> ThisKepindahan moveini includedtermasuk themembawa society'skoleksi libraryyayasan ofyang terdiri dari 4,.000 volumesjilid, mathematicalperlengkapan andmatematika scientificdan apparatusilmu andpengetahuan itsserta collectionkoleksi of fossilsfosil.<ref name="geo">{{en}} [http://www.geocurator.org/arch/Curator/Vol1No8.pdf Newsletter of the Geological Curators Club], Vol 1, No. 8, 1976. Retrieved 26 February 2011.</ref> InPada 1863 theahli botanistbotani [[Stirling_Smith_Museum_and_Art_Gallery#The_early_years|Alexander Croall]] wasditunjuk appointedsebagai thePustakawan firstdan LibrarianKurator andpertama Curatordan andtahun the following year theberikutnya museum anddan libraryperpustakaan weredigabung joinedmenjadi togethersatu. Croall leftmeninggalkan museum inpada 1875<ref name="geo"/> tountuk becomemenjadi thekurator curator of thedi [[Stirling_Smith_Museum_and_Art_GalleryMuseum dan Galeri Seni Stirling Smith|Smith IntituteInstitute indi Stirling]].<ref>{{en}} [http://www.oldtowncemetery.co.uk/history/croall.html Old Town Cemetery, Stirling], accessed February 2011</ref>
The ''DerbyMuseum TownDaerah anddan CountyKota MuseumDerby'' wasakhirnya finallyberpindah transferredkepemilikan into the ownership ofke Derby Corporation inpada 1870, butnamun therewaktu wereitu difficultieskesulitan inmencari findingtempat spaceuntuk tomemamerkan display the collectionskoleksinya. AfterSetelah placingmenyimpan allsemua theartifakt artefactsdi intogudang storageselama fortiga three yearstahun, the museum wasakhirnya finallydibuka openeduntuk toumum the public onpada 28 JuneJuni 1879.<ref name="geo"/> TheGaleri ArtSeni Gallerydibuka opened inpada 1882 anddan inpada 1883 themuseum museummendapat hadaliran electricitylistrik supplieduntuk forpencahayaan newmodel lightingbaru.
InPada 1936 the museum was given amendapat substantialtambahan collectionkoleksi ofdan paintingslukisan bydari [[Alfred E. Goodey]] whoyang hadsudah beenmengoleksi collectingseni art fordalam 50 yearstahun. AtPada hissaat deathwafat intahun 1945 hedia leftmeninggalkan £13,.000 tountuk buildmembangun angedung extensiontambahan to thedi museum. TheGedung extension,tambahan whichyang nowkini housesmenjadi theruang museum, wasselesai completeddibangun inpada 1964.<ref name="goodeys"/> Refurbishment to parts of bothPeremajaan theuntuk newmenggabungkan andbangunan oldbaru buildingsdan weretua undertakendilakukan inpada 2010–20112010-2011.
== Hubungan Derby anddan theAbad EnlightenmentPencerahan connection==
[[File:derbymuseumlib.jpg|right|upright|thumb|TheBangunan tahun 1876 buildingsaat mostlyini houseslebih banyak dipakai untuk [[DerbyPerpustakaan CentralPusat LibraryDerby]] today but the dividingnamun linepemisahan withdengan newergedung buildingbaru variesbervariasi]]
Derby was significant in the eighteenth century for its role in the [[Age of Enlightenment|Enlightenment]], a period in which science and philosophy challenged the [[divine right of kings]] to rule. The enlightenment has many strands, including the largely philosophical "Scottish enlightenment" centred around the philosopher David Hume, and political changes that culminated in the [[French revolution]], but the English Midlands was an area where many key figures of industry and science came together. The famous Lunar Society. included [[Erasmus Darwin]], [[Matthew Boulton]], [[Joseph Priestley]] and [[Josiah Wedgwood]] with [[Benjamin Franklin]] corresponding from America<ref>[http://jquarter.members.beeb.net/morelunar.htm Lunar], jquarter.members.beeb.net</ref> Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of [[Charles Darwin]]; started the Derby Philosophical Society when he moved to Derby in 1783. It was this society which helped to found the first library in Derby.
Erasmus Darwin has only a small display. [[Herbert Spencer]], friend of Charles Darwin, and originator of the phase "the survival of the fittest", who was born in Derby, and has been described as the founder of [[sociology]]<ref>[http://www.derbyshireuk.net/spencer.html Spencer], derbyshireuk.net</ref> does not appear to be mentioned at all.
== Wright dari Derby ==