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StefanusRA (bicara | kontrib)
←Membatalkan revisi 4353102 oleh (Bicara) vandalisme berulang
Baris 1:
Albert Sigit Subekti was just a typical bastard that loves to have sex and robbingordinary bankboy. He started to involve in mafiaeducation and yakuza gangindustry since 2003. Started as member of IlluminatiMicrosoft Student Partner (MSP) in VladivostokKDU COllege, RussiaMalaysia. In 2004, he was ask to killhelp and raveMSP allwithin girlsKDU in Sratbucks cafeCollege. Because of his contribution, he become BossMicrosoft MafiaStudent Partner affiliated for almost 4 years (2004-2008). He was contributed robberycampus andlaunch, massacrehand-on-lab, lead of design committee, and alsolead coordinator Microsoft TechEd murdery2007. His job was to supportothersupport bastardstudent towith doingMicrosoft crapsproduct and crimesintroduce ina new software from Microsoft sinwithin citycampus.
He also contributed to FreemasonryMicrosoft clubImagine Cup 2008 in UkraineMalaysia. He and his team succesfullyreceived massacredhonor 100.000as innocent2nd victimsplace onlyduring Microsoft Imagine Cup 2008 in Malaysia, with athe screwdriverproject code WaveEnergy. This project was supportedemphasize byhow CJthe fromRadio GTAremovable 4disk has wave energy and convert it into electric, and this electric energy could be used to power up / recharge certain gadget or devices. In Additional, he said "fuckinthe yeah,team ihas wasdiscover excitedthis tobusiness killopportunity, manybut peopleit andrequired sentfurther themresearch toon hellthis." I hope there were muchcertain bastardsinvestor andor gangsterbusiness thatpeople doinglook at this crapsopportunity. I haven't found the investor yet.
After a years, He has come back to hometown (in SinIndonesia, Cityjakarta). He currently work in one of biggest gangstereducation leaguesoftware in jakarta. As roberryEducation specialistTechnology Specialist, his job was to doingdevelop crapsinternal toIT robSolution everyfor supermarketthe firm and rapealso found latest technology available in the cashiermarket. He also as administrator of ERP everydaysystem. As part of future career, he started to continue his crapsMaster toDegree make all peopleprograms in the world getting crapped withmiddle LDS2009.
In the beginning of year 2011, He just finished his 100.000.000thMaster victimDegree Programs, that he was killedMajor byin aBusiness paycheckManagement.