Benteng Romawi Strutts Park: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 46:
== Sejarah ==
[[|thumb|Kampanye perang Ostorius Scapula]]
Bagian wilayah Romawi di Britania ini sebelumnya dikuasai suku asli yang dikenal dengan nama [[Cornovii]]. Tahun 46-47 Tentara Romawi dibawah pimpinan gubernur [[Aulus Plautius]] kemungkinan menguasai wilayah sampai ke selatan [[Sungai Trent]], jadi pada tahun 50 daerah ini adalah garis depan. Sedikit dokumentasi tertulis dari tahun-tahun ini, jadi informasi diperoleh dari penggalian arkeologi. Akhir tahun 47 gubernur baru Britania, [[Ostorius Scapula]], mulai memerangi suku-suku di wilayah yang sekarang dinamakan [[Wales]] dan [[Dataran Chesire|Cheshire Gap]]. Pimpinan mereka Caratacus menyerah pada Pertempuran Caer Caradoc dan melarikan diri ke kelompok suku jajahan Romawi [[Brigantes]] yang menguasai daerah [[Pennines]]. Ratu mereka, [[Cartimandua]] mempunyai perjanjian dengan Romawi dan menyerahkannya kepada Romawi. Ostorius meninggal dan digantikan oleh [[Aulus Gallus]] yang membawa perbatasan Wales dalam kekuasaannya namun tidak memperluas ke utara atau bart, kemungkinan karena Claudius menghindari pertempuran yang sulit karena sedikitnya material berguna untuk bererang di tanah pegunungan Britania atas. Pada waktu ini Strutts Park adalah salah satu benteng yang dibangun untuk jalur pasokan dari [[Wroxeter]] ke [[Rossington]].
This part of [[Britannia (Roman province)|Britannia]] was occupied by a tribe known as the [[Cornovii]]. In AD 46-47 the Roman Army under the direction of governor [[Aulus Plautius]] had probably occupied the lands to the south of the [[River Trent]], so in AD 50 this was the front line. There is a shortage of written documentation about these years so reliance is made on archaeological excavations. Late in 47 the new governor of Britain, [[Ostorius Scapula]], began a campaign against the tribes of modern day [[Wales]] and the [[Cheshire Plain|Cheshire Gap]]. Caratacus, their leader, was defeated in the [[Battle of Caer Caradoc]] and fled to the Roman client tribe of the [[Brigantes]] who occupied the [[Pennines]]. Their queen, [[Cartimandua]] made a truce with the Romans and handed him over to them. Ostorius died and was replaced by [[Aulus Gallus]] who brought the Welsh borders under control but did not move further north or west, probably because Claudius was keen to avoid what he considered a difficult and drawn-out war for little material gain in the mountainous terrain of upland Britain. During these times Strutt's Park was one of the new forts built along the new supply road from [[Wroxeter]] to [[Rossington]].
The campaign to conquer the Welsh mountains continued under governor [[Quintus Veranius]] and his successor [[Gaius Suetonius Paulinus]]; by now the role of Strutt's Park was to maintain the peace. Around AD 74, the lands north of the River Mersey became unstable, when Queen Cartimandua had to ask for Roman assistance to fight off a rebellion. Then in 78, [[Gnaeus Julius Agricola]], made famous through the highly laudatory biography of him written by his son-in-law, [[Tacitus]], was made governor. He consolidated the forts, improved the road infrastructure and led some now well documented campaigns - firstly in 78 he reconquered North Wales, then in 79 conquered the [[Brigantes]] and [[Parisii]] taking all of Northern England up to the present Scottish border. It was in 80 that the new fort and vicus at Little Chester was built and the Strutt's Park fort was vacated.