Royal Crown Derby: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 5:
=== William Duesbury I dan II ===
[[File:Three Derby Figures in DIA 1758.jpg|thumb|right|Tiga patung kecil, tahun 1758 - sekarang di [[Detroit Institute of Arts]] ]]
Tahun 1745 André Planché, seorang imigran [[Huguenot]] dari [[Saxony]], tinggal di Derby, diantara tahun 1747 dan 1755 ia membuat vas [[porselen pasta lunak]] dan patung-patung kecil. Pada awal 1756 ia membentuk kerjasama usaha dengan '''William Duesbury''' (1725 — 1786), seorang pelukis porselen yang sebelumnya di [[pabrik porselen Chelsea]] dan [[pabrik porselen Longton Hall|Longton Hall]], dan seorang pengusaha perbankan John Heath..<ref>Perjanjian asli berada di [[Museum Victoria dan Albert]].</ref> Ini adalah dasar berdirinya perusahaan Derby, meskipun produksi yang dilakukan di Cockpit Hill, diluar kota, sudah dimulai sebelumnya. Sebagai bukti kendi warna krem telah dibuat tahun 1750, juga disimpan di Museum Victoria dan Albert.
In 1745 André Planché, a [[Huguenot]] immigrant from [[Saxony]], settled in Derby, where between 1747 and 1755 he made [[soft-paste porcelain]] vases and [[figurine]]s. At the beginning of 1756 he formed a business partnership with '''William Duesbury''' (1725 — 1786), a porcelain painter formerly at [[Chelsea porcelain factory]] and [[Longton Hall porcelain factory|Longton Hall]], and the banker John Heath.<ref>The original agreement survives in the [[Victoria and Albert Museum]].</ref> This was the foundation of the Derby company, although production at the works at Cockpit Hill, just outside the town, had begun before then, as evidenced by a [[creamware]] jug dated 1750, also in the possession of the Victoria and Albert Museum. Planché disappeared from the scene almost at once, and the business was developed by Duesbury and Heath, and later Duesbury alone. A talented entrepreneur, Duesbury developed a new paste which contained glass frit, soaprock and calcined bone. This enabled the factory to begin producing high-quality tableware. He quickly established Derby as a leading manufacturer of dinner services and figurines by employing the best talents available for modelling and painting. Figure painting was done by Richard Askew, particularly skilled at painting [[cupid]]s, and James Banford. Zachariah Boreman and John Brewer painted landscapes, still lifes, and pastorals. Intricate floral patterns were designed and painted by [[William Billingsley (artist)|William Billingsley]].
In 1770, Duesbury further increased the already high reputation of Derby by his acquisition of the famous [[Chelsea porcelain factory]] in London. He operated it on its original site until 1784 (the products of this period are known as "'''Chelsea-Derby'''"), when he demolished the buildings and transferred the assets, including the stock, patterns and moulds, and many of the workmen, to Derby. Again, in 1776, he acquired the remainder of the formerly prestigious [[Bow porcelain factory]], of which he also transferred the portable elements to Derby.
Baris 49 ⟶ 50:
Present product lines include paperweights, introduced in 1981 and immensely popular. Royal Crown Derby also continue to produce patterns in the Imari style, distinguished for its rich colours and intricate gilding, including the dinnerware ranges Old Imari, Traditional Imari, Red Aves, Blue Mikado, and Olde Avesbury.
==Pusat Pengunjung Royal Crown Derby==
'''Pusat Pengunjung Royal Crown Derby''' ('''Royal Crown Derby Visitor Centre''') di [[Derby]] menampilkan museum porselen dan menyajikan kunjungan wisata ke pabrik, toko cindera mata dan rumah makan.