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Baris 2:
|native_name = {{lang|ko|조선민주주의인민공화국}}{{br}}{{lang|ko|朝鮮民主主義人民共和國}}{{br}}''Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk''<ref>{{cite web |title=Administrative Population and Divisions Figures (#26) |work=DPRK: The Land of the Morning Calm |publisher=Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use |date=2003-04 |url=http://www.pcgn.org.uk/North%20Korea-%20Land%20of%20the%20Morning%20Calm-%202003.pdf |format=PDF |accessdate=2006-10-10}}</ref>
|conventional_long_name = Republik Demokratik Rakyat Korea
|common_name = Korea Utara
|image_flag = Flag of North Korea.svg
|image_coat = Coat of Arms of North Korea.svg
Baris 80:
'''Korea Utara''', secara resmi disebut '''Republik Demokratik Rakyat Korea''' ([[Hangul]]: 조선민주주의인민공화국, Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk), adalah sebuah [[negara]] di [[Asia Timur]], yang meliputi sebagian utara [[Semenanjung Korea]]. IbukotaIbu kota dan kota terbesarnya adalah [[Pyongyang]]. [[Zona Demiliterisasi Korea]] menjadi batas antara Korea Utara dan [[Korea Selatan]]. [[Sungai Yalu|Sungai Amnok]] dan [[Sungai Tumen]] membentuk perbatasan antara Korea Utara dan [[Republik Rakyat Cina]]. Sebagian dari Sungai Tumen di timur laut merupakan perbatasan dengan [[Rusia]]. Penduduk setempat menyebut negara ini ''Pukchosŏn'' (북조선, "Chosŏn Utara").
Semenanjung Korea diperintah oleh [[Kekaisaran Korea]] hingga dianeksasi oleh [[Penjajahan Jepang atas Korea|Jepang]] setelah [[Perang Rusia-Jepang]] tahun 1905. Setelah kekalahan Jepang pada [[Perang Dunia II]], Korea [[Pembagian Korea|dibagi]] menjadi wilayah pendudukan Soviet dan Amerika Serikat. Korea Utara menolak ikut serta dalam pemilihan umum yang diawasi [[Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa|PBB]] yang diselenggarakan di selatan pada 1948, yang mengarah kepada pembentukan dua pemerintahan Korea yang terpisah oleh zone demiliterisasi. Baik Korea Utara maupun Korea Selatan kedua-duanya mengklaim kedaulatan di atas seluruh semenanjung, yang berujung kepada [[Perang Korea]] tahun 1950. Sebuah gencatan senjata pada 1953 mengakhiri pertempuran; namun kedua-dua negara secara resmi masih berada dalam status perang, karena perjanjian perdamaian tidak pernah ditandatangani.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,528320,00.html|title=U.S.: N. Korea Boosting Guerrilla War Capabilities|coauthors=Associated Press|date=2009-06-23|publisher=FOX News Network, LLC|accessdate=2009-07-04}}</ref> Kedua negara diterima menjadi anggota [[Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa]] pada 1991.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.nytimes.com/1991/05/29/world/north-korea-reluctantly-seeks-un-seat.html|title=North Korea Reluctantly Seeks U.N. Seat|last=Sanger|first=David E.|date=1991-05-29|publisher=The New York Times Company|accessdate=2009-07-04}}</ref> Pada 26 Mei 2009, Korea Utara secara sepihak menarik diri dari gencatan senjata.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01700&num=4970|title=KCNA: Korean Peninsula in State of War|last=Jeong|first=Jae Sung|date=2009-05-27|work=The Daily NK|publisher=The Daily NK|accessdate=2009-07-04}}</ref>
Korea Utara adalahtermasuk sebuahdalam [[negara satu-partai]] di bawah [[Front Demokratik untuk Penyatuan Tanah Air|front penyatuan]] yang dipimpin oleh [[Partai Buruh Korea]].<ref>{{Cite news| url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/08/28/wnkorea128.xml
| title = North Korea power struggle looms| accessdate=2007-10-31| last=Spencer| first=Richard| authorlink=| date=2007-08-28| work=The Telegraph (online version of UK national newspaper)| quote=A power struggle to succeed Kim Jong-il as leader of North Korea's Stalinist dictatorship may be looming after his eldest son was reported to have returned from semi-voluntary exile.| location=London}}<br />{{Cite news| url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article2388356.ece| title=North Korea's nuclear 'deal' leaves Japan feeling nervous| accessdate=2007-10-31| last=Parry| first=Richard Lloyd| authorlink=Richard Lloyd Parry| date=2007-09-05| work=The Times (online version of UK's national newspaper of record)| quote=The US Government contradicted earlier North Korean claims that it had agreed to remove the Stalinist dictatorship’s designation as a terrorist state and to lift economic sanctions, as part of talks aimed at disarming Pyongyang of its nuclear weapons.| location=London}}<br />{{cite web| url=http://socialistworld.net/eng/2003/02/08korea.html
| url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/08/28/wnkorea128.xml
| title = North Korea power struggle looms
| accessdate=2007-10-31
| last=Spencer
| first=Richard
| authorlink=
| date=2007-08-28
| work=The Telegraph (online version of UK national newspaper)
| quote=A power struggle to succeed Kim Jong-il as leader of North Korea's Stalinist dictatorship may be looming after his eldest son was reported to have returned from semi-voluntary exile.
| location=London
}}<br />
{{Cite news
| url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article2388356.ece
| title=North Korea's nuclear 'deal' leaves Japan feeling nervous
| accessdate=2007-10-31
| last=Parry
| first=Richard Lloyd
| authorlink=Richard Lloyd Parry
| date=2007-09-05
| work=The Times (online version of UK's national newspaper of record)
| quote=The US Government contradicted earlier North Korean claims that it had agreed to remove the Stalinist dictatorship’s designation as a terrorist state and to lift economic sanctions, as part of talks aimed at disarming Pyongyang of its nuclear weapons.
| location=London
}}<br />{{cite web
| url=http://socialistworld.net/eng/2003/02/08korea.html
| title=The Korean crisis
| accessdate=2007-10-31
Baris 150 ⟶ 127:
| work=The Times of India
| quote=North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is one of the world's most oppressive, closed, and vicious dictatorships. It is perhaps the last living example of pure totalitarianism - control of the state over every aspect of human life.
}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/07/AR2009060700717.html|title=U.S. to Weigh Returning North Korea to Terror List|last=Finn|first=Peter|date=2009-06-08|publisher=Washington Post|accessdate=2009-06-19|quote=The Bush administration removed North Korea from the list of terrorist states last year as part of an unfulfilled commitment by the dictatorship to dismantle its nuclear weapons program.}}</ref> Pemerintahan negara mengikuti ideologi ''[[Juche]]'', yang digagas oleh [[Kim Il-sung]], mantan pemimpin negara ini. Juche menjadi ideologi resmi negara ketika negara ini mengadopsi konstitusi baru pada 1972,<ref>{{cite web | url = http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_of_North_Korea_(1972) | title = Constitution of North Korea (1972) | accessdate = 2009-05-07 | date = 1972}}</ref> kendati Kim Il-sung telah menggunakannya untuk membentuk kebijakan sejak sekurang-kurangnya awal tahun 1955.<ref name="Juche">{{cite book |last=Martin |first=Bradley K. |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty |publisher=Thomas Dunne Books |date=2004 |location=New York, NY |pages=111 |quote=Although it was in that 1955 speech that Kim gave full voice to his arguments for ''juche'', he had been talking along similar lines as early as 1948. |doi=
|id= |isbn=0-312-32322-0}}</ref> Sementara resminya sebagai [[republik]] [[Sosialisme|sosialis]], Korea Utara dipandang oleh sebagian besar negara sebagai negara [[diktator|kediktatoran]] [[totaliter]] [[Stalinisme|stalinis]].<ref name="nysuccess"/><ref name="intimes"/><ref>{{cite web
|first=Bradley K.
|title=Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty
|publisher=Thomas Dunne Books
|location=New York, NY
|quote=Although it was in that 1955 speech that Kim gave full voice to his arguments for ''juche'', he had been talking along similar lines as early as 1948.
|isbn=0-312-32322-0}}</ref> Sementara resminya sebagai [[republik]] [[Sosialisme|sosialis]], Korea Utara dipandang oleh sebagian besar negara sebagai negara [[diktator|kediktatoran]] [[totaliter]] [[Stalinisme|stalinis]].<ref name="nysuccess"/><ref name="intimes"/><ref>{{cite web
|url = http://freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=22&year=2006&country=6993
|title=Freedom in the World, 2006|publisher=Freedom House|accessdate=2007-02-13
Baris 175 ⟶ 140:
|accessdate=2009-06-18|date=2008-05-29|work=[[The Economist]]
|quote=EVERY developing country worth its salt has a bustling middle class that is transforming the country and thrilling the markets. So does Stalinist North Korea.
}}</ref> Pemimpin saat ini adalah [[Kim Jong-il]], puteraanak laki-laki dari [[Presiden Abadi]] [[Kim Il-sung]].
== Sejarah ==