British Rail Research Division: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 11:
Juga dilakukan penelitian lebih jauh mengenai kelelahan logam dan mengawali pemeriksaan retak dengan peralatan ultrasonik yang sudah dipakai dimana-mana namun untuk keperluan kesehatan. Divisi Riset juga terlibat dalam sistem baru sinyal perkereta-apian, seperti [[Solid State Interlocking]] (SSI) dan [[Integrated Electronic Control Centre]] (IECC). Juga rancangan jalur layang dari [[West Coast Main Line]].
[[Image:Lev1nnr.jpg|thumb|right|Prototipe gerbong LEV1]]
TheDivisi ResearchRiset Divisionmembangun developeddua twojalur testuji trackscoba. TheYang firstpertama wasmenggunakan onjalur the oldlama [[Great Northern Railway (Great Britain)|GNR]] lineantara betweenPersilangan Egginton Junction anddan Derby Friargate (laterkemudian usedhanya onlydigunakan assampai far assejauh Mickleover) anddan wasdigunakan used by theoleh Train Control Group. WhenKetika theATP Advanced Passenger Train was being developeddikembangkan, ajalur seconduji testcoba trackkedua wasdibuat createddi onjalur theantara line betweenPersilangan Melton Junction anddan Edwalton (known asdikenal thesebagai [[Old Dalby Test Track]]), whichyang washanya acquireddipergunakan specificallykhusus tountuk testmencoba thiskereta revolutionary trainrevolusioner. TheJalur Mickleoveruji testcoba track wasMickleover closedkemudian andditutup lifteddan indibongkar thepada earlyawal 1990s1990-an.
==EndAkhir of the roadcerita==
Tahun 1986 pembiayaan untuk divisi ini dipindahkan ke divisi operasi. Dengan demikian penelitian berubah dari penelitian murni menjadi penelitian untuk pemecahan masalah. Tahun 1989, Riset BR menjadi unit kerja mandiri dengan kontrak terhadap British Rail dan pelanggan lainnya, dan terbuka jalan menuju swastanisasi.
In 1986 finance for the division was moved from the board to the operating divisions. Thus emphasis shifted from pure research to problem solving. In 1989, BR Research became a self-contained unit working under contract to British Rail and other customers, and the way was open for privatisation.
When British Rail was sold into private ownership, the Research Division (which had become "BR Research Limited") was bought by [[AEA Technology|AEA Technology plc]] in 1996. The resulting business, "AEA Technology Rail", was subsequently sold in 2006 to a venture capital company and became [[DeltaRail Group|DeltaRail Group Limited]].
WhenKetika British Rail wasdijual soldke intokepemilikan private ownershipswasta, theDivisi Research DivisionRiset (which hadyang becomemenjadi "BR Research Limited") wasdibeli bought byoleh [[AEA Technology|AEA Technology plc]] intahun 1996. TheSebagai resulting business,hasilnya "AEA Technology Rail", waskemudian subsequentlydijual soldpada intahun 2006 topada aperusahaan venture[[modal capital companyventura]] anddan becamemenjadi [[DeltaRail Group|DeltaRail Group Limited]].
There remains a somewhat dated display of material relating to the work of the Division in the [[Derby Industrial Museum]].
Masih tersisa beberapa plakat bertanggal dari beberapa materi terkait pekerjaan Divisi tersebut di [[Museum Industri Derby]]
The Research Division had an uneasy relationship with other parts of BR, and like most of the products of [[Harold Wilson]]'s "white heat of technology" speech, was killed off in the early 1980s. The basis of the unease was the traditional approach of most of BR compared with theoretical and aerospace approaches adopted by the Research Division. The hiring of graduates rather than training people up internally also caused tensions.