* 1100 Dan 1101 hanya mampu bermain [[Nada dering]] [[Monophony|monophonic]], yang dapat dipilih dari daftar 36 pra-instal nada dering atau dari 7 yang dibuat sendiri.
* Ini fitur bergaya tradisional tombol navigasi Nokia, yang menggunakan satu tombol untuk menghubungkan dan mengakhiri panggilan, bi-directional kunci dan tanda getar.
*TheVersi [[Cingular]] brandedbermerek version features afitur built-in klien [[AOL Instant Messenger]] client.<ref>http://homepage.mac.com/iamdigitalman/PhotoAlbum2.html#AIM client and Cingular Branding photoset</ref>
*The 1100 is compatible withKompatibel thedengan Nokia Xpress-On coverssampul (includingtermasuk matchingpencocokan batterykompartemen compartmentsbaterai). InSelain addition to theuntuk default lightcahaya bluebiru, orangeoranye oratau blackhitam, thereada arejuga alsobiru a dark bluegelap, yellowkuning, redmerah, greenhijau anddan pinkmerah offeredmuda byyang ditawarkan oleh Nokia, asserta wellmencakup asbanyak manypihak 3rd party coverske-3.<ref>http://www.mobile-review.com/review/nokia-1100-en.shtml#Xpress-On Covers</ref>
*ItIni hastelah beendirancang specificallykhusus designed foruntuk [[DevelopingNegara countryberkembang|developingnegara-negara countriesberkembang]]: its keypad-nya anddan frontwajah facedepan havetelah beendirancang designeduntuk tomenjadi beseperti asdebu dustproof as possiblemungkin, anddan its sidessisi-sisinya areadalah non-slip foruntuk humidcuaca weatherlembab.<ref name=citation2 /><ref>http://www.nokia.com/NOKIA_COM_1/About_Nokia/Press/Press_Events/zz_New_Potential/Nokia1100_release.pdf</ref>
*Other features include a 50-message capacity<ref>http://www.nokia.com.au/nokia/0,,54089,00.html#Messaging Retrieved on August 8, 2007.</ref> (inbox and drafts, with 25 messages in the sent items folder), alarm, stopwatch, calculator, 6 profiles, contacts storage (capacity 50, with the ability to assign different tones and icons to different contacts),<ref>http://www.nokia.com.au/nokia/0,,54089,00.html#Reliable Retrieved on August 8, 2007.</ref> and games (Snake II and [[Space Impact]]+).<ref>http://www.nokia.com.au/nokia/0,,54089,00.html#Fun Retrieved on August 8, 2007.</ref>