Benjamin Sisko: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Lucassebastian5 (bicara | kontrib)
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Sebagai seorang petugas [[Starfleet]] yang sedang naik daun, Sisko memiliki seorang mentor bernama [[Curzon Dax]], seorang [[Trill (Star Trek)|Trill]] yang sudah ''joined'' dan melayani sebagai [[duta besar]] [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] untuk [[Klingon Empire]], saat keduanya ditugaskan di USS ''Livingston'' pada awal karir Sisko. Hubungan simbiosis antara ''joined Trill'' menjadi aspek yang signifikan untuk hubungan Sisko dengan opsir sainsnya di stasiun DS9 yang bernama [[Jadzia Dax]]. Jadzia mewarisi ''[[Dax symbiont]]'' dari Curzon. Begitu pula konselor DS9, [[Ezri Dax]], yang juga mewarisinya setelah kematian Jadzia.
Sisko servedbertugas aboard thedi USS ''Okinawa'' underdibawah ''Captain'' Leyton, who sawyang commandmelihat potentialpotensi inkepemimpinan theopsir young officertersebut; Leyton promotedmempromosikan Sisko tomenjadi ''[[LieutenantLetnan CommanderKomandan (Star Trek)|Lieutenant Commander]]'' anddan mademenjadikan him hisSisko ''[[executive officer]]''. It was during thisDalam ''assignment'' thatinilah Sisko anddan Leyton foughtberperang indalam theperang war between theantara Federation and thedan [[Tzenkethi]].<ref> Episodes "[[Homefront (DS9 episode)|Homefront]]" & "[[Paradise Lost (DS9 episode)|Paradise Lost]]"; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episodes 10 & 11 of Season 4</ref>
Sisko served aboard the USS ''Okinawa'' under Captain Leyton, who saw command potential in the young officer; Leyton promoted Sisko to [[Lieutenant Commander (Star Trek)|Lieutenant Commander]] and made him his [[executive officer]]. It was during this assignment that Sisko and Leyton fought in the war between the Federation and the [[Tzenkethi]].<ref> Episodes "[[Homefront (DS9 episode)|Homefront]]" & "[[Paradise Lost (DS9 episode)|Paradise Lost]]"; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episodes 10 & 11 of Season 4</ref>
Sisko eventually transferred to the USS ''Saratoga'' as its first officer. In early 2367, the ''Saratoga'' was one of the 40 Starfleet vessels involved in the [[Battle of Wolf 359]] against the [[Borg (Star Trek)|Borg]]. In an attempt to gain knowledge about Starfleet defenses, the Borg assimilate [[Captain (Star Trek)|Captain]] [[Jean-Luc Picard]] of the U.S.S. Enterprise, registry NCC-1701-D, creating a Borg drone known as Locutus. In the ensuing battle, 39 of the starships at Wolf 359 are destroyed and an estimated 11,000 people are lost; including Sisko's wife, Jennifer<ref name="ReferenceA"/>.