Benjamin Sisko: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 17:
Sisko bertugas di USS ''Okinawa'' dibawah ''Captain'' Leyton, yang melihat potensi kepemimpinan opsir tersebut; Leyton mempromosikan Sisko menjadi ''[[Letnan Komandan (Star Trek)|Lieutenant Commander]]'' dan menjadikan Sisko ''[[executive officer]]''. Dalam ''assignment'' inilah Sisko dan Leyton berperang dalam perang antara Federation dan [[Tzenkethi]].<ref> Episodes "[[Homefront (DS9 episode)|Homefront]]" & "[[Paradise Lost (DS9 episode)|Paradise Lost]]"; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episodes 10 & 11 of Season 4</ref>
Sisko eventually transferred to the USS ''Saratoga'' as its first officer. In early 2367, the ''Saratoga'' was one of the 40 Starfleet vessels involved in the [[Battle of Wolf 359]] against the [[Borg (Star Trek)|Borg]]. In an attempt to gain knowledge about Starfleet defenses, the Borg assimilate [[Captain (Star Trek)|Captain]] [[Jean-Luc Picard]] of the U.S.S. Enterprise, registry NCC-1701-D, creating a Borg drone known as Locutus. In the ensuing battle, 39 of the starships at Wolf 359 are destroyed and an estimated 11,000 people are lost; including Sisko's wife, Jennifer<ref name="ReferenceA"/>.
Sisko eventuallyakhirnya transferreddipindahkan to theke USS ''Saratoga'' as itssebagai ''first officer''-nya. InDi earlyawal tahun 2367, the ''Saratoga'' wasadalah onesalah ofsatu thedari 40 kapal Starfleet vesselsyang involvedberpatisipasi in thedi ''[[Battle of Wolf 359]]'' against themelawan [[Borg (Star Trek)|Borg]]. InSebagai anusaha attemptuntuk tomengetahui gaintentang knowledge aboutpertahanan Starfleet defenses, the Borg assimilatemengassimilasi [[CaptainKapten (Star Trek)|CaptainKapten]] [[Jean-Luc Picard]] of thedari U.S.S. Enterprise, ''registry'' NCC-1701-D, creatingdan amembuat Borgsebuah ''drone'' knownBorg asyang dikenal dengan nama ''Locutus''. InDalam thepertempuran ensuing battletersebut, 39 ofdari thekapal-kapal starshipsStarfleet atdi Wolf 359 arehancur destroyeddan anddiperkirakan ansekitar estimated 11,000 peoplenyawa are losthilang; includingtermasuk istri Sisko's wife, Jennifer<ref name="ReferenceA"/>.
Afterward, Sisko took a position at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on [[Mars]], overseeing the development of new ships, including the [[USS Defiant|USS ''Defiant'']], which was created specifically to contend with the Borg threat.<ref> Episodes [[The Search (DS9 episode)|The Search]] parts I & II; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episodes 1 & 2 of Season 3</ref>