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Baris 43:
Sistem TOAST ({{lang-en|Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment}}) pertama kali dikembangkan pada terapi strok iskemik akut pada awal tahun 1990. Sistem ini didasarkan pada sebagian besar fitur klinis namun tetap mempertimbangkan informasi diagnostik dari CT, MRI, ''transthoracic echocardiography'', ''extracranial carotid ultrasonography'', dan jika memungkinkan, ''cerebral angiography''.
Sistem TOAST membagi strok menjadi 5 subtipe yaitu,<ref>{{en}} {{cite web|url =|title = Classification of subtype of acute ischemic stroke. Definitions for use in a multicenter clinical trial. TOAST. Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment.|accessdate = 2011-08-01|work = Department of Neurology, University of Iowa; Adams HP Jr, Bendixen BH, Kappelle LJ, Biller J, Love BB, Gordon DL, Marsh EE 3rd.}}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{cite web|url =|title = Cerebrovascular risk factors and clinical classification of strokes|accessdate = 2011-08-21|work = Department of Internal Medicine and Cardioangiology, University of Palermo; Pinto A, Tuttolomondo A, Di Raimondo D, Fernandez P, Licata G.}}</ref> ''large artery'' [[aterosklerosis|''atherosclerosis'']] (LAAS), ''cardiaoembolic'' [[infark|''infarct'']] (CEI), ''small artery occlusion''/[[infark#infark lakunar|''lacunar infarct'']] (LAC), ''stroke of another determined cause/origin'' (ODE), dan ''stroke of an undetermined cause/origin'' (UDE).
===== Sistem CCS =====
Baris 57:
===== Sistem HCSR =====
Sistem HCSR ({{lang-en|Harvard Cooperative Stroke Registry}}) membuat klasifikasi menjadi subtipe strok yang disertai [[trombosis]] pada [[arteri]] atau dengan ''lacunar[[infark#infark infarction''lakunar|infark lakunar]], ''cerebral embolism'', ''intracerebral hematoma'', subarachnoid hemorrhage'' dari malformasi ''aneurysm'' atau ''arteriovenous''.<ref>{{en}} {{cite web|url =
|title = The Harvard Cooperative Stroke Registry: a prospective registry.|accessdate = 2011-08-01|work = Mohr JP, Caplan LR, Melski JW, Goldstein RJ, Duncan GW, Kistler JP, Pessin MS, Bleich HL.}}</ref>