Benjamin Sisko: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 15:
Kemudian, Sisko mendapat sebuah posisi di ''Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards'' di [[Mars]], mengurus pembuatan kapal-kapal baru, termasuk [[USS Defiant|USS ''Defiant'']], yang dibuat secara spesifik untuk menanggapi ancaman dari Borg.<ref> Episodes [[The Search (DS9 episode)|The Search]] parts I & II; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episodes 1 & 2 of Season 3</ref>
===Deep Space Nine===
In 2369, Sisko is assigned to the [[Bajor]]an sector to command [[Deep Space Nine (space station)|Deep Space Nine]] and to help Bajor's recovery from the recently-concluded [[Occupation of Bajor|Cardassian occupation]], shepherding them toward possible membership in the [[United Federation of Planets]]. Sisko and his son [[Jake Sisko|Jake]] reluctantly take up residence on the station. Recognizing that the then-decrepit station is not an "ideal environment" in which to raise a son, Sisko contemplates resigning his commission. Adding to Sisko's discomfort is the presence of [[Jean-Luc Picard]], who briefs him on his mission. Sisko continues to harbor deep resentment toward Picard for his role, however unwilling, in the death of his wife.
===Deep Space Nine===
InPada tahun 2369, Sisko isditugaskan assignedke to thesektor [[Bajor]]an sectoruntuk tomemimpin commandstasiun [[Deep Space Nine (spacestasiun stationluar angkasa)|Deep Space Nine]] anddan tountuk helpmembantu Bajor'sperbaikan recoveryBajor from the recently-concludeddari [[Occupation of Bajor|Cardassian occupation]] yang baru saja usai, shepherding them toward possible membership in the [[United Federation of Planets]]. Sisko and his son [[Jake Sisko|Jake]] reluctantly take up residence on the station. Recognizing that the then-decrepit station is not an "ideal environment" in which to raise a son, Sisko contemplates resigning his commission. Adding to Sisko's discomfort is the presence of [[Jean-Luc Picard]], who briefs him on his mission. Sisko continues to harbor deep resentment toward Picard for his role, however unwilling, in the death of his wife.
Upon Sisko's first visit to Bajor, the [[Bajoran Kai]], [[List of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine characters#Opaka Sulan|Opaka Sulan]], labels him "the Emissary of the Prophets" and gives him one of the [[Tears of the Prophets]], a mysterious glowing [[Bajoran#Religion|Orb]] that supposedly comes from Bajor's [[Prophet (Star Trek)|Prophets]]. By studying the orb and nearby stellar phenomenon, [[Jadzia Dax]] finds a location of unusual activity in the nearby Denorios Belt. Traveling there, Dax and Sisko discover the first known stable [[Bajoran wormhole|wormhole]]; the other end of which connects to the [[Gamma Quadrant]]. During their return trip through the wormhole, Sisko and Dax encounter the mysterious aliens living within it. The devoutly spiritual Bajorans believe the them to be their "Celestial Temple" and Prophets, respectively. These aliens exist outside linear time. Sisko's first contact with the aliens is awkward and difficult for both parties; but the encounter helps Sisko recognize that he has never allowed himself to move beyond the bitterness and grief of losing his wife, as well as his anger towards Picard. After leaving the [[wormhole]], Sisko embraces the opportunity to move forward and command DS9 and adopts a less hostile attitude towards Picard before his departure.