Ringkasan: Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone. Get the best performance out of a group of people through encouraging meaningful contribution, and modeling inspirational and supportive leadership.
=== Self Renewal ===
Kebiasaan terakhir berkaitan dengan peremajaan-diri:
The Last habit relates to self-rejuvenation:
* '''Habit 7: SharpenAsahlah the Sawgergaji'''
Synopsis: Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle.
== Mentalitas kelimpahan ==
==Abundance mentality==
Covey menciptakan ide "mentalitas kelimpahan" atau "pola pikir kelimpahan", sebuah konsep yang menyebutkan bahwa seseorang mempercayai terdapat cukup sumber daya dan kesuksesan untuk dibagikan dengan sesamanya. Dia membandingkanya dengan "pola pikir kelangkaan" (contohnya: kompetisi yang merusak dan tidak perlu), yang ditemukan pada ide bahwa, jika orang lain menang atau berada dalam situasi sukses, itu berarti Anda yang kalah; tidak mempertimbangkan kemungkinan adanya kemenangan bagi kedua belah pihak (dalam satu cara atau lainnya) pada situasi yang terjadi. Individu dengan mentalitas kelimpahan akan mampu ikut merayakan keberhasilan orang lain daripada merasa terancam olehnya.<ref>{{cite journal | url = http://www.sirim.my/techinfo/P3/Management/Sept-Oct04/sept-oct04_article19.pdf | format = pdf | last = English | first = L | title = The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Information Professionals, Part 7 | journal = DM Review | year = 2004 | pages = 60–61 | volume = September/October '04}}</ref>
Covey coined the idea of ''abundance mentality'' or ''abundance mindset'', a concept in which a person believes there are enough resources and success to share with others. He contrasts it with the ''scarcity mindset'' (i.e. destructive and unnecessary competition), which is founded on the idea that, if someone else wins or is successful in a situation, that means you lose; not considering the possibility of all parties winning (in some way or another) in a given situation. Individuals with an abundance mentality are able to celebrate the success of others rather than feel threatened by it.<ref>{{cite journal | url = http://www.sirim.my/techinfo/P3/Management/Sept-Oct04/sept-oct04_article19.pdf | format = pdf | last = English | first = L | title = The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Information Professionals, Part 7 | journal = DM Review | year = 2004 | pages = 60–61 | volume = September/October '04}}</ref>
ASetelah numberterbitnya ofbuku booksini, appearingsejumlah inbuku thelainnya [[business]]bermunculan pressmembahas sincetentang then{{When|date=Septemberide 2011}} have discussed the ideatersebut.<ref>See forCovey instanceberpendapat thebahwa chaptermentalitas inkelimpahan Carolynmuncul Simpson'sdari ''Highmemiliki Performanceharga throughdiri Negotiation''.</ref>yang Coveytinggi contendsdan that the abundance mentality arises from having a high [[Self-esteem|self-worth]] andrasa securityaman (seelihat Habitskebiasaan 1, 2, and 3), anddan leadsmemimpin tokepada thepembagian sharingkeuntungan, ofpengakuan profits,dan recognition andtanggung responsibilityjawab.<ref>{{cite book | last = Covey | first = S | authorlink = Stephen Covey | isbn = 1588321061 | title = The Power of Character | publisher = Unlimited Publishing | page = 103 | year = 2004 }}</ref> Organizations mayOrganisasi alsojuga applyperlu anmengaplikasikan abundancementalitas mentalitykelimpahan whenketika doingmelakukan businessbisnisnya.<ref>{{cite book |author=Krayer, Karl J.; Lee, William Thomas |title=Organizing change: an inclusive, systemic approach to maintain productivity and achieve results |publisher=Pfeiffer |location=San Diego |year=2003 |page = 238 |isbn=0787964433}}</ref>
==TheSpiral Upwardke Spiralatas==
Covey explainsmenjelaskan themodel "Upward Spiral" modelke inatas" thedalam sharpeningbagian themengasah sawgergaji. section.Melalui Throughhati ournurani consciencekita, alongbersama withdengan meaningfulkemajuan andyang consistentberarti progressdan konsisten, the spiral will resultakan inmenghasilkan growthpertumbuhan, changeperubahan, anddan constantperkembangan improvementyang konstan. InPada essence,dasarnya oneseseorang isselalu alwaysberusaha attemptingmengintegrasikan todan integratemenguasai andprinsip-prinsip masteryang thediuraikan principlesdalam outlined7 inkebiasaan Thepada 7tingkat Habitsyang atsemakin progressivelytinggi higherpada levelssetiap atiterasi. eachPerkembangan iteration.selanjutnya Subsequentpada developmentkebiasaan onapapun anyakan habitmembuat willpengalaman renderyang aberbeda differentdan experienceAnda andakan youmempelajari willprinsip-prinsip learntersebut thedengan principlespemahaman withyang alebih deeper understandingdalam. TheModel Upwardspiral Spiralke modelatas consiststerdiri ofdari threetiga partsbagian: learnbelajar, commitkomitmen, domelakukan. According toMenurut Covey, oneseseorang mustharus besemakin increasinglymeningkatkan educatingpembelajaran thehati consciencenuraninya inagar orderdapat totumbuh growdan andberkembang developpada onspiral theke upward spiralatas. TheIde ideapembaharuan ofdengan renewalpendidikan byakan educationmendorong willseseorang propelmenuju one along the path ofkebebasan personal freedom, securityrasa aman, wisdomkebijaksanaan,dan and powerkekuasaan.<ref>{{cite book |author=Covey, S. R. |title=Organizing change:Upward Spiral |publisher=Free Press |year=1989 |isbn=0743269519}}</ref>
==SequelsBuku lainnya==
[[File:7-habits-of-highly-effective-families1.jpg|right|thumb|180px|OneSalah of thesatu sequelslanjutan todari ''The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'' - ''The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families'']]
Covey telah menulis beberapa buku lain:
Covey has written a number of follow-up books:
*''[[First Things First (book)|First Things First]]''
*''Principle Centered Leadership''
*''Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families''
*''Beyond the Seven Habits''
*''Living the Seven Habits'', akumpulan collectioncerita-cerita ofdari storiesorang fromyang peoplemengaplikasikan whotujuh havekebiasaan applieddalam thekehidupan seven habits in their livesmereka
*''[[The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness]]'', alanjutan sequel todari ''The SevenTujuh HabitsKebiasaan'' publishedditerbitkan intahun 2004
*''The Leader in Me'', asebuah bookbuku onyang usingmenggunakan thetujuh sevenkebiasaan habitsuntuk foranak young childrenmuda, especiallykhususnya indi schoolssekolah, publishedditerbitkan intahun 2008.
Sean Covey (Anak lelaki Stephen's sonCovey) hastelah writtenmenulis abuku versionuntuk ofversi theremaja book for teens,yaitu ''[[The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens]]''. ThisBuku versionini simplifies themenyederhanakan 7 Habitskebiasaan foruntuk pembaca-pembaca yang youngerlebih readersmuda sosehingga theymereka candapat bettermemahami understandisinya themdengan lebih baik. InPada bulan September 2006, Sean Covey alsojuga menerbitkan buku published ''The 6 Most Important Decisions You Will Ever Make: A Guide for Teens.'' ThisBuku guidepanduan highlights key times in the life ofini amenyoroti teensaat-saat andpenting givesdalam advicekehidupan onremaja howdan tomemberikan dealpetunjuk withbagaimana themmenghadapinya.
StephenAnak Covey'slelaki eldesttertua sondari Stephen Covey, Stephen M. R. Covey, has writtentelah amenulis bookbuku titledberjudul ''The Speed of Trust''.