Gynoid: Perbedaan antara revisi

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StefanusRA (bicara | kontrib)
baru WP:M2011
StefanusRA (bicara | kontrib)
k edit WP:M2011
Baris 8:
Istilah gynoid telah dipakai oleh [[Gwyneth Jones (novelist)|Gwyneth Jones]] dalam novelnya tahun 1985 yang berjudul ''Divine Endurance'' untuk menggambarkan karakter budak robot di Cina masa depan, yang dinilai berdasarkan kecantikannya.<ref name=Tatsumi>{{cite book |title= Full Metal Apache: Transactions between Cyberpunk Japan and Avant-Pop America|last= Tatsumi |first= Takayuki |authorlink= |page=213, Notes |year= 2006|publisher= Duke University Press|location= Durham NC|isbn=0822337746}}</ref>
The tongue-in-cheek [[portmanteau]] '''fembotFembot''' ''(female robot)'' wasdigunakan useddalam in the [[Austin Powers (film series)|Austin Powers]] films,<ref name=popscibots/> ayang culturalberasal playdari on the fembots originating in theserial TV series ''[[The Bionic Woman]]''. '''Robotess''' ismerupakan the oldestistilah gender-specificspesifik term,tertua originatingpada intahun 1921, fromberasal thedari [[R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)|samesumber yang sourcesama]] asdengan [[robot]].
[[Image:Actroid-DER 01.jpg|thumb|right|AnSebuah [[Actroid]] atpada [[Expo 2005]] indi [[Prefektur Aichi|Aichi]]]]
The tongue-in-cheek [[portmanteau]] '''fembot''' (female robot) was used in the [[Austin Powers (film series)|Austin Powers]] films,<ref name=popscibots/> a cultural play on the fembots originating in the TV series ''[[The Bionic Woman]]''. '''Robotess''' is the oldest gender-specific term, originating in 1921 from the [[R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)|same source]] as [[robot]].
[[Image:Actroid-DER 01.jpg|thumb|right|An [[Actroid]] at [[Expo 2005]] in [[Prefektur Aichi|Aichi]]]]
TheReaksi reactionorang ofterhadap peoplerobot totampil robotssebagai thatperempuan appearedtelah femaledipelajari. toReaksi differentorang degreesterhadap hasrobot beentersebut studied.sebagian Thedisebabkan reactionkarena ofstereotip peoplegender. toPenelitian suchini robotstelah hasdigunakan beenuntuk attributedmenjelaskan in part toisyarat gender, stereotypes.yang Thismenjelaskan researchperilaku hasdan beenestetika usedmana toyang elucidatemendapatkan genderrespon cues,lebih clarifyingkuat whichyang behaviorsdiinduksi and aesthetics elicit a strongeroleh gender-induced response.<ref name=carpenter1>{{cite journal | last1 = Carpenter | first1 = J. | last2 = Davis | first2 = J. | last3 = Erwin-Stewart | first3 = N. | last4 = Lee | first4 = T. | last5 = Bransford | first5 = J. | last6 = Vye | first6 = N. | year = 2009 | title = Gender representation in humanoid robots for domestic use | journal = [[International Journal of Social Robotics]] | publisher = [[Springer Science+Business Media|Springer Netherlands]] | doi = 10.1007/s12369-009-0016-4 | month = March | page = 1 | volume = 1 | issue = 3}}</ref>
=== InDalam fictionfiksi ===
{{See also|ListDaftar oftokoh fictionalfiksi gynoidsrobot perempuan dan cyborg}}
ArtificialPerempuan womenbuatan havetelah beenmenjadi akiasan commonumum tropedalam infiksi fictiondan andmitolog mythologysejak sincetulisan-tulisan the[[Yunani writings of the ancient Greekskuno]]. ThisHal hasini continuedberlanjut withdengan modernfiksi fictionmoderen, particularlyterutama in thedalam genre of sciencefiksi fictionilmiah. InDalam sciencefiksi fictionilmiah, female-appearingrobot robotsyang areterlihat oftenseperti producedperembuan forsering usediproduksi asuntuk domesticdigunakan servantssebagai andpelayan sexuallokal, budak slavesseksual, asseperti seenterlihat in thedalam film ''[[Westworld]]'', novel [[Paul McAuley]]'s novel ''Fairyland'' (1995), anddan cerita pendek [[Lester del Rey]]'s short storyberjudul "[[Helen O'Loy]]" (1938),<ref name=technophob77>{{cite book |title= Technophobia!: Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology|last= Dinello|first= Daniel |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= 2005|publisher= University of Texas Press|page= 77|isbn=9780292709867}}</ref> and sometimes as warriors, killers, or laborers.
====MisogynyKebencian terhadap wanita====
ThePerlakuan treatmentterhadap ofgynoid gynoidsdalam infiksi fictiontelah hasterlihat beensebagai seenmetafora asuntuk akebencian metaphorterhadap for misogynywanita, as inseperti thedalam film ''[[Blade Runner]]'', inyang whichketiga allkarakter threewanita ofutamanya theadalah important female characters are gynoidsgynoid, twodua ofdiantaranya whommenggunakan useseksualitas theirmereka sexualityuntuk tomencoba attemptmemanipulasi toatau manipulatemembunuh ortokoh kill the protagonistprotagonis Rick Deckard, oftensering usingmenggunakan sexualisedcitra imageryseksual, suchseperti as whenketika Pris attemptsberusaha tountuk stranglemencekiknya himdiantara between her thighspahanya. Daniel Dinello writesmenulis thatbahwa thekekerasan violencedalam withmemperlakukan whichgynoid themewakili gynoids are treated representskebencian Deckard's hatredterhadap of womenperempuan. TheGynoid third gynoidketiga, Rachel, acts asbertidak asebagai submissiveperempuan femalepenurut, evenbahkan aftersetelah Deckard "virtuallyhampir rapes her"memperkosanya.<ref name=technophob77/> Thomas Foster writesmenulis, about thetentang novel ''[[Dead Girls]]'' bykarya [[Richard Calder (writer)|Richard Calder]], thatbahwa thetubuh technologicalteknologi bodiesgynoid ofmenggambarkan gynoidsseksisme depictdalam sexismkontek inyang antidak unnatural contextalami, highlightingmenyoroti itsefek negative impactnegatifnya. They alsoMereka showjuga thatmenunjukkan stereotypesbahwa andstereotip societaldan attitudessikap willsosial nottidak necessarilyakan beselalu alteredberubah throughmelalui technologicalkemajuan progressteknologi.<ref>{{cite book |title= The souls of cyberfolk: posthumanism as vernacular theory|last= Foster|first= Thomas |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= 2005|publisher= U of Minnesota Press|location= |isbn=9780816634064}}</ref>
Japanese [[animeAnime]] anddan [[manga]] bothJepang havekeduanya amemiliki longtradisi traditionpanjang oftentang femalekarakter robot charactersperempuan. The artistArtis [[Hajime Sorayama]] issangat particularly influentialberpengaruh, withdengan hisgambaran "sexyrobot robotseksi" imagesnya, foundditemukan indalam his collectionkoleksinya ''The Gynoids'' (1993).<ref>{{cite book |title= The Gynoids|last= Sorayama|first= Hajime |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= 1993|publisher= Treville|location= |isbn=9784845707829}}</ref> ThesePotongan-potongan piecesini depictterutama primarilymenggambarkan femalesperempuan withdengan metallickulit skinmetalik, anddan havetelah beendianggap regardedsebagai askomentar comments onpada gender anddan sexualkonvensi conventionsseksual, anddan raceras, bydengan highlighting themenggarisbawahi "whitenessputihnya" of the traditionalgadis pin-up girltradisional.<ref>{{cite book |title= The souls of cyberfolk: posthumanism as vernacular theory|last= Foster|first=Thomas |year= 2005|publisher= U of Minnesota Press |isbn=9780816634064 | page = 107 | quote = 'that metallic feeling' seems to heighten and make visible a form of whiteness that in a pin-up girl would seem unremarkable or banal (that is, to the extent that Soyorama's gynoids can be said to embody racial meanings at all, it is through this displacement of "white" skin)}}</ref> TheGambaran sexualisedseksualitasgynoid imagesjuga oftelah gynoidsdiinterpretasikan havesebagai alsofetishisasi beendari interpretedtubuh as fetishisation of the female bodyperempuan, racialperbedaan differencesras, anddan technologyteknologi.<ref>{{cite book |title= The souls of cyberfolk: posthumanism as vernacular theory|last= Foster|first=Thomas |year= 2005|publisher= U of Minnesota Press |isbn=9780816634064 | page = 107}}</ref>
====Kebebasan perempuan====
Gynoid juga telah digunakan sebagai [[metafora]] dalam wacana [[feminis]], sebagai bagian dari feminisme cyborg, mewakili kekuatan fisik perempuan dan kebebasan dari ekspektasi untuk reproduksi.
Gynoids have also been used as a [[metaphor]] in [[feminist]] discourse, as part of [[cyborg feminism]], representing female physical strength and freedom from the expectation to reproduce.
===TheWanita perfect womansempurna===
[[Image:Falconet - Pygmalion & Galatee (1763)-black bg.jpg|thumb|upright|[[Étienne Maurice Falconet]]: ''Pygmalion et Galatée'' (1763). Although not robotic, [[Galatea (mythology)|Galatea]]'s inorganic origin has led to comparisons with gynoids]]
A long tradition exists in fiction, of men attempting to create the stereotypical ideal woman, and fictional gynoids have been seen as an extension of this theme.<ref name=melzer202>{{cite book | first = Patricia | last = Melzer | title = Alien Constructions: Science Fiction and Feminist Thought | publisher = [[University of Texas Press]] | year = 2006 | isbn = 9780292713079 | page = 202}}</ref> Examples include [[Hephaestus]] in the [[Iliad]] who created female servants of metal and [[Ilmarinen]] in the [[Kalevala]] who created an artificial wife. Probably most famous, however, is [[Pygmalion (mythology)|Pygmalion]], one of the earliest conceptualizations of constructions similar to gynoids in literary history, from [[Ovid]]'s account of Pygmalion.<ref name=melzer202/> In this myth a female statue is sculpted that is so beautiful that the creator falls in love with it, and after praying to [[Venus (mythology)|Venus]], the goddess takes pity on him and converts the statue into a real woman with whom Pygmalion has children.